- Index
- (001) Abba Father Let Me Be (abba father let me be abba father let me be yours and yours alone may my will forever be ever more your own {or} [yours and yours alone] never let my heart grow cold never let me go abba father let me be yours and yours alone © 1997 dave bilbrough kingsway's thankyou music )
- (002) Abide With Me (abide with me abide with me; fast falls the eventide; the darkness deepens; lord with me abide; when other helpers fail and comforts flee help of the helpless oh abide with me swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day; earth’s joys grow dim its glories pass away; change and decay in all around i see o thou who changest not abide with me i need thy presence every passing hour; what but thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r? who like thyself my guide and stay can be? through cloud and sunshine lord abide with me i fear no foe with thee at hand to bless; ills have no weight and tears no bitterness; where is death’s sting? where grave thy victory? i triumph still if thou abide with me hold thou thy cross before my closing eyes; shine through the gloom and point me to the skies; heav’n’s morning breaks and earth’s vain shadows flee; in life in death o lord abide with me henry f lyte 1847 scripture: luke 24:29 )
- (003) Above All (above all above all powers above all kings above all nature and all created things above all wisdom and all the ways of man you were here before the world began above all kingdoms above all thrones above all wonders the world has ever known above all wealth and treasures of the earth there's no way to measure what you're worth chorus: crucified laid behind the stone you lived to die rejected and alone like a rose trampled on the ground you took the fall and thought of me above all above all powers… above all kingdoms… crucified… crucified… like a rose trampled on the ground you took the fall and thought of me above all words and music by lenny leblanc and paul baloche 1995 integrity’s hosanna! music ascap lensongs publishing ascap later sung by michael w smith)
- (004) Across The Bridge (across the bridge i had lived a life of sin in this world i'm living in i had done forbidden things i shouldn't do i asked a beggar along the way if he could tell me where to stay where i could find real happiness and love that's true chorus: across the bridge there's no more sorrow across the bridge there's no more pain the sun will shine across the river and you'll never be unhappy again follow the footsteps of the king 'till you hear the voices ring they'll be singing out the glory of the land the river jordan will be near the sound of trumpets you will hear and you'll behold the most precious place ever known to man chorus… x 3 singer: jim reeves songwriters: scott walter )
- (005) Adore (adore from the moment you opened up my eyes i have seen the world in a different light from the dawn to the setting sun i am overwhelmed by all that you have done haa chorus: adore adore adore jesus i adore you hoouu adore adore adore adore jesus i adore you and i lay my life before you oh lord there's a union of two becoming one deep inside my heart i know that i belong you have given everything to me the least that i can do is give it back to you hoouu and all i am and ever will be is for you lord and everything within me cries chorus adore adore adore jesus i adore you hoouu yes i adooooore you and i lay my life before you adore adore adore adore adore jesus i adore you and i lay my life before you i long to love and adore you if i lay my life before you o lord i'll adore you jaci velasquez words and music by chris eaton and brent bourgeois)
- (006) Age To Age (His Glory Appears) (age to age his glory appears you gave me hope you made me whole at the cross you took my place you showed me grace at the cross where you died for me chorus: and his glory appears like the light from the sun age to age he shines look to the skies hear the angels cry saying holy is the lord hillsong united )
- (007) Agnus Dei, Hallelujah, For Our Lord God Almighty (hallelujah for our lord god almighty agnus dei hallelujah hallelujah for our lord god almighty reign hallelujah hallelujah for our lord god almighty reign hallelujah holy holy are you lord god almighty worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb you are holy holy are you lord god almighty worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb amen hallelujah hallelujah for our lord god almighty reign hallelujah hallelujah for our lord god almighty reign hallelujah holy holy are you lord god almighty worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb you are holy holy are you lord god almighty worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb you are holy holy are you lord god almighty worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb you are holy holy are you lord god almighty worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb amen 1990 michael w smith)
- (008) Agnus Dei, O Come Let Us Adore Him (agnus dei o come let us adore him [agnus dei] alleluia alleluia for the lord god almighty reigns alleluia alleluia for the lord god almighty reigns alleluia holy holy are you lord god almighty worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb you are holy holy are you lord god almighty worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb amen alleluia alleluia [o come let us adore him] o come let us adore him o come let us adore him o come let us adore him christ the lord for he alone is worthy for he alone is worthy for he alone is worthy christ the lord worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb you are holy holy are you lord god almighty worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb yes lord so worthy so worthy don moen 2012 christmas: a season of hope )
- (009) Ah, Lord God, Nothing Is Too Difficult (ah lord god nothing is too difficult ah lord god thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thy great power ah lord god thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thine out stretched arm nothing is too difficult for thee great and mighty god great in counsel and mighty in deed nothing nothing absolutely nothing nothing is too difficult for thee )
- (010) Alive, Alive, Alive For Ever More (alive alive alive for ever more alive alive alive for ever more my jesus is alive alive forever more alive alive alive forever more my jesus is alive singe hallelujah sing hallelujah my jesus is alive forever more singe hallelujah sing hallelujah my jesus is alive )
- (011) All Glory And All Honor (all glory and all honor when i think of all he's done and i think of his great love christ died for me upon the tree with his blood he paint the prize get his life as sacrifice to rescue me to set me free all glory and all honor i will give to you along forever about the truth all glory and all honor to the king and to the lord who reigns forever more there's no other name that's worth i'm pray christ the lamb for sin and sourvey through his death we've been the start and he lives forever more jesus christ the reigns and lord all glory and all honor i will give to you along forever about the truth all glory and all honor to the king and to the lord who reigns forever more crucified don moen 2001 god in us )
- (012) All Heaven Declares (all heaven declares all heaven declares the glory of the risen lord who can compare with the beauty of the lord? forever he will be the lamb upon the throne i gladly bow the knee and worship him alone i will proclaim the glory of the risen lord who once was slain to reconcile man to god forever you will be the lamb upon the throne i gladly bow the knee and worship you alone noel and tricia richards copyright © 1987 thankyou music )
- (013) All Over The World The Spirit Is Moving (all over the world the spirit is moving all over the world the spirit is moving all over the world as the prophet said it would be; all over the world there's a mighty revelation of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea all over his church god's spirit is moving all over his church as the prophet said it would be; all over his church there's a mighty revelation of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea right here in this place the spirit is moving right here in this place as the prophet said it would be; right here in this place there's a mighty revelation of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea roy turner 1984 )
- (014) All The Heavens Shout Your Praise (all the heavens shout your praise holy holy are you lord the whole earth is filled with your glory let the nations rise to give honor and praise to your name let your face shine on us and the world will know you live chorus: all the heavens shout your praise beautiful is our god the universe will sing hallelujah to you our king hillsong united album: blessed 2002 )
- (015) All The Way To Calvary (all the way to calvary all the way to calvary he went for me jesus went for me all the way to calvary he went for me and died to set me free )
- (016) All Things Are Possible (all things are possible almighty god my redeemer my hiding place my safe refuge no other name like jesus no power can stand against you my feet are planted on this rock and i will not be shaken my hope it comes from you alone my lord and my salvation your praise is always on my lips your word is living in my heart and i will praise you with a new song my soul will bless you lord you fill my life with greater joy as i delight myself in you and i will praise you with a new song my soul will bless you lord almighty god my redeemer my feet are planted your praise is when i am weak you make me strong when i'm poor i know i'm rich for in the power of your name all things are possible all things are possible all things are possible all things are possible! your praise is when i am weak all things are possible all things are possible all things are possible all things are possible! album: all things are possible: live worship from hillsongs australia 1997 shout to the lord 2000 1999 )
- (017) All Who Are Thirsty (all who are thirsty all who are thirsty all who are weak just come to the fountain dip your heart in the stream of life let the pain and the sorrow be washed away in the waves of his mercy as deep cries out to deep we sing come lord jesus come come lord jesus come come lord jesus come come lord jesus come all who are thirsty all who are weak come to the fountain dip your heart in the stream of life let the pain and the sorrow be washed away in the waves of his mercy as deep cries out to deep we sing holy spirit come holy spirit come holy spirit come holy spirit come come and breathe on us again come and breathe on us again come and visit us again come and visit us again as deep cries out to deep as deep cries out to deep as deep cries out to deep we sing come lord jesus come come lord jesus come come lord jesus come come lord jesus come come and breathe on us again come and breathe on us again come and breathe on us again come and breathe on us again)
- (018) Amazing Grace (amazing grace amazing grace! how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! i once was lost but now am found was blind but now i see 'twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved how precious did that grace appear the hour i first believed through many dangers toils and snares i have already come 'twas grace that brought us safe thus far and grace will lead me home the lord has promised good to me his word my hope secures he will my shield and portion be as long as life endures when we've been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun we've no less days to sing god's praise than when we'd first begun amazing grace! how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! i once was lost but now am found was blind but now i see words by john newton 1779)
- (019) Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone (amazing grace my chains are gone amazing grace! how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! i once was lost but now am found was blind but now i see 'twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved how precious did that grace appear the hour i first believed chorus: my chains are gone i've been set free my god my savior has ransomed me and like a flood his mercy reigns unending love amazing grace the lord has promised good to me his word my hope secures he will my shield and portion be as long as life endures my chains are gone x 2 the earth shall soon dissolve like snow the sun forbear to shine but god who called me here below will be forever mine will be forever mine you are forever mine chris tomlin )
- (020) Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone (BYU Noteworthy) (amazing grace my chains are gone byu noteworthy amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me i once was lost but now i'm found was blind but now i see through countless dangers doubts and fears i have already come gods grace has brought me safely here and grace will lead me home my chains are gone i've been set free my god my savior has ransomed me and like a flood his mercy reigns unending love amazing grace his guiding hand shall be my stay his strength with me abide and though i stumble day by day he shall not leave my side my chains are gone i've been set free my god my savior has ransomed me and like a flood his mercy reigns unending love amazing grace this earth will one day melt like snow the sun refuse to shine yet god who sent me here below will be forever mine you'll be forever mine )
- (021) Amazing Love (I'm So Amazed) (amazing love i'm so amazed at how you take my life and love me more more than i deserve i'm blown away by your power to change this life once more i'm planted in you who would know that i was once on a road so far away from you all i know is that i live my life to show the world your amazing love your amazing love your love is so pure your love so divine your love transforms my soul my mind your love has the power to bring new hope amazing love amazing love i'm so amazed at the wonder of all creation i will live to honor you my lord you are the gold treasure of all life i will rest in you in praise eternally who would know that i was once on a road so far away from you all i know is that i live my life to show the world your amazing love your amazing love your love is so pure your love so divine your love transforms my soul my mind your love has the power to bring new hope amazing love amazing love amazing love your love is amazing love i'm so amazed lyrics by hillsong united )
- (022) Ancient Of Days, As Old As You Are (ancient of days as old as you are glory and honor blessings and power belongs to you the earth and every thing the world and it's people belongs to you! chorus: ancient of days as old as you are as strong as you are you will never change ancient of days as old as you are as strong as you are you remain the same emmanuel king )
- (023) Ancient Of Days (Blessing And Honour) (ancient of days blessing and honour blessing and honour glory and power be unto the ancient of days from every nation all of creation bow before the ancient of days chorus: every tongue in heaven and earth shall declare your glory every knee shall bow at your throne in worship you will be exalted oh god and your kingdom shall not pass away oh ancient of days bridge: your kingdom shall reign over all the earth sing to the ancient of days for none can compare to your matchless worth sing to the ancient of days bridge and chorus again songwriters: gary edward sadler;jamie harvill )
- (024) And Can It Be That I Should Gain (and can it be that i should gain and can it be that i should gain an interest in the savior’s blood? died he for me who caused his pain for me who him to death pursued? amazing love! how can it be that thou my god shouldst die for me? amazing love! how can it be that thou my god shouldst die for me? ’tis mystery all: th’immortal dies: who can explore his strange design? in vain the firstborn seraph tries to sound the depths of love divine ’tis mercy all! let earth adore let angel minds inquire no more ’tis mercy all! let earth adore; let angel minds inquire no more he left his father’s throne above so free so infinite his grace emptied himself of all but love and bled for adam’s helpless race: ’tis mercy all immense and free for o my god it found out me! ’tis mercy all immense and free for o my god it found out me! long my imprisoned spirit lay fast bound in sin and nature’s night; thine eye diffused a quickening ray i woke the dungeon flamed with light; my chains fell off my heart was free i rose went forth and followed thee my chains fell off my heart was free i rose went forth and followed thee still the small inward voice i hear that whispers all my sins forgiven; still the atoning blood is near that quenched the wrath of hostile heaven i feel the life his wounds impart; i feel the savior in my heart i feel the life his wounds impart; i feel the savior in my heart no condemnation now i dread; jesus and all in him is mine; alive in him my living head and clothed in righteousness divine bold i approach th’eternal throne and claim the crown through christ my own bold i approach th’eternal throne and claim the crown through christ my own words: charles wesley 1738 )
- (025) And This Will Be My Story (and this will be my story verse 1 god will always be my strength nothing less than christ my saviour god will always be my hope nothing more than christ alone chorus: and this will be my story and this will be my song my chains are broken i am free and this will be my story and this will be my song i’ll praise you my saviour jesus verse 2 take my life but give me jesus to know you god is why i live take the world but give me jesus for all my days i’ll follow you bridge we lift your name up we lift your name you are higher there’s no one like you jesus words and music by: reuben morgan & jarrad rogers hillsong worship 2014 )
- (026) Angels We Have Heard On High (angels we have heard on high angels we have heard on high sweetly singing o’er the plains and the mountains in reply echoing their joyous strains refrain: gloria in excelsis deo! gloria in excelsis deo! shepherds why this jubilee? why your joyous strains prolong? what the gladsome tidings be which inspire your heav’nly song? chorus… come to bethlehem and see christ whose birth the angels sing; come adore on bended knee christ the lord the newborn king chorus… see him in a manger laid jesus lord of heaven and earth; mary joseph lend your aid with us sing our savior's birth last verse version 2 see him in a manger laid whom the choirs of angels praise; mary joseph lend your aid while our hearts in love we raise chorus… english version: james chadwick 1862 "gloria in excelsis deo" latin for "glory to god in the highest" )
- (027) Are You Washed In The Blood (are you washed in the blood have you been to jesus for the cleansing pow’r? are you washed in the blood of the lamb? are you fully trusting in his grace this hour? are you washed in the blood of the lamb? chorus: are you washed in the blood in the soulcleansing blood of the lamb? are your garments spotless? are they white as snow? are you washed in the blood of the lamb? are you walking daily by the savior’s side? are you washed in the blood of the lamb? do you rest each moment in the crucified? are you washed in the blood of the lamb? when the bridegroom cometh will your robes be white? are you washed in the blood of the lamb? will your soul be ready for the mansions bright and be washed in the blood of the lamb? lay aside the garments that are stained with sin and be washed in the blood of the lamb; there’s a fountain flowing for the soul unclean oh be washed in the blood of the lamb! elisha a hoffman 1878 )
- (028) As It Is (In Heaven) (as it is in heaven whether now or then death is not my end i know heaven waits for me though the road seems long i’ll never walk alone i’ve got all i need to sing i know you love me i know you found me i know you saved me and your grace will never fail me and while i’m waiting i’m not waiting i know heaven lives in me should i suffer long this is not my home i know heaven waits for me though the night is dark heaven owns my heart i’ve got all i need to sing so i will sing like i will there in the fearless light of glory where the darkness cannot find me and your face is all i see i will sing like a man with no sickness in my body like no prison walls can hold me i will sing like i am free i’ll sing holy holy my heart cries holy as it is in heaven it is in me we’ll sing holy holy the earth cries holy as it is in heaven so let it be words and music by: joel houston & ben fielding hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live )
- (029) As The Deer Panteth For The Water (as the deer as the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after thee you alone are my heart's desire and i long to worship thee chorus: you alone are my strength my shield to you alone may my spirit yield you alone are my heart's desire and i long to worship thee you're my friend and you are my brother even though you are a king i love you more than any other so much more than anything chorus… i want you more than gold or silver only you can satisfy you alone are the real joy giver and the apple of my eye chorus… )
- (030) As We Worship You (as we worship you as we worship you let all the world come and see how the mercy we received from you can set them free as we worship you let all this joy that fills our hearts bring a hunger and a hope to those who strayed so far chorus: as we bow in adoration and stand in reverent awe show your majesty and glory let your anointing fall as we declare your name lord jesus as the only name who saves may the power of your salvation fill each heart we pray as we worship you let all the nations hear our song song of jesus and his blood that proved his love for all as we worship you may all the lost and broken come may they hear your still small voice call out their names each one as we bow in adoration… as we worship you let all the world come and see how the mercy we received from you can set them free as we worship you let all this joy that fills our hearts bring a hunger and a hope to those who strayed so far as we bow in adoration and stand in reverent awe show your majesty and glory let your anointing fall as we declare your name lord jesus as the only name who saves may the power of your salvation fill each heart we pray as we worship you as we worship you as we worship you as we worship you as we worship you don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (031) At The Cross, At The Cross Where I First Saw The Light (at the cross at the cross where i first saw the light alas and did my savior bleed? and did my sovereign die? would he devote that sacred head for such a worm as i? refrain: at the cross at the cross where i first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith i received my sight and now i am happy all the day! was it for crimes that i had done he groaned upon the tree? amazing pity! grace unknown! and love beyond degree! refrain… well might the sun in darkness hide and shut his glories in when christ the mighty maker died for man the creature’s sin refrain… but drops of grief can ne’er repay the debt of love i owe: here lord i give my self away ’tis all that i can do refrain… words by isaac watts music by charles h gabriel 1905 )
- (032) At The Cross I Bow My Knee (at the cross oh lord you've searched me you know my way; even when i fail you i know you love me your holy presence surrounding me in every season i know you love me; i know you love me chorus: at the cross i bow my knee where your blood was shed for me there's no greater love than this you have overcome the grave your glory fills the highest place what can separate me now? verse 2: you go before me you shield my way your hand upholds me; i know you love me at the cross bridge: you tore the veil you made a way when you said that it is done and when the earth fades falls from my eyes and you stand before me i know you love me; i know you love me at the cross © by hillsong united)
- (033) At Your Name (Yahweh, Yahweh) (at your name yahweh yahweh at your name the mountains shake and crumble at your name the oceans roar and tumble at your name angels will bow the earth will rejoice your people cry out chorus: lord of all the earth we shout your name shout your name filling up the skies with endless praise endless praise yahweh yahweh we love to shout your name oh lord at your name the morning breaks in glory at your name creation sings your story at your name angels will bow the earth will rejoice your people cry out chorus… there is no one like our god we will praise you praise you there's no one like our god we will sing we will sing x2 there is no one like our god we will praise you praise you jesus you are god we will say chorus… song by: phil wickham )
- (034) Awake My Soul (A 1000 Tongues) (awake my soul a 1000 tongues verse 1 o' for a thousand tongues to sing my great redeemer's praise the glories of my god and king the triumphs of his grace verse 2 a thousand songs are not enough to say how great you are the glories of your majesty the triumphs of your love chorus: awake my soul to sing the glories of my god and king arise and praise the one worthy of the songs of a thousand tongues verse 3 you break the power of all our sin you set the captives free you make the broken heart rejoice new life the dead receive chorus… you're worthy of the songs of a thousand tongues bridge forever you are forever you are worthy forever you are forever you are worthy forever you are forever you are worthy forever you are forever you are worthy verse 2 again a thousand songs are not enough to say how great you are the glories of your majesty the triumphs of your love chorus… chorus… you're worthy of the songs of a thousand tongues you're worthy of the songs of a thousand tongues o worthy you're worthy by laura story )
- (035) Away In A Manger, No Crib For A Bed (away in a manger no crib for a bed away in a manger no crib for a bed the little lord jesus laid down his sweet head; the stars in the sky looked down where he lay the little lord jesus asleep on the hay the cattle are lowing the baby awakes but little lord jesus no crying he makes; i love thee lord jesus look down from the sky and stay by my cradle till morning is nigh be near me lord jesus i ask thee to stay close by me forever and love me i pray; bless all the dear children in thy tender care and fit us for heaven to live with thee there james r murray 1887 )
- (036) Be Lifted High, You'll Be Lifted High (be lifted high sin and its ways grow old all of my heart turns to stone and i'm left with no strength to arise i need to be lifted high sin and its ways lead to pain left here with hurt and with shame so no longer will i leave your side jesus you'll be lifted high you'll be lifted high you'll be lifted high you'll be lifted high in my life oh god and i fall to my knees so it's you that they see not i jesus you'll be lifted high and even now that i'm inside your house help me not to grow prideful again don't let me forsake sacrifice jesus you'll be lifted high and if i'm blessed with the riches of kings how could i ever feel that it was me for you brought me from darkness to light jesus you'll be lifted high you'll be lifted high… oh jesus you'll be lifted high oh you'll be lifted high oh you'll be lifted high in my life oh god and i fall to my knees so it's you that they see not i jesus you'll be lifted high © michael w smith )
- (037) Be Lifted Up, In Majesty, Authority (be lifted up in majesty authority let the brokenhearted sing and the captives say "i'm free" in the praise we bring oh god be lifted up be lifted up let the widow find new joy and the weary man rejoice in the praise we bring oh god be lifted up be lifted up chorus: in majesty authority in power god you reign in everything over all that is you are greater you are greater let the song of every saint join the heavens in high praise as we worship you oh god be lifted up be lifted up chorus x 2 let your glory fill the earth let your glory fill the earth let your glory fill the earth let the power of your word see the crippled man arise and the lost become your bride 2x chorus don moen 2008 i believe there is more )
- (038) Be Thou My Vision, O Lord Of My Heart 1 (be thou my vision o lord of my heart 1 be thou my vision o lord of my heart; naught be all else to me save that thou art thou my best thought by day or by night waking or sleeping thy presence my light be thou my wisdom and thou my true word; i ever with thee and thou with me lord; thou my great father i thy true son; thou in me dwelling and i with thee one be thou my battle shield sword for the fight; be thou my dignity thou my delight; thou my soul’s shelter thou my high tower: raise thou me heavenward o power of my power riches i heed not nor man’s empty praise thou mine inheritance now and always: thou and thou only first in my heart high king of heaven my treasure thou art high king of heaven my victory won may i reach heaven’s joys o bright heaven’s sun! heart of my own heart whate'er befall still be my vision o ruler of all words: saint dallán forgaill ca 530598 english translation mary e byrne 1905 versified eleanor h hull 1912 )
- (039) Be Thou My Vision, O Lord Of My Heart 2 (be thou my vision o lord of my heart 2 be thou my vision o lord of my heart; naught be all else to me save that thou art thou my best thought by day or by night waking or sleeping thy presence my light be thou my wisdom and thou my true word; i ever with thee and thou with me lord; thou my great father i thy true son; thou in me dwelling and i with thee one be thou my battle shield sword for the fight; be thou my dignity thou my delight; thou my soul’s shelter thou my high tower: raise thou me heavenward o power of my power riches i heed not nor man’s empty praise thou mine inheritance now and always: thou and thou only first in my heart high king of heaven my treasure thou art high king of heaven when battle is done grant heaven's joy to me bright heaven’s sun! christ of my own heart whate'er befall still be my vision though ruler of all words: saint dallán forgaill ca 530598 english translation mary e byrne 1905 versified eleanor h hull 1912 )
- (040) Be Thou My Vision, O Lord Of My Heart 3 (be thou my vision o lord of my heart 3 be thou my vision o lord of my heart be all else but naught to me save that thou art; be thou my best thought in the day and the night both waking and sleeping thy presence my light be thou my wisdom be thou my true word be thou ever with me and i with thee lord; be thou my great father and i thy true son; be thou in me dwelling and i with thee one be thou my breastplate my sword for the fight; be thou my whole armour be thou my true might; be thou my soul's shelter be thou my strong tower: o raise thou me heavenward great power of my power riches i need not nor man's empty praise: be thou mine inheritance now and always; be thou and thou only the first in my heart: o sovereign of heaven my treasure thou art high king of heaven thou heaven's bright sun o grant me its joys after victory is won; great heart of my own heart whatever befall still be thou my vision o ruler of all words: saint dallán forgaill ca 530598 english translation mary e byrne 1905 versified eleanor h hull 1912 )
- (041) Beautiful One I Love You (beautiful one i love you wonderful so wonderful is your unfailing love your cross has spoken mercy over me no eye has seen no ear has heard no heart could fully know how glorious how beautiful you are! chorus: beautiful one i love you beautiful one i adore beautiful one my soul must sing powerful so powerful your glory fills the skies your mighty works displayed for all to see the beauty of your majesty awakes my heart to sing how marvelous how wonderful you are chorus… x 2 you opened my eyes to your wonders anew you captured my heart with this love because nothing on earth is as beautiful as you x 2 chorus… my soul my soul must sing my soul my soul must sing my soul my soul must sing beautiful one x 2 tim hughes thankyou music scripture references: 1 corinthians 2:9)
- (042) Beautiful Savior, Wonderful Counselor (beautiful savior wonderful counselor all my days i will sing this song of gladness give my praise to the fountain of delights; for in my helplessness you heard my cry and waves of mercy poured down on my life i will trust in the cross of my redeemer i will sing of the blood that never fails; of sins forgiven of conscience cleansed of death defeated and life without end chorus: beautiful savior wonderful counselor clothed in majesty lord of history you're the way the truth the life star of the morning glorious in holiness you're the risen one heaven's champion and you reign you reign over all i will trust in the cross of my redeemer i will sing of the blood that never fails; of sins forgiven of conscience cleansed of death defeated and life without end chorus… i long to be where the praise is neverending yearn to dwell where the glory never fades; i long to be where the praise is neverending yearn to dwell where the glory never fades; where countless worshipers will share one song and cries of worthy will honor the lamb! chorus… written by: stuart townend )
- (043) Because He Lives (because he lives god sent his son they called him jesus; he came to love heal and forgive; he lived and died to buy my pardon an empty grave is there to prove my savior lives! chorus: because he lives i can face tomorrow because he lives all fear is gone; because i know he holds the future and life is worth the living just because he lives! how sweet to hold a newborn baby and feel the pride and joy he gives; but greater still the calm assurance: this child can face uncertain days because he lives! chorus… and then one day i'll cross the river i'll fight life's final war with pain; and then as death gives way to vict'ry i'll see the lights of glory and i'll know he lives! chorus… and life is worth the living just because he lives! gloria gaither william j gaither 1971 )
- (044) Before The Throne Of God Above (before the throne of god above before the throne of god above i have a strong and perfect plea a great high priest whose name is love who ever lives and pleads for me my name is graven on his hands my name is written on his heart i know that while in heaven he stands no tongue can bid me thence depart no tongue can bid me thence depart when satan tempts me to despair and tells me of the guilt within upward i look and see him there who made an end of all my sin because the sinless savior died my sinful soul is counted free for god the just is satisfied to look on him and pardon me to look on him and pardon me behold him there the risen lamb my perfect spotless righteousness the great unchangeable i am the king of glory and of grace one with himself i cannot die my soul is purchased by his blood my life is hid with christ on high with christ my savior and my god! with christ my savior and my god! one with himself i cannot die my soul is purchased by his blood my life is hid with christ on high with christ my savior and my god! with christ my savior and my god! original words by charitie lees bancroft 18411892 alternate words and music by vikki cook )
- (045) Behold (Then Sings My Soul) (behold then sings my soul behold the father’s heart the mystery he lavishes on us as deep cries out to deep oh how desperately he wants us the things of earth stand next to him like a candle to the sun unfailing father what compares to his great love behold his holy son the lion and the lamb given to us the word became a man that my soul should know its saviour forsaken for the sake of all mankind salvation is in his blood jesus messiah the righteous died for love it wasn’t over for he is the risen one then sings my soul then sings my soul how great your love is how great your love is behold i have a friend the spirit breathing holy fire within my ever present help speaking truth when i can’t find it light up this broken heart and light my way until my time on earth is done oh holy spirit breathe in me like kingdom come oh holy spirit let your work in me be done then sings my soul my god he who was and is to come prepare the way until the work on earth is done watch as the clouds he rides swing low lift up the sound as he makes our praise his throne behold the lord our god will lead us home words and music by: joel houston hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live )
- (046) Better Is One Day In Your Courts (better is one day in your courts how lovely is your dwelling place oh lord almighty for my soul longs and even faints for you for here my heart is satisfied within your presence i sing beneath the shadow of your wings chorus: better is one day in your courts better is one day in your house better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere x 2 one thing i ask and i would seek to see your beauty to find you in the place your glory dwells one thing i ask and i would seek to see your beauty to find you in the place your glory dwells chorus… my heart and flesh cry out to you the living god your spirit's water to my soul i've tasted and i've seen come once again to me i will draw near to you i will draw near to you chorus… a simple worship song created by chris tomlin and sung by matt redman )
- (047) Bigger Than Any Mountain (bigger than any mountain chorus: bigger than all my problems bigger than all my fears god is bigger than any mountain that i can or cannot see bigger than all my questions bigger than anything god is bigger than any mountain that i can or cannot see bigger than all the shadows that fall across my path god is bigger than any mountain that i can or cannot see bigger than all the confusion bigger than anything god is bigger than any mountain that i can or cannot see bigger than all my problems bigger than all the giants fear and unbelief god is bigger than any mountain i can or cannot see bigger than all my hangups bigger than anything god is bigger than any mountain that i can or cannot see bigger than all my problems by gordon jensen copyright: 1976 jensen music year: 1976 )
- (048) Bind Us Together, Lord (bind us together lord chorus: bind us together lord bind us together with cords that cannot be broken bind us together lord bind us together bind us together with love there is only one god there is only one king; there is only one body that is why we sing: chorus… made for the glory of god purchased by his precious son; born with the right to be clean for jesus the victory has won chorus… you are the family of god you are the promise divine; you are god’s chosen desire you are the glorious new wine chorus… writers: bob gillman scripture references: ephesians 4:36 )
- (049) Bless The Lord Oh My Soul (bless the lord oh my soul chorus: bless the lord oh my soul oh my soul worship his holy name sing like never before oh my soul i'll worship your holy name the sun comes up it's a new day dawning it's time to sing your song again whatever may pass and whatever lies before me let me be singing when the evening comes chorus… you're rich in love and you're slow to anger your name is great and your heart is kind for all your goodness i will keep on singing ten thousand reasons for my heart to find chorus… bless you lord and on that day when my strength is failing the end draws near and my time has come still my soul will sing your praise unending ten thousand years and then forevermore forevermore chorus… chorus… i'll worship your holy name jesus i will worship your holy name sing like never before oh my soul i'll worship your holy name original singer: matt redman songwriters: jonas myrin matt redman © 2012 manufactured by: emi christian music group )
- (050) Blessed, Hear Our Prayer (blessed blessed are those who dwell in your house they are ever praising you blessed are those whose strength is in you whose hearts are set on our god and we will go from strength to strength until we see you face to face chorus: hear our prayer o lord god almighty come bless our land as we seek you worship you bridge: for you are holy for you are holy for you are holy lord hillsong united album: blessed 2002)
- (051) Blessed Assurance, This Is My Story (blessed assurance blessed assurance jesus is mine! oh what a foretaste of glory divine! heir of salvation purchase of god born of his spirit washed in his blood refrain: this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long; this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long perfect submission perfect delight visions of rapture now burst on my sight; angels descending bring from above echoes of mercy whispers of love perfect submission all is at rest i in my savior am happy and blest watching and waiting looking above filled with his goodness lost in his love frances j crosby 1873 )
- (052) Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord (blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord most high the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are safe holy is the name of the lord most high jesus is the name of the lord most high the name of jesus is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are safe )
- (053) Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord, Blessed Be Your Name (blessed be the name of the lord blessed be your name blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful where your streams of abundance flow blessed be your name blessed be your name when i'm found in the desert place though i walk through the wilderness blessed be your name [prechorus:] every blessing you pour out i'll turn back to praise when the darkness closes in lord still i will say chorus: blessed be the name of the lord blessed be your name blessed be the name of the lord blessed be your glorious name blessed be your name when the sun's shining down on me when the world's 'all as it should be' blessed be your name blessed be your name on the road marked with suffering though there's pain in the offering blessed be your name prechorus… chorus… [bridge:] you give and take away you give and take away my heart will choose to say lord blessed be your name )
- (054) Break Through (break through break through break through all my doubts break through break through all my fears break through that i may worship you break through break through all my pain break through all my guilt and my shame break through like only you can do you are brighter than my darkest night stronger than my toughest fight just one touch from you my king my friend and i'll never be the same again o break through all my pain break through all my guilt and my shame break through like only you can do o break through like only you can do o break through like only you can do don moen 2006 hiding place )
- (055) Breakthrough (Let Your Kingdom Come) (breakthrough let your kingdom come you calm angry storms you muzzle hurricanes water you walked even the seas obey there’s nothing that you cannot do nothing that’s too difficult for you you open blind eyes do many miracles raise dead to life work the impossible there’s nothing that you cannot do nothing that’s too difficult for you [prechorus:] you can shake the highest mountains and you can make the desert sing more than we can dare imagine you’re the god whose power can answer our prayer chorus: let your kingdom come let these mountains move let unanswered prayer rise again to you for the more we ask it’s the more you’ll do my heart is bursting again god of power break through you crushed even death now there’s an empty grave rose up in strength to rule eternity there’s nothing that you cannot do nothing that’s too difficult for you so we rise up in faith all things are possible when we call on your name o god of miracles there’s nothing that you cannot do nothing that’s impossible with you prechorus… chorus… simon brading copyright ©2013 freedom soundsadministered by song solutions copycare )
- (056) Breathe On Us Holy Fire Fall (breathe on us holy fire fall there is a shaking let hearts awaken our god is moving forever changing us there is a trembling there is revival the sound of worship so great and glorious holy spirit hear us now breathe on us holy fire fall come and fill this place with your presence like a rushing wind send your spirit here breath of heaven breathe on us breath of heaven breathe on us there is a shaking let hearts awaken our god is moving forever changing us there is a trembling there is revival the sound of worship so great and glorious holy spirit hear us now breathe on us holy fire fall come and fill this place with your presence like a rushing wind send your spirit here breath of heaven breathe on us breath of heaven breathe on us come breathe on us come breathe on us come breathe on us lift up your hands and shout the lord is with us now lift up your voice and sing he is holy lift up your hands and shout the lord is with us now lift up your voice and sing he is holy lift up your hands and shout the lord is with us now lift up your voice and sing he is holy lift up your hands and shout the lord is with us now lift up your voice and sing he is holy breathe on us holy fire fall come and fill this place with your presence like a rushing wind send your spirit here breath of heaven breathe on us breathe on us holy fire fall come and fill this place with your presence like a rushing wind send your spirit here breath of heaven breathe on us breath of heaven breathe on us come breathe on us come breathe on us come breathe on us songwriters: kari jobe ed cash )
- (057) Build My Life - Michael W. Smith (build my life michael w smith [verse 1] worthy of every song we could ever sing worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you [verse 2] jesus the name above every other name jesus the only one who could ever save worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you we live for you [chorus:] and holy there is no one like you there is none beside you open up my eyes in wonder and show me who you are and fill me with your heart and lead me in your love to those around me [verse 1] worthy of every song we could ever sing worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you [verse 2] [chorus x 2] [interlude] [bridge] i will build my life upon your love it is a firm foundation i will put my trust in you alone and i will not be shaken i will build my life upon your love it is a firm foundation and i will put my trust in you alone and i will not be shaken [chorus x 2] [bridge] i will build my life upon your love it is a firm foundation and i will put my trust in you alone and i will not be shaken [outro] and i will build my life upon your love it is a firm foundation and i will put my trust in you alone and i will not be shaken michael w smith )
- (058) Burn Away My Virtues (burn away my virtues burn away my virtues may there be just you in me lord write me into your great story lord write me into your great song take all i have it's for your glory one day all else will be gone give me grace to follow only you can lead me home lord write me into your great story lord write me into your great song take all i have it's for your glory one day all else will be gone one day all else will be gone your name be glorified glorified your name be glorified glorified your name be glorified glorified your name be glorified glorified lord write me into your great story lord write me into your great song take all i have it's for your glory one day all else will be gone lord write me into your great story lord write me into your great song take all i have it's for your glory one day all else will be gone one day all else will be gone your name be glorified glorified your name be glorified glorified don moen 2011 uncharted territory )
- (059) By Your Side, O Dear God (by your side o dear god we ask for your favour come and sweep through this place oh we desire you i just want to be with you be where you are dwell in your presence oh god o i want to walk with you and i will climb this mountain and i'll step of the shore and i have chosen to follow and be by your side forever more tell me what you want me to do lord god tell me what you want for my life it's your's o god it's yours do your will have your way be lord god in this place o i want your will to be done and i will climb this mountain and i'll step of the shore and i have chosen to follow and be by your side forever more and i will climb this mountain and i'll step of the shore and i have chosen to follow and be by your side forever more by hillsong united | album: by your side )
- (060) Calvary Covers It All (calvary covers it all verse 1 the saviour alone carried the cross for all of my debts he paid the cost salvation complete now forever i’m freecalvary covers it all chorus: calvary covers it all my sin and shame don’t count anymore all praise to the one who has ransomed my soul calvary covers it all verse 2 no power on earth not even the grave can separate us from mercy and grace he is faithful to save oh his blood never fails calvary covers it all bridge no one but jesus can make us pure as snow we stand in your freedom calvary covers it all words and music by: reuben morgan dean ussher inspired by “calvary covers it all” – by mrs walter g taylor hillsong worship 2014 )
- (061) Carol Of The Bells (carol of the bells hark! how the bells sweet silver bells all seem to say throw cares away christmas is here bringing good cheer to young and old meek and the bold ding dong ding dong that is their song with joyful ring all caroling one seems to hear words of good cheer from ev'rywhere filling the air oh how they pound raising the sound o'er hill and dale telling their tale gaily they ring while people sing songs of good cheer christmas is here merry merry merry merry christmas merry merry merry merry christmas on on they send on without end their joyful tone to ev'ry home [repeat from the beginning] ding dong ding dong "carol of the bells" is a popular christmas carol composed by ukrainian composer mykola leontovych in 1914 with lyrics by peter j wilhousky the song is based on a ukrainian folk chant called "shchedryk" wilhousky's lyrics are copyrighted although the original musical composition is not)
- (062) Cause Me To Come To Thy River O Lord (cause me to come to thy river o lord cause me to come to thy river o lord cause me to come to thy river o lord cause me to come to thy river o lord cause me to come cause me to drink cause me to live cause me to drink from thy river o lord cause me to drink from thy river o lord cause me to drink from thy river o lord cause me to come cause me to drink cause me to live cause me to live by thy river o lord cause me to live by thy river o lord cause me to live by thy river o lord cause me to come cause me to drink cause me to live r edward miller © 1974 maranatha! music © 1974 maranatha! music admin by maranatha! music)
- (063) Change My Heart Oh God (change my heart oh god change my heart oh god make it ever true change my heart oh god may i be like you you are the potter i am the clay mold me and make me this is what i pray )
- (064) Christ The Lord Has Risen Today (christ the lord has risen today christ the lord is risen today alleluia! earth and heaven in chorus say alleluia! raise your joys and triumphs high alleluia! sing ye heavens and earth reply alleluia! love's redeeming work is done alleluia! fought the fight the battle won alleluia! death in vain forbids him rise alleluia! christ has opened paradise alleluia! lives again our glorious king alleluia! where o death is now thy sting? alleluia! once he died our souls to save alleluia! where's thy victory boasting grave? alleluia! soar we now where christ has led alleluia! following our exalted head alleluia! made like him like him we rise alleluia! ours the cross the grave the skies alleluia! hail the lord of earth and heaven alleluia! praise to thee by both be given alleluia! thee we greet triumphant now alleluia! hail the resurrection thou alleluia! king of glory soul of bliss alleluia! everlasting life is this alleluia! thee to know thy power to prove alleluia! thus to sing and thus to love alleluia! text: charles wesley 17071788 music: lyra davidica 1708 )
- (065) CHRISTMAS (Jim Reeves) (christmas jim reeves "christmas" "c" is for the christ child born upon this day; "h" is for herald angels in the night "r" means our redeemer; "i" means israel; "s" is for the star that shone so bright "t" is for the three wise men they who travelled far "m" is for the manger where he lay "a" is for all he stands for; "s" means shepherds came and that's why there's a christmas day "t" is for the three wise men they who travelled far "m" is for the manger where he lay "a" is for all he stands for; "s" means shepherds came and that's why there's a christmas day and that's why there's a christmas day this song is by jim reeves and appears on the album twelve songs of christmas 1963 songwriters: arnold eddycarson jenny lou )
- (066) Come Holy Spirit I Need Thee (come holy spirit i need thee come holy spirit i need thee come sweet spirit i pray; come in thy strength and thy power come in thy own gentle way come as a wisdom to children come as new sight to the blind come lord as strength to my weakness take me soul body and mind come like a spring in the desert come to the withered of soul; o let thy sweet healing power touch me and make me whole come as a rest to the weary come as a balm for the sore come as a dew to my dryness: fill me with joy evermore © 1964 william j gaither inc gloria gaither william j gaither )
- (067) Come Holy Spirit I Need Thee (Chorus) (come holy spirit i need thee come holy spirit i need thee come sweet spirit i pray come in thy strength and thy power come in thy own special way © 1964 william j gaither inc gloria gaither william j gaither )
- (068) Come Holy Spirit I Need You (come holy spirit i need you come as a wisdom to children come as new sight to the blind come lord as strength to my weakness take me soul body and mind chorus: come holy spirit i need you come sweet spirit i pray; come in your strength and your power come in your own gentle way come as a rest to the weary come as a balm for the sore come as a dew to my dryness: fill me with joy evermore chorus… come like a spring in the desert come to the withered of soul; o let your sweet healing power touch me and make me whole chorus… © 1964 william j gaither inc gloria gaither william j gaither )
- (069) Come Holy Spirit We Need You (come holy spirit we need you come as a wisdom to children come as new sight to the blind come lord as strength to our weakness take our soul body and mind chorus: come holy spirit we need you come sweet spirit we pray; come in your strength and your power come in your own gentle way come as a rest to the weary come as a balm for the sore come as a dew to our dryness: fill us with joy evermore chorus… come like a spring in the desert come to the withered of soul; o let your sweet healing power touch us and make us whole chorus… © 1964 william j gaither inc gloria gaither william j gaither )
- (070) Cornerstone (Christ Alone Cornerstone) (cornerstone christ alone cornerstone my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness i dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly trust in jesus name my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness i dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly trust in jesus name christ alone; cornerstone weak made strong; in the saviour's love through the storm he is lord lord of all when darkness seems to hide his face i rest on his unchanging grace in every high and stormy gale my anchor holds within the veil my anchor holds within the veil christ alone; cornerstone weak made strong; in the saviour's love through the storm he is lord lord of all he is lord lord of all christ alone; cornerstone weak made strong; in the saviour's love through the storm he is lord lord of all christ alone; cornerstone weak made strong; in the saviour's love through the storm he is lord lord of all when he shall come with trumpet sound oh may i then in him be found; dressed in his righteousness alone faultless stand before the throne writers: edward mote eric liljero jonas myrin reuben morgan hillsong scripture references: psalm 118:2123 isaiah 28:16 matthew 21:4143 )
- (071) Count Your Blessings (count your blessings when upon life’s billows you are tempesttossed when you are discouraged thinking all is lost count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the lord hath done refrain: count your blessings name them one by one count your blessings see what god hath done! count your blessings name them one by one * count your many blessings see what god hath done [* and it will surprise you what the lord hath done] are you ever burdened with a load of care? does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? count your many blessings every doubt will fly and you will keep singing as the days go by when you look at others with their lands and gold think that christ has promised you his wealth untold; count your many blessings * money cannot buy [* wealth can never buy] your reward in heaven nor your home on high so amid the conflict whether great or small do not be discouraged god is over all; count your many blessings angels will attend help and comfort give you to your journey’s end *alternate text text: johnson oatman jr 18561922 music: edwin o excell 18511921 )
- (072) Create In Me A Clean Heart (create in me a clean heart create in me a clean heart o god and renew a right spirit within me repeat cast me not away from thy presence o lord and take not thy holy spirit from me restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and renew a right spirit within me )
- (073) Crowns (My Wealth Is In The Cross) (crowns my wealth is in the cross verse 1 there is a hill i cherish where stood a precious tree the emblem of salvation the gift of calvary verse 2 how is it i should profit while he is crucified yet as his life was taken so i was granted mine chorus: my wealth is in the cross there’s nothing more i want than just to know his love my heart is set on christ and i will count all else as loss the greatest of my crowns mean nothing to me now for i counted up the cost and all my wealth is in the cross verse 3 i will not boast in riches i have no pride in gold but i will boast in jesus and in his name alone verse 4 and when i stand in glory my crowns before the lord let this be my confession my wealth is in the cross words and music by: michael fatkin scott groom & benjamin hastings hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live )
- (074) Days Of Elijah (days of elijah these are the days of elijah declaring the word of the lord: and these are the days of your servant moses righteousness being restored and though these are days of great trial of famine and darkness and sword still we are the voice in the desert crying 'prepare ye the way of the lord!' chorus: behold he comes riding on the clouds shining like the sun at the trumpet call; lift your voice it's the year of jubilee and out of zion's hill salvation comes and these are the days of ezekiel the dry bones becoming as flesh; and these are the days of your servant david rebuilding a temple of praise and these are the days of the harvest the fields are as white in your world and we are the labourers in your vineyard declaring the word of the lord! behold he comes there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah! there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah! there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah! there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah! there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah! there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah! there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah! there's no god like jehovah behold he comes x 4 'days of elijah' is a song created and performed by robin mark that appears on his 1999 album revival in belfast )
- (075) Did You Ever Talk To God Above (did you ever talk to god above did you ever talk to god above? tell him that you need a friend to love pray in jesus’ name believing that god answers prayer have you told him all your cares and woes? every tiny little fear he knows you can know he’ll always hear and he will answer prayer you can whisper in a crowd to him you can cry when you’re alone to him you don’t have to pray out loud to him; he knows your thoughts on a lofty mountain peak he’s there in a meadow by a stream he’s there anywhere on earth you go he’s been there from the start find the answer in his word; it’s true you’ll be strong because he walks with you by his faithfulness he’ll change you too god answers prayer some sing "have you ever talked to god above" lyrics: frances towle rath music: greg soule )
- (076) Divine Exchange, Alleluia Alleluia (divine exchange alleluia alleluia o see the man of sorrow see the son of god stripped of heaven’s glory in the name of relentless love pure and undeserved sure as calvary weighed upon his shoulders all our grief our iniquity alleluia alleluia praise be to god alleluia o hear the scoffer mocking see the savior’s tears wounded and forsaken son of man oh behold him here in the stead of failing burdened by despair it was more than nails love alone is what kept him there alleluia alleluia praise be to god alleluia o for the joy before him he was crucified and the grave defeated through his death he has ransomed life for the crippled sinner and his stripes for pain every curse now broken we receive this divine exchange alleluia alleluia praise be to god alleluia alleluia praise be to god alleluia don moen 2011 uncharted territory )
- (077) Do It Again - Michael W. Smith (do it again michael w smith [verse 1] walking around these walls i thought by now they'd fall but you have never failed me yet waiting for change to come knowing the battle's won for you have never failed me yet [chorus:] your promise still stands great is your faithfulness your faithfulness i'm still in your hands this is my confidence you've never failed me yet [verse 2] i know the night won't last your word will come to pass my heart will sing your praise again jesus you're still enough keep me within your love my heart will sing your praise again [chorus x 1] you've never failed me yet you've never failed me yet you've never failed me yet [interlude] [bridge] i've seen you move you move the mountains and i believe i'll see you do it again you made a way where there was no way and i believe i'll see you do it again i've seen you move you move the mountains and i believe i'll see you do it again you made a way where there was no way and i believe i'll see you do it again! i'll see you do it again! i'll see you do it again! i'll see you do it again! [chorus x 1] i never will forget you've never failed me yet i never will forget you've never failed me yet i never will forget you've never failed me yet by michael w smith)
- (078) Draw Me Close To You (draw me close to you draw me close to you never let me go i lay it all down again to hear you say that i'm your friend you are my desire and no one else will do 'cause nothing else can take your place to feel the warmth of your embrace help me find a way bring me back to you bring me back oh jesus draw me close to you never let me go i lay it all down again to hear you say that i'm your friend you are my desire and no one else will do 'cause nothing else can take your place to feel the warmth of your embrace help me find a way bring me back to you you're all i want you're all i've ever needed you're all i want help me know you are near you're all i want you're all i've ever needed you're all i want help me know you are near help me know you are near help me know you are near you're all i want oh yes you are you're all i've all i've ever needed you're all i want help me know you're near help me know you are near don't you ever leave don't you ever leave me help me know you are near don't you ever leave me jesus help me know you are near songwriter: kelly robert carpenter )
- (079) Eagle's Wings, Here I Am Waiting (eagle's wings here i am waiting abide in me i pray here i am longing for you hide me in your love bring me to my knees may i know jesus more and more come live in me all my life take over come breathe in me and i will rise on eagle’s wings hillsong united album: shout to the lord 2000 )
- (080) El Shaddai, El Shaddai (el shaddai el shaddai el shaddai elelyon na adonai age to age you're still the same by the power of the name el shaddai el shaddai erkamka na adonai i will praise and lift you high el shaddai through your love and through the ram you saved the son of abraham through the power of your hand you turned the sea into dry land to the outcast on her knees you were the god who really sees and by your might you set your children free el shaddai el shaddai elelyon na adonai age to age you're still the same by the power of the name el shaddai el shaddai erkamka na adonai i will praise and lift you high el shaddai el shaddai el shaddai elelyon na adonai age to age you're still the same by the power of the name el shaddai el shaddai erkamka na adonai i will praise and lift you high el shaddai through the years you've made it clear that the time of christ was near though the people couldn't see what messiah ought to be your most awesome work was done through the frailty of your son i will praise and lift you high el shaddai translation of hebrew lyrics el shaddai as previously mentioned is most often translated as "god almighty" elelyon na adonai is a common phrase meaning "god most high o lord" erkamka na adonai is taken from psalm 18:1 and is normally translated "i love you o lord" hebrew ארחמך © mole end music; amy grant el shaddai lyrics 1982 songwriters: card michael; thompson john w; wwwamygrantcom )
- (081) Emmanuel, Holy Holy (emmanuel holy holy i will bow before my lord and king hallelujah you have come to us you make all things new chorus: emmanuel jesus christ you'll never let me go my shepherd king you're watching over me emmanuel so amazing you have named the stars of the deepest night still you love me and you have called my name and i will follow you chorus… holy holy god almighty there is none like you holy holy god almighty there is none like you emmanuel emmanuel emmanuel emmanuel emmanuel hillsong united album: god he reigns 2005 )
- (082) Every Praise Is To Our God (every praise is to our god every praise is to our god every word of worship with one accord every praise every praise is to our god sing hallelujah to our god glory hallelujah is due our god every praise every praise is to our god god my savior god my healer god my deliverer yes he is yes he is yes he is yes he is [repeat] every praise is to our god every word of worship with one accord every praise every praise [repeat] is to our god songwriters: hezekiah walker john david bratton )
- (083) Every Time, Jesus, I Love You (every time jesus i love you i need you my saviour jesus your love it has healed me opened my heart jesus i thank you for all that you've given jesus i stand here amazed at forgiveness every time i close my eyes i'm filled with awe at all you've done every time i think on you i'm grateful for your love oh lord here i am raise my hands i surrender oh lord here i am at your throne sweet abandon lyrics by hillsong united )
- (084) Every Word You Breathe (every word you breathe verse 1 speak to me my heart is open speak to me here in this moment above distractions above the noise god let me hear your voice chorus: and i will trust and i will cling i will cling to every word you breathe every word you breathe and i am found my soul set free soul set free with every word you breathe every word you breathe verse 2 speak to me your word is power speak to me i stand surrendered i will not lean on the things i've known in you i place my hope chorus… bridge it's water for the thirsty power for the weak shelter for the weary help for those in need it's revival for the broken it answers those who seek with every word you've spoken you're bringing life to me you are bringing life to me! i will trust i will cling to every word every word you breathe chorus… outro every word every word you breathe! by laura story )
- (085) Exalt The Lord Our God (exalt the lord our god exalt the lord our god exalt the lord our god and worship at his footstool worship at his footstool holy is he holy is he ~ other variation ~ exalt the lord our god and worship at his feet holy is he psalm 99:5 1977 scripture in song rick ridings )
- (086) Expect A Miracle Everyday (expect a miracle everyday expect a miracle everyday expect a miracle when you pray if you expect it god will find a way to perform a miracle for you each day )
- (087) Father In Heaven, How We Love You (father in heaven how we love you father in heaven how we love you we lift your name in all the earth may your kingdom be established in our praises as your people declare your mighty works chorus: blessed be the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come blessed be the lord god almighty who reigns forever more bridge: and i will lift your name on high i choose to lift your name on high i’ll lift your name like a banner in the sky and i will lift your name on high writercomposer: bob fitts )
- (088) Father We Commit To You (father we commit to you god before us god beside god within us abide god in heaven and in this place father we commit to you this day god in pleasure god in pain god will ever remain god in gladness and god in strife father we commit to you our lives for we know that you are faithful through the stillness and the storm for you’ve been with us from the start father we commit to you our hearts )
- (089) For All You've Done (for all you've done for all you've done for all you're going to do we give you thanks and lift our praise to you we give thanks we give praise for we know that all things work together for our good we give thanks we give praise for by faith we know your grace will see us through for all those things that we don't understand we come by faith and place them in your hands even if we stumble even if we fall you will not forsake us you are king and lord of all lord of all by don moen "let your glory fall" 1997 "by special request: volume two" 2017 )
- (090) For The Lord Is My Tower (for the lord is my tower for the lord is my tower and he gives me the power to tear down the works of the enemy in a difficult hour he will crush the devour er and bring the powers of darkness underneath my feet 1995 steve kuban )
- (091) Forever Reign, You Are Good (forever reign you are good you are good when there's nothing good in me you are love you are love on display for all to see you are light you are light when the darkness closes in you are hope you are hope you have covered all my sin you are peace you are peace when my fear is crippling you are true you are true even in my wandering you are joy you are joy you're the reason that i sing you are life you are life in you death has lost its sting oh i’m running to your arms i’m running to your arms the riches of your love will always be enough nothing compares to your embrace light of the world forever reign you are more you are more than my words will ever say you are lord you are lord all creation will proclaim you are here you are here in your presence i'm made whole you are god you are god of all else i'm letting go oh i’m running to your arms i’m running to your arms the riches of your love will always be enough nothing compares to your embrace light of the world forever reign my heart will sing no other name jesus jesus oh i’m running to your arms i’m running to your arms the riches of your love will always be enough nothing compares to your embrace light of the world forever reign hillsong united )
- (092) Forever (We Sing Hallelujah) (forever we sing hallelujah the moon and stars they wept the morning sun was dead the savior of the world was fallen his body on the cross his blood poured out for us the weight of every curse upon him one final breath he gave as heaven looked away the son of god was laid in darkness a battle in the grave the war on death was waged the power of hell forever broken the ground began to shake the stone was rolled away his perfect love could not be overcome now death where is your sting our resurrected king has rendered you defeated forever he is glorified forever he is lifted high forever he is risen he is alive he is alive the ground began to shake the stone was rolled away his perfect love could not be overcome now death where is your sting our resurrected king has rendered you defeated forever he is glorified forever he is lifted high forever he is risen he is alive he is alive forever forever you have overcome your resurrected king you have overcome the grave you have overcome we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah the lamb has overcome we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah the lamb has overcome we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah the lamb has overcome we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah the lamb has overcome we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah the lamb has overcome we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah the lamb has overcome forever he is glorified forever he is lifted high forever he is risen he is alive he is alive forever forever he is glorified forever he is lifted high forever he is risen he is alive he is alive writers: brian johnson christa black gifford gabriel wilson 'gabe' jenn johnson joel taylor kari jobe )
- (093) Free To Dance, This Song In My Heart (free to dance this song in my heart this song in my soul this song i was born to sing it's your song of freedom now i'm free to dance again i'll sing in the darkness i'll laugh in the rain rejoice in your love again it's your song of freedom now i'm free to dance again your spirit brings me liberty your breath of life has set me free this song in my heart this song in my soul this song i was born to sing it's your song of freedom now i'm free to dance again i'll sing in the darkness i'll laugh in the rain rejoice in your love again it's your song of freedom now i'm free to dance again your spirit brings me liberty your breath of life has set me free jesus your love it lifts me high gives me reason to run this race with joy this song within me lord will bless your holy name jesus i'll dance before your throne bring this heavenly sound to you alone this song within me lord will bless your holy name this song in my heart this song in my soul this song i was born to sing it's your song of freedom now i'm free to dance again i'll sing in the darkness i'll laugh in the rain rejoice in your love again it's your song of freedom now i'm free to dance again your spirit brings me liberty your breath of life has set me free jesus your love… © by hillsong united )
- (094) From The Rising Of The Sun (from the rising of the sun from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the lord's name is to be praised praise ye the lord praise him all ye servants of the lord praise the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord from this time forth and forever more 1976 paul s deming | ps 113:3 ~~~ other version by mark a miller ~~~ from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the name of the lord shall be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the name of the lord shall be praised so praise ye the lord praise ye the lord from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the name of the lord shall be praised mark a miller | ps 113:3 )
- (095) Give Me Oil In My Lamp (give me oil in my lamp give me oil in my lamp keep me burning give me oil in my lamp i pray give me oil in my lamp keep me burning keep me burning till the break of day sing hosanna sing hosanna sing hosanna to the king of kings sing hosanna sing hosanna sing hosanna to the king of kings "oil in my lamp" also known as "give me oil in my lamp" and "sing hosanna" is a traditional christian hymn based on the parable of the ten virgins the song has been recorded many times and was a hit in jamaica in 1964 for eric "monty" morris as well as appearing on the byrds' 1969 album ballad of easy rider )
- (096) Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart (give thanks with a grateful heart give thanks with a grateful heart give thanks to the holy one give thanks because he's given jesus christ his son give thanks… and now let the weak say 'i am strong' let the poor say 'i am rich because of what the lord has done for us' and now give thanks give thanks… and now x 2 give thanks don moen 1986 give thanks )
- (097) Glory To The King, Lord, My Heart Cries (glory to the king lord my heart cries out glory to the king my greatest love in life i hand you everything glory glory i hear the angels sing open my ears let me hear your voice to know that sweet sound oh my soul rejoice glory glory i hear the angels sing chorus: you're a father to the fatherless the answer to my dreams i see you crowned in righteousness we cry glory to the king comforter to the lonely the lifter of my head i see you veiled in majesty we cry glory glory we cry glory to the king we cry glory glory we cry glory to the king hillsong united album: all things are possible 1997 )
- (098) Glory To The Lord Worship Him (glory to the lord who holds the heavens in his hands who made the stars by the word of his power who put the spirit in man and causes all the earth to cry out glory chorus: glory to the lord worship him the god of our salvation glory to the lord honor him he reigns he rules the nations he is righteous and worthy to be worshipped and adored lift your voices and give glory to the lord who holds the righteous by the hand who is the way in this marvellous hour who stirs the heart of man and causes all his saints to cry out glory chorus x 3 glory to the lord glory to the lord don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (099) God Be With You Till We Meet Again (god be with you till we meet again god be with you till we meet again by his counsels guide uphold you with his sheep securely fold you god be with you till we meet again chorus: till we meet till we meet till we meet at jesus' feet till we meet till we meet god be with you till we meet again god be with you till we meet again when life's perils thick confound you put his arms unfailing round you god be with you till we meet again chorus… god be with you till we meet again keep love's banner floating o'er you smite death's threatening wave before you god be with you till we meet again chorus… x 2 text: jeremiah e rankin 18281904 music: william g tomer 18331896 )
- (100) God Give Us Christian Homes (god give us christian homes god give us christian homes! homes where the bible is loved and taught homes where the master’s will is sought homes crowned with beauty your love has wrought; god give us christian homes; god give us christian homes! god give us christian homes! homes where the father is true and strong homes that are free from the blight of wrong homes that are joyous with love and song; god give us christian homes; god give us christian homes! god give us christian homes! homes where the mother in caring quest strives to show others your way is best homes where the lord is an honored guest; god give us christian homes; god give us christian homes! god give us christian homes! homes where the children are led to know christ in his beauty who loves them so homes where the altar fires burn and glow; god give us christian homes; god give us christian homes! by baylus b mckinney scripture: joshua 24:15; ephesians 6:4; titus 2:4; 2 timothy 1:5 )
- (101) God Is Good All The Time (god is good all the time chorus: god is good all the time he puts a song of praise in this heart of mine god is good all the time through the darkest night his light will shine god is good god is good all the time repeat if you're walking through the valley and there are shadows all around do not fear he will guide you he will keep you safe and sound 'cause he has promised to never leave you nor forsake you for his word is true repeat chorus we were sinners and so unworthy still for us he chose to die filled us with his holy spirit now we can stand and testify that his love is everlasting and his mercies they will never end repeat chorus bridge: though i may not understand all the plans you have for me my life is in your hands and through the eyes of faith i can clearly see repeat chorus except last two lines god is good he's so good god is good he's so good god is good he's so good all the time psalm 73:1 album : rivers of joy by don moen label : integrityhosanna! music )
- (102) God Is So Good, God Is So Good (god is so good god is so good god is so good god is so good god is so good he's so good to me i love him so i love him so i love him so he's so good to me i praise his name i praise his name i praise his name he's so good to me he saved my soul he saved my soul he saved my soul he's so good to me )
- (103) God Is So Good, God Is So Good - V2 (god is so good god is so good v2 god is so good god is so good god is so good he's so good to me! he took my sin he took my sin he took my sin he's so good to me! god is so good hallelujah god is so good hallelujah god is so good he's so good to me! he took my sin hallelujah he took my sin hallelujah he took my sin he's so good to me! god is so good hallelujah he took my sin hallelujah god is so good he's so good to me! god is so good hallelujah he took my sin hallelujah god is so good he's so good to me! god is so good he's so good to me! god is so good he's so good to me!)
- (104) God Is So Good, God Is So Good - V3 (god is so good god is so good v3 god is so good god is so good god is so good he’s so good to me! god answers prayer god answers prayer god answers prayer he’s so good to me! he cares for me he cares for me he cares for me he’s so good to me! i love him so i love him so i love him so he’s so good to me! i’ll do his will i’ll do his will i’ll do his will he’s so good to me! i praise his name i praise his name i praise his name he’s so good to me! )
- (105) God Loved The World (god loved the world god loved the world of sinners lost and ruined by the fall; salvation full at highest cost he offers free to all chorus: oh ’twas love ’twas wondrous love the love of god to me; it brought my savior from above to die on calvary! e’en now by faith i claim him mine the risen son of god; redemption by his death i find and cleansing through the blood love brings the glorious fullness in and to his saints makes known the blessed rest from inbred sin through faith in christ alone believing souls rejoicing go; there shall to you be giv’n a glorious foretaste here below of endless life in heav’n of vict’ry now o’er satan’s pow’r let all the ransomed sing and triumph in the dying hour through christ the lord our king words: martha stockton 1871 music: wondrous love fischer)
- (106) God Will Make A Way (god will make a way god will make a way where there seems to be no way he works in ways we cannot see he will make a way for me he will be my guide hold me closely to his side with love and strength for each new day he will make a way he will make a way by a roadway in the wilderness he'll lead me and rivers in the desert will i see heaven and earth will fade but his word will still remain he will do something new today god will make a way don moen 1990 eternal god )
- (107) Grace (I Ask You) (grace i ask you my heart is so proud my mind is so unfocused i see the things you do through me as great things i have done and now you gently break me then lovingly you take me and hold me as my father and mold me as my maker chorus: i ask you: "how many times will you pick me up when i keep on letting you down? and each time i will fall short of your glory how far will forgiveness abound?" and you answer: "my child i love you and as long as you're seeking my face you'll walk in the power of my daily sufficient grace" at times i may grow weak and feel a bit discouraged knowing that someone somewhere could do a better job for who am i to serve you? i know i don't deserve you and that's the part that burns in my heart and keeps me hanging on chorus… you are so patient with me lord as i walk with you i'm learning what your grace really means the price that i could never pay was paid at calvary so instead of trying to repay you i'm learning to simply obey you by giving up my life to you for all that you've given to me chorus… songwriters: story laura mixon )
- (108) Grace To Grace (grace to grace verse 1 if love endured that ancient cross how precious is my saviour’s blood the beauty of heaven wrapped in my shame the image of love upon death’s frame prechorus 1 if having my heart was worth the pain what joy could you see beyond the grave if love found my soul worth dying for chorus: how wonderful how glorious my saviour’s scars victorious my chains are gone my debt is paid from death to life and grace to grace verse 2 if heaven now owns that vacant tomb how great is the hope that lives inyou the passion that tore through hell like a rose the promise that rolled back death and its stone prechorus 2 if freedom is worth the life you raised oh where is my sin where is my shame if love paid it all to have my heart bridge when i see that cross i see freedom when i see that grave i’ll see jesus and from death to life i will sing your praise in the wonder of your grace tag how my soul will sing your praise in the wonder of your grace how my soul will sing your praise words and music by: chris davenport & joel houston hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live )
- (109) Great Are You Lord - Michael W. Smith (great are you lord michael w smith [intro] it's your breath in our lungs we pour out our praise we pour out our praise it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise to you only great are you lord great are you lord [chorus:] it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise we pour out our praise it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise to you only it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise we pour out our praise it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise to you only great are you lord great are you lord [bridge] all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones will sing great are you lord and all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones will sing great are you lord and all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones will sing great are you lord and all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones will sing great are you lord! [chorus x 1] [outro] great are you lord great are you lord great are you lord great are you lord great are you lord you're healing us tonight great are you lord great are you lord by michael w smith)
- (110) Great Is The Lord, He Is Holy And Just (great is the lord great is the lord he is holy and just by his power we trust in his love great is the lord he is faithful and true by his mercy he proves he is love great is the lord and worthy of glory great is the lord and worthy of praise great is the lord now lift up your voice now lift up your voice great is the lord great is the lord great is the lord he is holy and just by his power we trust in his love great is the lord he is faithful and true by his mercy he proves he is love great is the lord and worthy of glory great is the lord and worthy of praise great is the lord now lift up your voice now lift up your voice great is the lord great is the lord great are you lord and worthy of glory great are you lord and worthy of praise great are you lord i lift up my voice i lift up my voice great are you lord great are you lord great are you lord great are you lord great are you lord songwriters: michael w smith debbie smith 1987 )
- (111) Great Is Thy Faithfulness (great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness o god my father there is no shadow of turning with thee; thou changest not thy compassions they fail not as thou has been thou forever wilt be chorus: great is thy faithfulness! great is thy faithfulness! morning by morning new mercies i see all i have needed thy hand hath provided great is thy faithfulness lord unto me summer and winter and springtime and harvest sun moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness mercy and love pardon for sin and a peace that endureth thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow blessings all mine with ten thousand beside ©1923 1951 hope publishing co words and music by thomas o chilsholm and william runyan)
- (112) Great Is Your Mercy Toward Me (great is your mercy toward me thank you for your mercy thank you for your grace thank you for your blood that's made a way to come into your presence and glorify your name lord i stand amazed at what i see chorus: great is your mercy toward me your loving kindness toward me your tender mercies i see day after day forever faithful to me always providing for me great is your mercy toward me great is your grace your promises are ageless your love will never end to a thousand generations your covenant will stand showing grace and mercy to those who fear your name establishing your righteousness and praise chorus x 2 great is your mercy toward me great is your grace great is your mercy toward me great is your grace don moen 2008 i believe there is more )
- (113) Great Things, And Holy Is His Name (great things and holy is his name my soul proclaims your greatness lord rejoicing in my savior your mercy belongs to those who fear your son his blessings you have given them forever and holy is his name holy is his name you alone have done great things i can't boast of anything mighty one and king of kings jesus you alone have done great things by your living word in me mighty one and king of kings jesus my soul proclaims your greatness lord rejoicing in my savior your mercy belongs to those who fear your son his blessings you have given them forever and holy is his name holy is his name you alone have done great things i can't boast of anything mighty one and king of kings jesus you alone have done great things by your living word in me mighty one and king of kings jesus and it's your name we're shouting out shouting out loud it's your name we're shouting out shouting out loud and it's your name we're shouting out shouting out loud it's your name we're shouting out shouting out loud and it's your name we're shouting out shouting out loud it's your name we're shouting out shouting out loud it's your name we're shouting out shouting out loud it's your name we're shouting out shouting out you alone have done great things i can't boast of anything mighty one and king of kings jesus you alone have done great things by your living word in me mighty one and king of kings jesus and it's your name we're shouting out shouting out loud it's your name we're shouting out shouting out loud it's your name we're shouting out shouting out loud it's your name we're shouting out shouting out don moen 2011 uncharted territory )
- (114) Guide My Feet While I Run This Race (guide my feet while i run this race guide my feet lord while i run this race guide my feet lord while i run this race guide my feet lord while i run this race for i don't want to run this race in vain! hold my hand lord while i run this race hold my hand lord while i run this race hold my hand lord while i run this race for i don't want to run this race in vain! stand by me lord while i run this race stand by me lord while i run this race stand by me lord while i run this race for i don't want to run this race in vain! i'm your child lord while i run this race i'm your child lord while i run this race i'm your child lord while i run this race for i don't want to run this race in vain! search my heart lord while i run this race search my heart lord while i run this race search my heart lord while i run this race for i don't want to run this race in vain! guide my feet lord while i run this race guide my feet lord while i run this race guide my feet lord while i run this race for i don't want to run this race in vain! african american spiritual song )
- (115) Hail To The King, Bright Morning Star (hail to the king bright morning star bright morning star king of all days reign in our hearts and ride on our praise you are crowned in majesty awaken us now set us ablaze let your kingdom come let your name be raised hear the song of the redeemed be exalted as we sing chorus: hail to the king hail to the living word let praise arise heaven and earth sing praise to the lamb seated on the throne power and strength are yours alone hail to the king hail to the king repeat from verse 1 hail to the king hail to the living word let praise arise heaven and earth sing praise to the lamb seated on the throne power and strength are yours alone hail to the king hail to the king oh yeah emanuel hail to the king hail to the king hear the song of the redeemed be exalted as we sing hail to the king hail to the living word let praise arise heaven and earth sing praise to the lamb seated on the throne power and strength are yours alone repeat hail to the king hail to the king yeah yeah yeah emanuel hail to the king hail to the king don moen 2008 i believe there is more )
- (116) Halleluiah Halleluiah Halleluiah Halleluiah (halleluiah halleluiah halleluiah halleluiah halleluiah halleluiah halleluiah halleluiah halleluiah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank… you jesus )
- (117) Hallelujah To The King Of Kings (hallelujah to the king of kings in the presence of our king there's joy forevermore forevermore let us lift our voice and sing songs of glory songs of honor songs of praises unto our king whoo chorus: hallelujah to the king of kings hallelujah to the lord of lords hallelujah to the king of kings hallelujah to the lord of lords he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy jesus is worthy whoo chorus king of kings forever and ever and lord of lords hallelujah hallelujah king of kings forever and ever and lord of lords hallelujah hallelujah and he shall reign forever and ever king of kings forever and ever and lord of lords hallelujah hallelujah and he shall reign forever and ever forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah don moen 2001 god in us )
- (118) Hands To The Heavens (hands to the heavens we are your church we are your sons and daughters we've gathered here to meet with you we lift our eyes we lay our hearts before you expectant here for you to move with our hands to the heavens alive in your presence oh god when you come so pour out your spirit we love to be near you oh god when you come you are the way the truth and life we live for oh how we long to know you more come like a rushing wind come light the fire again come like a burning flame have your way have your way writers: bryan brown jason ingram kari jobe tofer brown )
- (119) Hark The Herald Angels Sing (hark the herald angels sing hark the herald angels sing glory to the newborn king! peace on earth and mercy mild god and sinners reconciled joyful all ye nations rise join the triumph of the skies with the angelic host proclaim: christ is born in bethlehem hark! the herald angels sing glory to the newborn king! christ by highest heav'n adored christ the everlasting lord! late in time behold him come offspring of a virgin's womb veiled in flesh the godhead see hail the incarnate deity pleased as man with man to dwell jesus our emmanuel hark! the herald angels sing glory to the newborn king! hail the heav'nborn prince of peace! hail the son of righteousness! light and life to all he brings ris'n with healing in his wings mild he lays his glory by born that man no more may die born to raise the sons of earth born to give them second birth hark! the herald angels sing glory to the newborn king! “hark the herald angels sing” christmas carol was written by charles wesley brother of john wesley founder of the methodist church in 1739 a sombre man he requested slow and solemn music for his lyrics and thus “hark the herald angels sing” was sung to a different tune initially over a hundred years later felix mendelssohn 18091847 composed a cantata in 1840 to commemorate johann gutenberg's invention of the printing press english musician william h cummings adapted mendelssohn’s music to fit the lyrics of “hark the herald angels sing” already written by wesley)
- (120) Have Faith In God (have faith in god have faith in god wonderful things will happen to you if you have faith in god )
- (121) Have Thine Own Way, Lord! (Potter) (have thine own way lord! have thine own way lord! have thine own way! you are the potter i am the clay mold me and make me after thy will while i am waiting yielded and still have thine own way lord! have thine own way! search me and try me savior today! wash me just now lord wash me just now as in thy presence humbly i bow have thine own way lord! have thine own way! wounded and weary help me i pray! power all power surely is thine! touch me and heal me savior divine! have thine own way lord! have thine own way! hold o'er my being absolute sway fill with thy spirit till all shall see christ only always living in me! text: adelaide a pollard 18621934 music: george c stebbins 18461945 )
- (122) Have Your Way, Have Your Way (have your way have your way have your way holy spirit fill our hearts and have your way as we wait we wait on you and as we pray we pray to you speak your word into our hearts and have your way have your way have your way holy spirit fill our hearts and have your way as we wait we wait on you lord and as we pray we pray to you speak your word into our hearts and have your way speak your word into our hearts and have your way don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (123) He Is Lord, He Is Lord (he is lord he is lord he is lord he is lord he has risen from the death and he is lord every knee shall bow every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord you are lord you are lord you have risen from the death and you are lord every knee shall bow every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord )
- (124) He Is My Everything, He Is My All (he is my everything he is my all some folks may ask me some folks may say who is this jesus you talk about every day? he is my savior he set me free now listen while i tell you what he means to me he is my everything he is my all he is my everything both great and small he gave his life for me made everything new he is my everything none other will do )
- (125) He Is The King Of Kings (he is the king of kings he is the king of kings he is the lord of lords his name is jesus jesus jesus jesus oh he is the king © 1989 integrity's hosanna! music )
- (126) He Knows My Name (I Have A Maker) (he knows my name i have a maker i have a maker he formed my heart before even time began my life was in his hands he knows my name he knows my every thought he sees each tear that falls and hears me when i call i have a father he calls me his own he'll never leave me no matter where i go he knows my name he knows my every thought he sees each tear that falls and hears me when i call i have a maker he formed my heart before even time began my life was in his hands he knows my name he knows my every thought he sees each tear that falls and hears me when i call he knows my name he knows my every thought he sees each tear that falls and hears me when i call words and music by tommy walker © 1996 doulos publishing )
- (127) He Loves You Just Because (he loves you just because he set you free so you could see how much he loves you just take a look it's in his book how much he loves you his word reveals all that he feels he spelled it out never a doubt he loves you just because he loves you just because he loves you he loves you just because he loves you just because he loves you there's nothing you can do to make him love you more there's nothing you can do to make him love you less he loves you just because he loves you just because he loves you once we were lost needing the cross needing a savior he came to earth a humble birth born in a manger his words were truth his life was proof he was god's son sent for each one he loves you just because he loves you just because he loves you he loves you just because he loves you just because he loves you there's nothing you can do to make him love you more there's nothing you can do to make him love you less he loves you just because he loves you just because he loves you don moen 2011 uncharted territory )
- (128) He Never Sleeps (he never sleeps when you've prayed every prayer that you know how to pray just remember the lord will hear and the answer is on it's way our god is able he is mighty he is faithful and he never sleeps he never slumbers he never tires of hearing our prayer when we are weak he becomes stronger so rest in his love and cast all of your cares on him do you feel that the lord has forgotten your need just remember that god is always working in ways you cannot see our god is able he is mighty he is faithful don moen 2006 hiding place )
- (129) He Will Never Let Go My Hand (he will never let go my hand he will never let go my hand though the storms may come and the wind may blow he will never let go my hand )
- (130) Hear My Cry Oh Lord Attend Unto (hear my cry oh lord hear my cry oh lord attend unto my prayers from the end of the earth will i cry unto thee when my heart is over whelmed lord lead me to the rock that is higher than i )
- (131) Heaven Is In My Heart (heaven is in my heart oooooo heaven is in my heart the kingdom of our god is here heaven is in my heart the presence of his majesty heaven is in my heart and in his presence joy abounds heaven is in my heart the light of holiness surrounds heaven is in my heart oooooo heaven is in my heart his precious life on me he spent heaven is in my heart to give me life without an end heaven is in my heart in christ is all my confidence heaven is in my heart the hope of my inheritance heaven is in my heart oooooo heaven is in my heart we are a temple for his throne heaven is in my heart and christ is the foundation stone heaven is in my heart he will return to take us home heaven is in my heart the spirit and the bride say "come!" heaven is in my heart by bob fitts graham kendrick )
- (132) Here I Am Lord Is It I Lord (here i am lord is it i lord i the lord of sea and sky i have heard my people cry all who dwell in dark and sin my hand will save i who made the stars and night i will make the darkness bright who will bear my light to them whom shall i send? here i am lord is it i lord? i have heard you calling in the night i will go lord if you lead me i will hold your people in my heart i the lord of snow and rain i have borne my people's pain i have wept for love of them they turn away i will break their hearts of stone fill their hearts with love alone i will speak my word to them whom shall i send? here i am lord is it i lord? i have heard you calling in the night i will go lord if you lead me i will hold your people in my heart i will hold your people in my heart daniel o'donnell )
- (133) Here I Am To Worship (Light Of The World) (here i am to worship light of the world you stepped down into darkness opened my eyes let me see beauty that made this heart adore you hope of a life spent with you here i am to worship here i am to bow down here i am to say that you're my god you're altogether lovely altogether worthy altogether wonderful to me king of all days oh so highly exalted glorious in heaven above humbly you came to the earth you created all for love's sake became poor i'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross call upon the name of the lord and be saved written by tim hughes ©2000 kingsway’s thankyou music prs )
- (134) Here I Bow - Michael W. Smith (here i bow michael w smith [verse 1] where would i run but to the throne of mercy where would i kneel but at the cross of grace how great the love how strong the hand that holds us beautiful so beautiful [chorus:] so here i bow to lift you high jesus be glorified in all things for all my life i am yours forever yours [verse 2] there is a king who bore the scars of healing there is a son who came in grace and truth how great the love that carries us to kindness wonderful you're wonderful [chorus x 1] [bridge] god here and now be lifted high right here and now be glorified god of heaven and earth god who brought me back to life i am yours forever yours god here and now be lifted high right here and now be glorified god of heaven and earth god who brought me back to life i am yours forever yours [chorus x 1] [outro] so here i bow to lift you high jesus be glorified in all things for all my life i am yours forever yours by michael w smith )
- (135) Here We Are Lifting Our Hands (here we are lifting our hands chorus: here we are lifting our hands to you here we are giving you thanks for all you do as we praise and worship your holy name you are here dwelling within our praise for every answered prayer for always being there for love that hears us when we call for arms that lift us when we fall oh you have always been right beside us leading us all along the way and we made it through we made it through because of you and repeat chorus for days we cannot see for days we cannot see for all that yet to be so much is yet to be the trials we may have to face when we'll be leaning on your grace it will be your strength that saves us your love that makes us strong and through it all through it all we'll sing this song repeat chorus don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (136) Higher Ground (higher ground i’m pressing on the upward way new heights i’m gaining every day; still praying as i’m onward bound lord plant my feet on higher ground chorus: lord lift me up and let me stand by faith on heaven’s tableland a higher plane than i have found; lord plant my feet on higher ground my heart has no desire to stay where doubts arise and fears dismay; though some may dwell where those abound my prayer my aim is higher ground i want to live above the world though satan’s darts at me are hurled; for faith has caught the joyful sound the song of saints on higher ground i want to scale the utmost height and catch a gleam of glory bright; but still i’ll pray till heav’n i’ve found lord plant my feet on higher ground johnson oatman jr 1898 scripture: deuteronomy 32:13; psalm 18:33; isaiah 58:14; micah 4:2)
- (137) His Glory Appears, You Gave Me Hope (his glory appears you gave me hope you gave me hope you made me whole at the cross you took my place you showed me grace at the cross where you died for me and his glory appears like the light from the sun age to age he shines oh look to the skies hear the angels cry singing holy is the lord songwriters: darlene joyce zschech marty sampson worship leader: brooke ligertwood 2009 hillsong publishing)
- (138) His Name Is Jesus, Jesus (his name is jesus jesus his name is jesus jesus sad hearts weep no more he has healed the broken hearted opened wide the prison doors he is able to deliver evermore by maranatha! music )
- (139) His Name Is Wonderful Jesus My Lord (his name is wonderful jesus my lord his name is wonderful; jesus my lord he is the mighty king; master of everything his name is wonderful; jesus my lord he’s the great shepherd; the rock of all ages almighty god is he bow down before him; love and adore him his name is wonderful; jesus my lord written by: audrey mieir published by: manna music inc )
- (140) Holy, Holy, Holy Lord (holy holy holy lord holy holy holy lord god of power and might heaven and earth are filled with your glory holy holy holy lord god of power and might heaven and earth are filled with your glory hosanna in the highest hosanna in the highest )
- (141) Holy Lamb Of God (holy lamb of god a virgin cried when you were born tears of joy and tears of pain as heaven's angels watched in wonder how could you the ancient one in the frame of man be bound lying there with feet and hands fully god and fully man who could see and who could know you had left your kingdom's throne baby crying in a manger you had come to give your life as a holy sacrifice nails would pierce your feet and hands for every heart and every man chorus: holy lamb of god how we love you shepherd of our hearts how we praise you we were blind and lost but you came to rescue us and we thank you holy lamb of god now you are the risen one all you came to do you've done on this christmas we remember how love came down to set us free from our sin and from our fear lord of all we bow our hearts to the wonder that you are holy lamb of god… holy lamb of god… x 2 and we thank you holy lamb of god yes we thank you holy lamb of god don moen 2012 christmas: a season of hope )
- (142) Holy Spirit Rain Down (holy spirit rain down holy spirit rain down rain down oh comforter and friend how we need your touch again holy spirit rain down rain down let your power fall let your voice be heard come and change our hearts as we stand on your word holy spirit rain down no eye has seen no ear has heard no mind can know what god has in store so open up heaven open it wide over your church and over our lives russell fragar darlene zschech 1997 hillsong music publishing also sung by natalie grant )
- (143) Holy Spirit Thou Art Welcome (holy spirit thou art welcome holy spirit thou art welcome in this place holy spirit thou art welcome in this place; omnipotent father of mercy and grace thou art welcome in this place verse 1: lord in thy presence there's healing divine; no other power can save lord but thine; holy spirit thou art welcome in this place thou art welcome in this place verse 2: fill all the hungry and empty within; restore us oh father revive us again; holy spirit thou art welcome in this place thou art welcome in this place dottie rambo march 2 1934 – may 11 2008 )
- (144) Hosanna, Hosanna In The Highest (hosanna hosanna hosanna hosanna hosanna in the highest! hosanna hosanna hosanna in the highest! lord we lift up your name with hearts full of praise be exalted o lord my god! hosanna in the highest! glory glory glory to the king of kings! glory glory glory to the king of kings! lord we lift up your name with hearts full of praise be exalted o lord my god! glory to the king of kings! )
- (145) Hosanna, I See The King Of Glory (hosanna i see the king of glory i see the king of glory coming on the clouds of fire the whole earth shakes the whole earth shakes i see his love and mercy washing over all our sin the people sing the people sing chorus: hosanna hosanna hosanna in the highest hosanna hosanna hosanna in the highest i see a generation rising up to take the place with selfless faith with selfless faith i see a near revival staring as we pray and seek we're on our knees we're on our knees chorus… heal my heart and make it clean open up my eyes to the things unseen show me how to love like you have loved me break my heart for what breaks yours everything i am for your kingdom's cause as i walk from earth into eternity hosanna in the highest in the highest in the highest hosanna hosanna in the highest hosanna in the highest in the highest in the highest hosanna hosanna in the highest songwriters: brooke ligertwood )
- (146) How Great Is Our God (how great is our god verse 1: the splendor of the king clothed in majesty let all the earth rejoice all the earth rejoice he wraps himself in light and darkness tries to hide and trembles at his voice trembles at his voice chorus: how great is our god sing with me how great is our god and all will see how great how great is our god verse 2: age to age he stands and time is in his hands beginning and the end beginning and the end the godhead three in one father spirit son the lion and the lamb the lion and the lamb bridge:: name above all names you are worthy of all praise and my heart will sing how great is our god chris tomlin )
- (147) How Great Thou Art, O Lord My God (how great thou art o lord my god o lord my god when i in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hands have made; i see the stars i hear the rolling thunder thy power throughout the universe displayed chorus: then sings my soul my saviour god to thee how great thou art how great thou art then sings my soul my saviour god to thee how great thou art how great thou art! when through the woods and forest glades i wander and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees when i look down from lofty mountain grandeur and see the brook and feel the gentle breeze chorus… and when i think that god his son not sparing; sent him to die i scarce can take it in; that on the cross my burden gladly bearing he bled and died to take away my sin chorus… when christ shall come with shout of acclamation and take me home what joy shall fill my heart then i shall bow in humble adoration and then proclaim: "my god how great thou art!" chorus… text: carl boberg; trans stuart k hine 1953 music: swedish folk melody; arr by stuart k hine 1953 tune: o store gud how great thou art meter: irr with refrain )
- (148) I Adore You, I Adore You (i adore you the universe is at your feet gives you praise evermore the stars will light the sky for you always god be praised and we sing the lord is on high the lord is on high chorus: i adore you i adore you and there's none that compares to your majesty o lord i adore you i adore you and i stand in the wonder of your love the universe is at your feet… chorus… bridge: we will crown you king forever living saviour jesus redeemer lord of heaven robed in majesty crown in glory creation adores you holy holy god almighty and forever the lord is exalted hear the angels shout his anthem ever living god we adore you hillsong united album: blessed 2002 )
- (149) I Am Called To Worship You (i am called to worship you i am called to worship you i set my heart to honor you i lift your name in all the earth be blessed oh lord )
- (150) I Am Not Alone (i am not alone verse 1 when i walk through deep waters i know that you will be with me when i'm standing in the fire i will not be overcome through the valley of the shadow oh i will not fear chorus: i am not alone i am not alone you will go before me you will never leave me i am not alone i am not alone you will go before me you will never leave me verse 2 in the midst of deep sorrow i see your light is breaking through the dark night will not over take me i am pressing into you lord you fight my every battle and i will not fear chorus i am not alone i am not alone you will go before me you will never leave me i am not alone i am not alone you will go before me you will never leave me bridge you amaze me redeem me you call me as your own you amaze me redeem me you call me as your own you amaze me redeem me you call me as your own you amaze me redeem me you call me as your own you're my strength you're my defender you're my refuge in the storm through these trials you have always been faithful you bring healing to my soul chorus i am not alone i am not alone you will go before me you will never leave me i am not alone i am not alone you will go before me you will never leave me i am not alone i am not alone you will go before me you will never leave me i am not alone i am not alone you will go before me you will never leave me i am not alone i am not alone you will go before me you will never leave me i am not alone i am not alone you will go before me you will never leave me writers: austin davis ben davis dustin sauder grant pittman kari jobe marty sampson mia fieldes)
- (151) I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel (i am not ashamed of the gospel we're an anchor for those who are hurting we're a harbor for those who are lost sometime it's not always easy bearing calvary's cross we've been ridiculed by those who don't know him and mocked by those who don't believe still i love standing up for my jesus ‘cause of all that he's done for me that's why i am not ashamed of the gospel the gospel of jesus christ no i am not afraid to be counted and i'm willing to give my life see i'm ready to be all he wants me to be give up the wrong for the right no i am not ashamed of the gospel no i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ for every moment his hand has held mercy for all the love that he showed all my life a simple thanks doesn't say how i'm feeling i get tears in my eyes so as for me i'm gonna keep on believing in the one who's been so faithful to me i'm not out to please this whole world around me i've got my mind on eternity that's why i am not ashamed of the gospel the gospel of jesus christ no i am not afraid to be counted and i'm willing to give my life see i'm ready to be all he wants me to be give up the wrong for the right no i am not ashamed of the gospel no i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ i've got too much behind me to let this world bind me to some he's a name but to me he's my everything i am not ashamed of the gospel no i am not ashamed of the gospel i've got too much behind me to let this world bind me to some he's a name but to me he's my everything i am not ashamed of the gospel no i am not ashamed of the gospel no i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ © 2016 heritage singers)
- (152) I Am So Glad, Jesus Loves Even Me (i am so glad jesus loves even me i am so glad that our father in heav’n tells of his love in the book he has giv’n; wonderful things in the bible i see this is the dearest that jesus loves me chorus: i am so glad that jesus loves me jesus loves me jesus loves me; i am so glad that jesus loves me jesus loves even me if i forget him and wander away still he doth love me wherever i stray; back to his dear loving arms would i flee when i remember that jesus loves me oh if there’s only one song i can sing when in his beauty i see the great king this shall my song through eternity be 'oh what a wonder that jesus loves me!' jesus loves me and i know i love him; love brought him down my poor soul to redeem; yes it was love made him die on the tree; oh i am certain that jesus loves me! if one should ask of me how can i tell? glory to jesus i know very well! god’s holy spirit with mine doth agree constantly witnessing jesus loves me in this assurance i find sweetest rest trusting in jesus i know i am blest; satan dismayed from my soul now doth flee when i just tell him that jesus loves me philip p bliss 1870 )
- (153) I Am The God That Healeth Thee (i am the god that healeth thee i am the god that healeth thee i am the lord your healer i sent my word and healed your disease i am the lord your healer you are the god that healeth me you are the lord my healer you sent your word and healed my disease you are the lord my healer don moen 1986 give thanks )
- (154) I Can Only Imagine (i can only imagine i can only imagine what it will be like when i walk by your side i can only imagine what my eyes will see when your face is before me! i can only imagine yeah! refrain: surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel? will i dance for you jesus? or in awe of you be still? will i stand in your presence or to my knees will i fall? will i sing hallelujah? will i be able to speak at all? i can only imagine! i can only imagine! i can only imagine when that day comes when i find myself standing in the son i can only imagine when all i will do is forever forever worship you! i can only imagine! yeah! i can only imagine! refrain: surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel? will i dance for you jesus? or in awe of you be still? will i stand in your presence or to my knees will i fall? will i sing hallelujah? will i be able to speak at all? i can only imagine! yeah! i can only imagine! high surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel? will i dance for you jesus? or in awe of you be still? will i stand in your presence or to my knees will i fall? will i sing hallelujah? will i be able to speak at all? i can only imagine! yeah! i can only imagine! i can only imagine! yeah! i can only imagine! i can only imagine! i can only imagine! i can only imagine when all i will do is forever forever worship you! i can only imagine! words and music by bart millard © 1999 simpleville music )
- (155) I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do (i do i do i do i do i do oh from this moment i will promise forever to love you i do i do i do i do i do oh what a feeling god has joined us for sharing yes i do i do i do i do i do i do oooh oh i've been dreaming through my lonely past my lonely past lord aome and made us to livein one accord oooh so come on now let’s make it let’s make it now god is there never break it cause it's true i do i do i do i do i do interlude may we meet good times we meet good times may have come hard times have come hard times spirit will lead us to triumph in time oooh let your power to fill us fill us your power lord renew hearts within us yes i pray i do i do i do i do i do music & key change the lord has commanded love will never conceited yes i pray i do i do i do i do i do love never gives up never gives up faith hope patience may fail not yes i pray i do i do i do i do i do may we meet good times we meet good times may have come hard times have come hard times spirit will lead us to triumph in time oooh so we’ll find hearts of mercies find mercy hearts god is there never cease it yes i pray i do i do i do i do i do love never gives up never gives up faith hope patience may fail not yes i pray i do i do i do i do i do may we meet good times we meet good times may have come hard times have come hard times spirit will lead us to triumph in time oooh let your power to fill us fill us your power lord renew hearts within us yes i pray i do i do i do i do i do let your kingdom come your kingdom come and your will be done your will be done lord through this journey you lead us your land oooh let your power to fill us fill us your power lord renew hearts within us yes i pray i do i do i do i do i do yes i pray i do i do i do i do i do prepared by sister neluka inspired the i do i do song of abba )
- (156) I Enter The Holy Of Holies (i enter the holy of holies i enter the holy of holies i enter through the blood of the lamb i enter to worship you only i enter to honor i am chorus: lord i worship you i worship you lord i worship you i worship you for your name is holy holy lord for your name is holy holy lord final…final: let the weight of your glory cover us let the life of your river flow let the truth of your kingdom reign in us let the weight of your glory let the weight of your glory fall paul wilbur 1999)
- (157) I Exalt Thee, For Thou, O Lord (i exalt thee for thou o lord art high above all the earth thou art exalted far above all gods i exalt thee i exalt thee i exalt thee o lord i exalt thee i exalt thee i exalt thee o lord )
- (158) I Have Decided To Follow Jesus (i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus; i have decided to follow jesus; i have decided to follow jesus; no turning back no turning back though i may wonder i still will follow; though i may wonder i still will follow; though i may wonder i still will follow; no turning back no turning back the world behind me the cross before me; the world behind me the cross before me; the world behind me the cross before me; no turning back no turning back though none go with me still i will follow; though none go with me still i will follow; though none go with me still i will follow; no turning back no turning back will you decide now to follow jesus? will you decide now to follow jesus? will you decide now to follow jesus? no turning back no turning back )
- (159) I Just Want To Be Where You Are (i just want to be where you are i just want to be where you are dwelling daily in your presence i don't want to worship from afar draw me near to where you are i just want to be where you are in your dwelling place forever take me to the place where you are i just want to be with you chorus: i want to be where you are dwelling in your presence feasting at your table surrounded by your glory in your presence that's where i always want to be i just want to be i just want to be with you i just want to be where you are to enter boldly in your presence i don't want to worship from afar draw me near to where you are oh my god you are my strength and my song and when i'm in your presence though i'm weak you're always strong repeat verses 1 and 2 i just want to be i just want to be with you worship with don moen 1992 )
- (160) I Lift My Hands, To The Coming King (i lift my hands to the coming king i lift my hands echo to the coming king echo to the great i am echo to you i sing echo for you're the one echo who reigns within my heart and i will serve no foreign god or any other treasure; for you are my heart's desire spirit without measure unto your name i will bring my sacrifice andre kempen copyright © 1989 kempen music )
- (161) I Live To Know You Lord (i live to know you lord standing in our presence lord my heart and life are changed just to love you and to live to see your beauty and your grace heaven and earth cry out your name nations rise up and seek your face and your kingdom is established as i live to know you more now i will never be the same spirit of god my life you've changed and i'll forever sing your praise i live to know you lord i live to know you lord you've called me i will follow your will for me i'm sure let your heart beat feel my heart's cry let me live to serve your call heaven and earth cry out your name nations rise up and seek your face and your kingdom is established as i live to know you more now i will never be the same spirit of god my life you've changed and i'll forever sing your praise i live to know you lord i live to know you lord heaven and earth cry out your name nations rise up and seek your face and your kingdom is established as i live to know you more now i will never be the same spirit of god my life you've changed and i'll forever sing your praise i live to know you lord i live to know you lord now i will never be the same spirit of god my life you've changed and i'll forever sing your praise i live to know you lord i live to know you lord i live to know you lord i live to know you lord hillsong united album: all things are possible 1997 )
- (162) I Need You More, More Than Yesterday (i need you more more than yesterday chorus: i need you more more than yesterday i need you more more than words can say i need you more than ever before i need you lord i need you lord more than the air i breathe more than the song i sing more than the next heartbeat more than anything and lord as time goes by i'll be by your side cause i never want to go back to my old life i need you more x 2 more than the air i breathe i need you more x 2 we give you the highest praise jesus we give you the highest praise we give you the highest praise we give you the highest praise kim walker smith )
- (163) I Sing Praises To Your Name, O Lord (i sing praises to your name o lord i sing praises to your name o lord praises to your name o lord for your name is great and greatly to be praised i give glory i give honor in some versions "for your name is great" is sung as "for our lord is great" author: terry macalmon copyright 1989 by integrity's hosanna! music )
- (164) I Surrender All (All To Jesus) (i surrender all all to jesus all to jesus i surrender; all to him i freely give; i will ever love and trust him in his presence daily live refrain: i surrender all i surrender all; all to thee my blessed savior i surrender all all to jesus i surrender; humbly at his feet i bow worldly pleasures all forsaken; take me jesus take me now all to jesus i surrender; make me savior wholly thine; let me feel the holy spirit truly know that thou art mine all to jesus i surrender; lord i give myself to thee; fill me with thy love and power; let thy blessing fall on me all to jesus i surrender; now i feel the sacred flame oh the joy of full salvation! glory glory to his name! judson w van deventer 1896 )
- (165) I Will Boast In Christ (i will boast in christ now and forever all i have because of jesus all this promise won for me when he paid the highest ransom once for always for my freedom i will boast in christ alone his righteousness not my own i will cling to christ my hope his mercy reigns love will never lose its power all my failures could not erase now i walk within your favour grace unending my salvation what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of jesus o precious is the flow that makes me white as snow no other fount i know nothing but the blood of jesus words and music by: scott ligertwood & reuben morgan additional lyrics from “nothing but the blood” traditional hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live )
- (166) I Will Celebrate V1 (i will celebrate i will celebrate sing unto the lord i will sing to him a new song i will celebrate sing unto the lord i will sing to him a new song i will praise him i will sing to him a new song i will praise him i will sing to him a new song)
- (167) I Will Celebrate, Hallelujah Hallelujah (i will celebrate hallelujah hallelujah i will celebrate sing unto the lord i will sing to him a new song i will celebrate sing unto the lord i will sing to him a new song i will praise him i will sing to him a new song i will praise him i will sing to him a new song hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hal le lu hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hal le lu hallelujah )
- (168) I Will Celebrate, When The Spirit Of The Lord (i will celebrate when the spirit of the lord i will celebrate sing unto the lord i will sing to him a new song i will celebrate sing unto the lord i will sing to him a new song i will praise him i will sing to him a new song i will praise him i will sing to him a new song when the spirit of the lord moves in my heart i will sing like david sang i will sing i will sing i will sing like david sang when the spirit of the lord moves in my heart i will dance like david danced i will dance i will dance i will dance like david danced when the spirit of the lord moves in my heart i will pray like david prayed i will pray i will pray i will pray like david prayed i will dance i will dance i will dance like david danced i will sing i will sing i will sing like david sang i will pray i will pray i will pray like david prayed written by linda duvall phil driscoll sung by petra band )
- (169) I Will Enter His Gates With Thanksgiving (i will enter his gates with thanksgiving i will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter his courts with praise; i will say this is the day that the lord has made i will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made me glad i will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made me glad i will rejoice for he has made me glad)
- (170) I Will Praise You All My Life (i will praise you all my life i will praise you all my life i will sing to you with my whole heart i will trust in you my hope and my help my maker and my faithful god oh faithful god my faithful god you lift me up and you uphold my cause you gave me life you dry my eyes you're always there you're a faithful god )
- (171) I Will Run To You (i will run to you your eye is on the sparrow and your hand it comforts me from the ends of the earth to the depths of my heart let your mercy and strength be seen you call me to your purpose as angels understand for your glory may you draw all men as your love and grace demands and i will run to you to your words of truth not by might not by power but by the spirit of god yes i will run the race 'til i see your face oh let me live in the glory of your grace you call me to your purpose as angels understand for your glory may you draw all men as your love and grace demands and i will run to you… and i will run to you to your words of truth not by might not by power but by the spirit of god yes i will run the race 'til i see your face oh let me live in the glory of your grace © 1996 hillsongs australia )
- (172) I Will Sing Like David Sang (i will sing like david sang when the spirit of the lord moves in my heart i will sing like david sang i will sing i will sing i will sing like david sang when the spirit of the lord moves in my heart i will dance like david danced i will dance i will dance i will dance like david danced when the spirit of the lord moves in my heart i will pray like david prayed i will pray i will pray i will pray like david prayed i will dance i will dance i will dance like david danced i will sing i will sing i will sing like david sang i will pray i will pray i will pray like david prayed )
- (173) I Will Sing (Lord You Seem So Far Away) (i will sing lord you seem so far away a million miles or more it feels today and though i haven't lost my faith i must confess right now that it's hard for me to pray but i don't know what to say and i don't know where to start but as you give the grace with all that's in my heart chorus: i will sing i will praise even in my darkest hour through the sorrow and the pain i will sing i will praise lift my hands to honor you because your word is true i will sing lord it's hard for me to see all the thoughts and plans you have for me but i will put my trust in you knowing that you died to set me free but i don't know what to say and i don't know where to start but as you give grace with all that's in my heart i will sing… don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (174) I Will Sing Of The Mercies Of The Lord (i will sing of the mercies of the lord i will sing of the mercies of the lord forever i will sing i will sing i will sing of the mercies of the lord forever i will sing of the mercies of the lord with my mouth will i make known thy faithfulness thy faithfulness; with my mouth will i make known thy faithfulness to all generations words and music: j h fillmore based on psalm 89:1 1983 )
- (175) I Will Soar On Wings Like Eagles (i will soar on wings like eagles o my soul do you not know? have you not heard? it's been told from the beginning the lord your god is on your side o my soul don't be afraid hope in the lord by his righteousness and power he will strengthen he will guide chorus: and i will soar on wings like eagles held by the hand of god i will run and not grow tired when on his name i call for the lord is never weary his ways are beyond my thoughts i will trust in him with all my heart repeat verses and chorus and i will rest upon his promise patiently i'll wait chorus x 2 i will trust in him with all my heart and i will rest upon his promise patiently i'll wait i'll wait don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (176) I Worship You, Almighty God (i worship you almighty god i worship you almighty god there is none like you i worship you o prince of peace that is what i want to do i give you praise for you are my righteousness i worship you almighty god there is none like you writercomposer : sondra corbett )
- (177) I’ll Live For Jesus Day After Day (i’ll live for jesus day after day ‘though days are long are filled with care ‘though burdens seem so hard to bear; no matter what my lot may be i’ll live for him who died for me chorus: i’ll live for jesus day after day ill live for jesus let come what may; the holy spirit i will obey and live for jesus day after day through every age new joy i find he gives to me real peace of mind; until the day when christ i’ll see i’ll live for him who died for me chorus 2: i’ll live for jesus day after day i’ll read my bible i’ll always pray; the holy spirit will lead the way i’ll for jesus day after day paul schultz )
- (178) I'll Fly Away (i'll fly away some glad morning when this life is over i'll fly away to a home on god's celestial shore i'll fly away chorus: i'll fly away o glory i'll fly away when i die hallelujah bye and bye i'll fly away when the shadows of this life are gone i'll fly away like a bird from prison bars has flown i'll fly away chorus… just a few more weary days and then i'll fly away to a land where joy shall never end i'll fly away chorus… when i die hallelujah bye and bye i'll fly away )
- (179) I'm Going Home (i'm going home this world is not what it was meant to be all this pain all this suffering there's a better place waiting for me in heaven every tear will be wiped away every sorrow and sin erased we'll dance on seas of amazing grace in heaven in heaven i'm goin' home where the streets are golden every chain is broken oh i wanna go oh i wanna go home where every fear is gone i'm in your open arms where i belong home lay down my burdens i lay down my past i run to jesus no turning back thank god almighty i'll be free at last in heaven in heaven i'm goin' home where the streets are golden every chain is broken oh i wanna go oh i wanna go home where every fear is gone i'm in your open arms where i belong blinded eyes will finally see the dead will rise on the shores of eternity the trump will sound the angels will sing hallelujah hallelujah i am goin' home where the streets are golden every chain is broken oh i wanna go oh i wanna go home where every fear is gone i'm in your open arms where i belong where i belong i'm goin' home i'm goin' home i'm on my way home i'm goin' home songwriters: chris tomlin ed cash jason ingram jonas carl gustaf myrin )
- (180) In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found (in christ alone in christ alone my hope is found; he is my light my strength my song; this cornerstone this solid ground firm through the fiercest drought and storm what heights of love what depths of peace when fears are stilled when strivings cease! my comforter my all in all here in the love of christ i stand in christ alone who took on flesh fullness of god in helpless babe! this gift of love and righteousness scorned by the ones he came to save till on that cross as jesus died the wrath of god was satisfied; for every sin on him was laid here in the death of christ i live there in the ground his body lay light of the world by darkness slain; then bursting forth in glorious day up from the grave he rose again! and as he stands in victory sin's curse has lost its grip on me; for i am his and he is mine bought with the precious blood of christ no guilt in life no fear in death this is the power of christ in me; from life's first cry to final breath jesus commands my destiny no power of hell no scheme of man can ever pluck me from his hand; till he returns or calls me home here in the power of christ i'll stand words and music by keith getty & stuart townend copyright © 2001 kingsway thankyou music https:wwwyoutubecomwatch?v=ybnfnfh89sa )
- (181) In Control (in control from heaven you can hear i know you’re drawing near as i worship held within your love the wind and waves will come but i will stay here i lift my hands to heaven here my heart surrendered i tell my soul again you are lord of all though the seas are raging you will speak and tame them in you i find my rest you are in control through valleys i will trust your spirit is enough to keep me walking you guide my every step speak life to me again lord i need you i will trust in only you no one can add to your perfection you’re the beginning and the end more than i can comprehend there is no one like you no one no one no one jesus words and music by: ben fielding & aodhan king hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live )
- (182) In Control (I Lift My Hands) (in control i lift my hands verse 1 from heaven you can hear i know you’re drawing near as i worship held within your love the wind and waves will come but i will stay here chorus: i lift my hands to heaven here my heart surrendered i tell my soul again you are lord of all though the seas are raging you will speak and tame them in you i find my rest you are in control verse 2 through valleys i will trust your spirit is enough to keep me walking you guide my every step speak life to me again lord i need you bridge i will trust in only you no one can add to your perfection you’re the beginning and the end more than i can comprehend there is no one like you no one no one no one jesus words and music by: ben fielding & aodhan king hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live )
- (183) In Spirit And Truth (in spirit and truth we’re gathered here the time has come to praise the father spirit son hearts that are ready free to respond we join the everlasting song we will worship you in spirit and truth how we love to worship you let your name be praised again and again lord we love to worship you there at the cross you said it all the poor made rich the weak made strong hearts that are welcomed through all you’ve done this is our story and our song this is our story and our song we hear you calling the lion roaring the time is coming and it has come your word is moving your river flowing we praise you father spirit son written by: ben cantelon chris lawson jones chris sayburn nick herbert)
- (184) In The Cross, Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross (in the cross jesus keep me near the cross jesus keep me near the cross; there a precious fountain free to all a healing stream flows from calvary's mountain chorus: in the cross in the cross be my glory ever till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river near the cross a trembling soul love and mercy found me; there the bright and morning star sheds its beams around me in the cross in the cross… near the cross! o lamb of god bring its scenes before me; help me walk from day to day with its shadow o'er me in the cross in the cross… near the cross i'll watch and wait hoping trusting ever till i reach the golden strand just beyond the river in the cross in the cross… text:fanny j crosby 18201915 music: william h doane 18321915 )
- (185) In The Name Of Jesus, We Have The Victory (in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we have the victory hallelujah in the name of jesus demons will have to flee hallelujah who can tell what god can do who can tell of his love for you in the mighty name of jesus we have the victory when we stand in the name of jesus tell me who can stand against us in the mighty name of jesus we have the victory )
- (186) In The Sweet By And By (in the sweet by and by there’s a land that is fairer than day and by faith we can see it afar; for the father waits over the way to prepare us a dwelling place there [chorus:] in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore; in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore we shall sing on that beautiful shore the melodious songs of the blessed; and our spirits shall sorrow no more not a sigh for the blessing of rest to our bountiful father above we will offer our tribute of praise for the glorious gift of his love and the blessings that hallow our days sanford f bennett 1868 scripture: john 14:2 )
- (187) In Your Hands I'm So Secure (in your hands i'm so secure you're here with me you stay the same your love remains here in my heart so close i believe you're holding me now in your hands i belong you'll never let me go so close i believe you're holding me now in your hands i belong you'll never let me go you gave your life in your endless love you set me free and showed the way now i am found all along you were beside me even when i couldn't tell through the years you showed me more of you more of you hillsong united album: all things are possible 1997 )
- (188) Is There Anything Too Hard (is there anything too hard is there anything too hard for the lord is there anything too hard for the lord no nothing is too hard for the lord no nothing is too hard for the lord )
- (189) It Is Well With My Soul (it is well with my soul when peace like a river attendeth my way when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say it is well it is well with my soul chorus: it is well it is well with my soul with my soul it is well it is well with my soul though satan should buffet though trials should come let this blest assurance control that christ hath regarded my helpless estate and hath shed his own blood for my soul my sin oh the bliss of this glorious thought! my sin not in part but the whole is nailed to the cross and i bear it no more praise the lord praise the lord o my soul! for me be it christ be it christ hence to live: if jordan above me shall roll no pang shall be mine for in death as in life thou wilt whisper thy peace to my soul but lord ’tis for thee for thy coming we wait the sky not the grave is our goal; oh trump of the angel! oh voice of the lord! blessed hope blessed rest of my soul! and lord haste the day when the faith shall be sight the clouds be rolled back as a scroll; the trump shall resound and the lord shall descend even so it is well with my soul horatio g spafford 1873 scripture: 2 kings 4:26; psalm 146:1 https:enwikipediaorgwikiit_is_well_with_my_soul )
- (190) It's A Great Day To Praise The Lord (it's a great day to praise the lord it's a great day to praise the lord walking in the light of the lord walk walk walk in the light walking in the light of the lord optional verses: love serve )
- (191) It's A Season Of Hope (it's a season of hope the prophet told us long ago a child will come to bring us hope a star lit up the night to show the way for all the wise men seeking truth the child came as living proof the light of all the world still shines today in a lowly cattle stall love was born to save us all it’s a season of hope a season of joy and it all goes back to a baby boy when god reached down and changed the world forever we can reach out we can believe in the power of love we can all meet a need and love can change the world forever love can change the world love can change the world behind the lights and the christmas cheer people try to hide their fear many hungry hearts are lost and cold but we can be the light of christ bring some joy to someone’s life and share the greatest story ever told in a lowly cattle stall love was born to save us all it’s a season of hope a season of joy and it all goes back to a baby boy when god reached down and changed the world forever we can reach out we can believe in the power of love we can all meet a need and love can change the world forever love can change the world love can change the world yes it can love can change the world o ya! love can change the world love can change the world yes it can we are his hands we are his feet across a thousand miles or across your street we are his hands we are his feet across a thousand miles or across your street we are his hands we are his feet across a thousand miles or across your street we are his hands we are his feet across a thousand miles or across your street we’ve got a gift let’s give it away make a difference today it’s a season of hope a season of joy and it all goes back to a baby boy when god reached down and changed the world forever we can reach out we can believe in the power of love we can all meet a need and love can change the world 2 forever and love can change the world forever love can change the world x 2 yes it can love can change the world x 2 and love can change the world o yes forever love can change the world don moen 2012 christmas: a season of hope )
- (192) It's God's Tender Words - The True Love Of God (it's god's tender words the true love of god verse 1 i stand before my god again today my heart has much to say when i see his lovely face i’ve left my wandering past behind me his word fills me with bliss and joy from his grace chorus: it’s god’s tender words that water and nourish me to grow up it’s his stern words that encourage me to stand up again god we sing to you today 'cause of your blessings we give praise to you today because you’ve raised us almighty true god who has loved us! we love you! oh god! we truly do! verse 2 i want to relish in your word for all my days i look to you my god for light in each and every way you water and nourish your people in love you lead us away from the devil’s influence to stray chorus… x 1 bridge brothers and sisters! let’s rise and praise! cherish this moment we share together freed from the shackles of the burdens of flesh let’s show our love for god in real actions fulfill our duty with heart and might we love you almighty god! we’ll never leave you! it’s god’s tender words that water and nourish me to grow up it’s his stern words that encourage me to stand up again god we sing to you today 'cause of your blessings we give praise to you today chorus… x 1 because you’ve raised us almighty true god who has loved us! we love you! oh god! we truly do! the church of almighty god https:wwwyoutubecomwatch?v=qedz0bzqdb0)
- (193) It's Your Blood That Cleanses Me (it's your blood that cleanses me it's your blood that cleanses me it's your blood that gives me life it's your blood that took my place in redeeming sacrifice it washes me whiter than the snow than the snow my jesus my jesus god's precious sacrifice)
- (194) Jehovah Jireh, My Provider (jehovah jireh my provider jehovah jireh my provider his grace is sufficient for me my god shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory he will give his angels charge over me jehovah jireh cares for me hallelujah wm by merla watson © 1974 sound iii inc )
- (195) Jesus, Jesus, Holy And Anointed One, Jesus. (jesus jesus holy and anointed one jesus jesus jesus holy and anointed one jesus jesus jesus holy and anointed one jesus your name is like honey on my lips your spirit like water to my soul your word is a lamp unto my feet jesus i love you i love you jesus jesus risen and exalted one jesus your name is like honey on my lips your spirit like water to my soul your word is a lamp unto my feet jesus i love you i love you your name is like honey on my lips your spirit like water to my soul your word is a lamp unto my feet jesus i love you i love you jesus jesus 1988 mercy vineyard publishing admin by vineyard music usa )
- (196) Jesus, Name Above All Names (jesus name above all names jesus name above all names beautiful savior glorious lord emmanuel god is with us blessed redeemer living word oh jesus name above all names beautiful savior glorious lord emmanuel god is with us blessed redeemer living word lord i praise your name jesus name above all names jesus name above all names beautiful savior glorious lord emmanuel god is with us blessed redeemer living word blessed redeemer living word blessed redeemer living word this song is by bill batstone and appears on the compilation wow worship 1999 written by: naida hearn )
- (197) Jesus I Need You (jesus i need you verse 1 hope be my anthem lord when the world has fallen quiet you stand beside me give me a song in the night chorus: jesus i need you every moment i need you hear now this grace bought heart sing out your praise forever verse 2 beauty for ashes you find the weak and contrite heart shoulder its burdens and carry it into the light jesus chorus jesus i need you every moment i need you hear now this grace bought heart sing out your praise forever and jesus i need you every moment i need you hear now this grace bought heart sing out your praise forever bridge remember love remember mercy christ before me christ behind me your loving kindness has never failed me christ before me christ behind me remember love remember mercy christ before me christ behind me your loving kindness has never failed me christ before me christ behind me remember love remember mercy christ before me christ behind me your loving kindness has never failed me christ before me christ behind me chorus jesus i need you every moment i need you hear now this grace bought heart sing out your praise forever jesus jesus i need you every moment i need you hear now this grace bought heart sing out your praise forever remember love remember mercy christ before me christ behind me your loving kindness has never failed me christ before me christ behind me writers: scott ligertwood reuben morgan jarrad rogers brooke ligertwood hillsong worship open heaven river wild )
- (198) Jesus Loves Me This I Know (jesus loves me this i know jesus loves methis i know for the bible tells me so; little ones to him belong they are weak but he is strong chorus: yes jesus loves me! yes jesus loves me! yes jesus loves me! the bible tells me so jesus loves mehe who died heaven’s gate to open wide; he will wash away my sin let his little child come in chorus… jesus loves meloves me still though i’m very weak and ill; from his shining throne on high comes to watch me where i lie chorus… jesus loves mehe will stay close beside me all the way then his little child will take up to heaven for his dear sake chorus… words: anna b warner 1860; refrain by william bradbury this hymn first appeared in the novel say and seal by warner’s sister susan philadelphia pennsylvania: j b lippincott & company 1860 volume ii pages 1156 she wanted a song for a sunday school teacher to sing to a dying boy and asked anna to write it )
- (199) Jesus We Enthrone You (jesus we enthrone you jesus we enthrone you we proclaim you are king standing here in the midst of us we raise you up with our praise and as we worship build your throne and as we worship build your throne and as we worship build your throne come lord jesus and take your place words & music by paul kyle don moen 1996 praise with don moen )
- (200) Jesus You Are So Good (jesus you are so good jesus you are so good jesus you are so good there's nothing to fear cause i'm here in your presence jesus you are so good jesus you are so good and i just want to thank you with every beat of my heart you've given me eternal life and your word to light my way you've given me your spirit with new mercies every day you've given me a confidence and my soul is filled with peace for you are a provider you supply my every need don moen 1995 rivers of joy )
- (201) Join Their Hearts Together In Love (join their hearts lord they come in your name gathered here to worship you join them in harmony spirit come chorus: and join their hearts together in love join their hearts together in love and come like the dew on the mountains descending join their hearts together in love join their hearts together in love for there the lord has commanded the blessing o how good how beautiful when they live in unity flowing like anointing oil on jesus' head and join their hearts so let them all agree to make strong their bonds of peace here is life forever more spirit come and join their hearts for there the lord has commanded the blessing… )
- (202) Joy To The World (joy to the world joy to the world the lord is come! let earth receive her king; let every heart prepare him room and heaven and nature sing and heaven and nature sing and heaven and heaven and nature sing joy to the world the savior reigns! let men their songs employ; while fields and floods rocks hills and plains repeat the sounding joy repeat the sounding joy repeat repeat the sounding joy no more let sins and sorrows grow nor thorns infest the ground; he comes to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found far as the curse is found far as far as the curse is found he rules the world with truth and grace and makes the nations prove the glories of his righteousness and wonders of his love and wonders of his love and wonders wonders of his love the words and lyrics of the old christmas carol 'joy to the world' were written in 1719 by isaac watts 16741748 joy to the world is a popular christmas carol which is based on psalm 98 in the bible the father of john watts was a nonconformist and so extreme were his views that he was imprisoned twice )
- (203) Just A Closer Walk With Thee (just a closer walk with thee i am weak but thou art strong; jesus keep me from all wrong; i’ll be satisfied as long as i walk let me walk close to thee chorus: just a closer walk with thee grant it jesus is my plea daily walking close to thee let it be dear lord let it be through this world of toil and snares if i falter lord who cares? who with me my burden shares? none but thee dear lord none but thee when my feeble life is o’er time for me will be no more; guide me gently safely o’er to thy kingdom shore to thy shore )
- (204) Keeper Of My Heart (keeper of my heart from the first to the last breath i breathe the lord watches over me you hear my cry and you know every need the lord watches over me you never fail me god i lift my eyes i lift my eyes up maker of the heavens keeper of my heart i lift my hands i lift my hands up standing in your presence you are never far i look to you where my help comes from the lord watches over me your mercies are new with the morning sun the lord watches over me you've never failed me god keeper of my heart keeper of my heart jesus you are my strength you're never ending love i know you have overcome i'll sing when all is said and done you're my hope my only hope songwriters: jason ingram chris tomlin kari jobe )
- (205) King Of Kings, Majesty (king of kings majesty king of kings majesty god of heaven living in me gentle savior closest friend strong deliverer beginning and end all within me falls at your throne chorus: your majesty i can but bow i lay my all before you now in royal robes i don't deserve i live to serve your majesty earth and heaven worship you love eternal faithful and true who bought the nations ransomed souls brought this sinner near to your throne all within me cries out in praise ©1996 sovereign lifestyle music po box 356 leighton buzzard beds lu7 8wp uk all rights reserved international copyright secured )
- (206) King Of Majesty, I Have One Desire (king of majesty you know that i love you you know that i want to know you so much more more than i have before these words are from my heart these words are not made up i will live for you i am devoted to you prechorus: king of majesty i have one desire just to be with you my lord just to be with you my lord chorus: jesus you are the saviour of my soul and forever and ever i'll give my praises to you you know that these words are jesus you are the saviour of my soul and forever and ever i'll give my praises to you prechorus jesus you are the saviour of my soul and forever and ever i'll give my praises to you jesus you are the saviour of my soul and forever and ever i'll give my praises to you jesus you are the saviour of my soul and forever and ever i'll give my praises to you © by hillsong united )
- (207) King Of My Heart - Michael W. Smith (king of my heart michael w smith [verse 1] let the king of my heart be the mountain where i run the fountain i drink from ohoh he is my song let the king of my heart be the shadow where i hide the ransom for my life ohoh he is my song [chorus:] you are good good ohoohoooh you are good good ohoohoooh yes you are good good ohoohoooh yes you are good good ohoohoooh [verse 2] let the king of my heart be the wind inside my sails the anchor in the waves ohoh he is my song let the king of my heart be the fire inside my veins the echo of my days ohoh he is my song [chorus] you are good good ohoohoooh you are good good ohoohoooh yes you are good good ohoohoooh you are good good ohoohoooh [bridge] you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down [chorus] 'cause you are good good ohoohoooh you are good good ohoohoooh yes you are good good ohoohoooh you are good good ohoohoooh [outro] you are good good good good ohoohoooh you are good good good good ohoohoooh you are good good good good ohoohoooh you are good good good good ohoohoooh by michael w smith )
- (208) Lead Me Through The Night (lead me through the night lord you are my refuge and my shelter in your presence i will hide i will wait for the god of my salvation he will hear me when i cry chorus: though i fall i will rise high above the storm like an eagle i will fly in the dark you are my light bright and morning star come and lead me through the night o lead me through the night lord you are my help in times of trouble when others leave you will abide yes you will you're a friend that's closer than a brother you will never leave my side though i fall… lead me through the night lead me through the night lead me through the night lead me through the night won't you lead me through the night? lead me through the night lead me through the night yeah yeah though i fall… x 2 oh lead me through the night won't you lead me through the night? oh lead me through the night won't you lead me through the night? won't you lead me through the night? lord won't you lead me won't you lead me won't you lead me through the night? lord won't you lead me won't you lead me won't you lead me through the night? lord won't you lead me lead me lead me through the night? lord won't you lead me lead me lead me through the night? don moen 2006 hiding place )
- (209) Let Faith Arise (let faith arise be still there is a healer his love is deeper than the sea his mercy it is unfailing his arms are a fortress for the weak let faith arise let faith arise i lift my hands to believe again you are my refuge you are my strength as i pour out my heart these things i remember you are faithful god forever be still there is a river that flows from calvary's tree a fountain for the thirsty pure grace that washes over me so let faith arise let faith arise open my eyes open my eyes i lift my hands to believe again you are my refuge you are my strength as i pour out my heart these things i remember you are faithful god you are faithful god forever songwriters: louie giglio chris tomlin matt maher )
- (210) Let The Redeemed Of The Lord Say So (let the redeemed of the lord say so let the redeemed of the lord say so let the redeemed of the lord say so let the redeemed of the lord say so i redeemed i redeemed praise the lord don moen 1986 give thanks )
- (211) Let There Be Light (let there be light there’s no darkness in your eyes there’s no question in your mind god almighty god of mercy there’s no hiding from your face there’s no striving in your grace god of mercy god almighty let there be light open the eyes of the blind purify our hearts in your fire breathe in us we pray jesus have your way there’s no borders in your love no division in your heart god of heaven god of freedom there’s no taking back the cross no regret in what it cost god of freedom god of heaven let there be light open the eyes of the blind purify our hearts in your fire breathe in us we pray let there be light open our eyes to your heart desperate just to know who you are shine in us we pray jesus have your way good news embracing the poor comfort for all those who mourn for the broken hearted we sing louder release from prison and shame oppression turning to praise for every captive sing louder restoring sight to the blind breaking the curse of the night for all in darkness sing louder proclaiming freedom for all this is the day of the lord beauty for ashes let the light that shines above become the light that shines in us there’s no darkness in your way so have your way lord have your way words and music by: michael guy chislett matthew crocker joel houston brooke ligertwood & scott ligertwood hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live)
- (212) Let Your Glory Fill This House (let your glory fill this house let your glory fill this house let your praises fill my heart let each vessel offer up to you the sacrifice of praise you alone are holy you alone are worthy you deserve the glory jesus you alone [let your praises fill my heart] also can sing as [let your praises fill our hearts] 1989 larry stockstill )
- (213) Let Your Glory Fill This House, Father In Heaven (let your glory fill this house father in heaven let your glory fill this house let your praises fill my heart let each vessel offer up to you the sacrifice of praise you alone are holy you alone are worthy you deserve the glory jesus you alone father in heaven how we love you we lift your name in all the earth may your kingdom be established in our praises as your people declare your mighty works blessed be the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come blessed be the lord god almighty who reigns forever more let your glory fill this house 1989 larry stockstill father in heaven writercomposer: bob fitts )
- (214) Lift Up Your Heads Oh You Gates (lift up your heads oh you gates lift up your heads oh you gates swing open wide you ancient doors let the king of kings take his rightful place make room make way for the king of grace lift up your hands open up your hearts his victory over sin and death is ours let the king of kings take his rightful place make room make way for our king of grace who is this king of glory lord of power? his name is jesus our risen king who is this king so mighty lord of strength? his name is jesus our risen king lift up your hands open up your hearts his victory over sin and death is ours let the king of kings take his rightful place make room make way for our king of grace who is this king of glory lord of power? his name is jesus our risen king who is this king so mighty lord of strength? his name is jesus our risen king who is this king of glory lord of power? his name is jesus our risen king who is this king so mighty lord of strength? his name is jesus our risen king king of glory lord of power king of glory lord of power king of glory lord of power king of glory lord of power don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (215) Light Of The Word - He Is The Light (light of the word he is the light the world is searching for an answer a ray of hope in a hopeless world who can we turn to where is our rescue there is someone he’s the answer he is the light and he’ll light the way his name is jesus and he came to save us he is the light light light light of the word and he shine shine shines all over the earth shining bright bright bright he is the light of the world woh woh he is the light light light light of the word and he shine shine shines all over the earth shining bright bright bright he is the light of the world group's vbs "light of the world" by jay stocker © 2016 group publishing inc)
- (216) Light To You - Michael W. Smith (light to you michael w smith [verse 1] my hope has found its resting place and i'll search no more my hope has found its resting place and i'll search no more [chorus:] even the darkness is light to you even the darkness is light to you it's hard to believe it but you say that it's true even the darkness is light to you [verse 2] my hope has found its anchor safe and your rock it holds my hope has found its anchor safe and your rock it holds [chorus x 1] [interlude] [bridge] if i made my bed in the depths if i rise on the wings of the morning to the farthest horizon you're there you'll find me you'll find me if i made my bed in the depths if i rise on the wings of the morning to the farthest horizon you're there you'll find me you'll find me [chorus 2] even my darkness is light to you even my darkness is light to you from the deepest of depths to the stars up above there is no way i could escape his steadfast love it's hard to believe it but you say that it's true even my darkness is light to you [outro] my darkness is light to you my darkness is light to you by michael w smith)
- (217) Little Drummer Boy (little drummer boy come they told me pa rum pum pum pum a new born king to see pa rum pum pum pum our finest gifts we bring pa rum pum pum pum to lay before the king pa rum pum pum pum rum pum pum pum rum pum pum pum so to honour him pa rum pum pum pum when we come pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum pum pum pum ahh little baby pa rum pum pum pum i am a poor boy too pa rum pum pum pum i have no gift to bring pa rum pum pum pum that's fit to give a king pa rum pum pum rum pum pum pum rum pum pum pum shall i play for you pa rum pum pum pum on my drum? pum pum pum part mary nodded pa rum pum pum pum the ox and lamb kept time pa rum pum pum pum i played my drum for him pa rum pum pum pum i played my best for him pa rum pum pum pum rum pum pum pum rum pum pum pum pum pum pum part then he smiled at me pa rum pum pum pum me and my drum "the little drummer boy" originally known as "carol of the drum" is a popular christmas song written by the american classical music composer and teacher katherine kennicott davis in 1941[1] it was recorded in 1951 by the trapp family singers and realised on the choir's first lp christmas with the trapp family singers and released as a single 45rpm these were the first recordings released on their new record label decca records and further popularized by a 1958 recording by the harry simeone chorale this version was rereleased successfully for several years and the song has been recorded many times since)
- (218) Living Waters Flow On (living waters flow on living waters flow on sweep away my pain bring your healing to my heart help me love once again cares and worries get me down fear of failure fills my day when i'm lost and all alone help me lord to find your way people knocking at my door strangers seeking love and care never let me turn them down teach me gently how to share children come into my life with their laughter and their song when will i become like them teach me lord to sing along living waters flow on sweep away my pain bring your healing to my heart help me love once again )
- (219) Long Time Ago In Bethlehem (long time ago in bethlehem long time ago in bethlehem so the holy bible say mary's boy child jesus christ was born on christmas day refrain: hark now hear the angels sing a new king born today and man will live for evermore because of christmas day while shepherds watch their flocks by night they see a bright new shining star they hear a choir of angels sing v2 they hear a choir sing a song the music seemed to come from afar hark now hear the angels sing… now joseph and his wife mary come to bethlehem that night they found no place to born her child not a single room was in sight hark now hear the angels sing… and then they found a little nook in a stable all forlorn and in a manger cold and dark mary's little boy was born hark now hear the angels sing… trumpets sound and angels sing listen to what they say that man will live forever more because of christmas day oh my lord you sent your son to save us oh my lord your very self you gave us oh my lord that sin may not enslave us and love may reign once more oh my lord when in the crib they found hhim oh my lord a golden halo crowned him oh my lord they gathered all around him to see him and adore oh my lord so praise the lord they had become to doubt you oh my lord he is the truth forever what did they know about you oh my lord so praise the lord but they were lost without you they needed you so bad his light is shining on us oh my lord so praise the lord with the child's adoration oh my lord he is a personation there came great jubilation oh my lord so praise the lord and full of admiration they realized what they had until the sun falls from the sky oh my lord oh praise the lord you sent your son to save us oh my lord this day will live forever your very self you gave us oh my lord so praise the lord that sin may not enslave us and love may reign once more 1956 jester hairston fred jay frank farian popular singing by boney m group )
- (220) Look To The Son (look to the son verse 1 salvation tearing through the dead of night see the kingdom burst into colour at the speed of light freedom shaking up the atmosphere as the shadows fade into nothing as the day appears prechorus beyond the skies above love reaching out for us the everlasting one jesus our god chorus: we look to the son set our eyes on our saviour see the image of love sing his praises forever verse 2 creation waking up to kingdom come see the hope of heaven shining like the rising sun now forever lifted up from death to life there’s no fear in love and no darkness in his endless light words and music by: matthew crocker joel houston scott ligertwood reuben morgan & marty sampson hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live)
- (221) Look Upon The Lord (look upon the lord look upon the lord stand in awe of his beauty look upon the lord seated high he is holy let the glory of our god from heaven come down let the house of the lord be filled with the cloud you are good and your mercy will endure you are good and forever we are yours hallelujah hallelujah listen for the lord hear the voice of his spirit call upon his name he is near he is with us writers: jason ingram kari jobe paul baloche )
- (222) Lord, I Lift Your Name On High (lord i lift your name on high lord i lift your name on high lord i love to sing your praises i'm so glad you're in my life i'm so glad you came to save us you came from heaven to earth to show the way from the earth to the cross my debt to pay from the cross to the grave from the grave to the sky lord i lift your name on high rick founds 1989 )
- (223) Lord, Thy Word Abideth (lord thy word abideth lord thy word abideth and our footsteps guideth; who its truth believeth light and joy receiveth when our foes are near us then thy word doth cheer us word of consolation message of salvation when the storms are o’er us and dark clouds before us then its light directeth and our way protecteth who can tell the pleasure who recount the treasure by thy word imparted to the simple hearted? word of mercy giving succor to the living; word of life supplying comfort to the dying! o that we discerning its most holy learning lord may love and fear thee evermore be near thee! words: henry w baker in hymns ancient and modern 1861 )
- (224) Lord I Offer My Life To You (Don Moen) (lord i offer my life to you chorus: lord i offer my life to you everything i've been through use it for your glory lord i offer my days to you lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice lord i offer you my life things in the past things yet unseen wishes and dreams that are yet to come true all of my hopes and all of my plans my heart and my hands are lifted to you lord i offer my life… x 2 lord i offer you my life don moen claire cloninger 1998 god is good )
- (225) Lord I Offer My Life To You (Hillsong) (lord i offer my life to you all that i am and all that i have i lay them down before you oh lord and all my regrets and all my acclaims the joy and the pain i'm making them yours things in the past things yet unseen wishes and dreams that are yet to come true all of my hopes and all of my plans my heart and my hands are lifted to you chorus: lord i offer my life to you everything i've been through use it for your glory and lord i offer my days to you lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice lord i offer you my life all that i am things in the past lord i offer my life… x 3 lord i offer you my life hillsong )
- (226) Lord I Offer My Life To You (John Chisum) (lord i offer my life to you all that i am all that i have i lay them down before you oh lord all my regrets all my acclaims the joy and the pain i'm making them yours chorus: and lord i offer my life to you everything i've been through use it for your glory lord i offer my days to you lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice lord i offer you my life things in the past things yet unseen wishes and dreams that are yet to come true all of my hopes all of my plans my heart and my hands are lifted to you and lord i offer my life… what can we give that you have not given? and what do we have that is not already yours? all we possess are these lives we're living and that's what we give to you lord and lord i offer my life… x 2 lord i offer you my life john chisum 2001 songs 4 worship: give you my heart )
- (227) Lord Of All All Of Creations (lord of all lord i long to see you glorified in everything i do all my heartfelt dreams i put aside to see your spirit move with power in my life jesus lord of all eternity your children rise in faith all the earth displays your glory and each word you speak brings life to all who hears lord of all all of creations sings your praise in heaven and earth lord we stand hearts open wide be exalted lord i long to see you glorified in everything i do all my heartfelt dreams i put aside to see your spirit move with power in my life jesus lord of all eternity your children rise in faith all the earth displays your glory and each word you speak brings life to all who hears lord of all all of creations sings your praise in heaven and earth lord we stand hearts open wide be exalted © by hillsong united )
- (228) Lord Over All (lord over all in the valley of the unknown i will lift my voice in the shifting in the shadow i know you are with me lord over all you will be my rescue you will never fail lord through it all i will choose to trust you you will never fail in the searching and the waiting you quiet my soul in the stillness of your presence i know you are with me out of this darkness into your promise you will deliver me eternal savior you stand forever you are my victory writers: jason ingram kari jobe )
- (229) Lord We Ve Come To Worship (lord we've come to worship lord we've come to worship and we have come to pray lord we've come to listen and hear what you would say lord our hearts are longing to meet with you today for we have come to seek you and we have come to say worthy you are worthy king of kings lord of lords you are worthy all blessing and power all riches and wisdom all glory and honor and praise to the lamb lord we need forgiveness we're wandered far away look down in tender mercy forgive our sins we pray o lord we need revival all across this land come move among your people with your mighty hand worthy you are worthy king of kings lord of lords you are worthy all blessing and power all riches and wisdom all glory and honor and praise to the lamb that was slain to redeem us back to god again to the lamb who will reign forever and ever amen to the lamb that was slain… x 2 forever and ever amen forever and ever forever and ever forever and ever amen amen amen don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (230) Lord You Are Good You Are Good (lord you are good you are good where would i be if you had not been by my side how could i rise to meet the morning of the day your tender mercy always calling from behind at times i could not see you even though you were close by chorus: lord you are good you are good and your mercy forever endures lord you are good you are good and your mercy forever endures repeat all help me to see your loving kindness help me to see you as you are help me to see your loving kindness help me to see you as you are as you really really are repeat chorus x 2 and your mercy forever endures and your mercy forever endures don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (231) Love So Great (love so great your love so great jesus in all things i’ve seen a glimpse of your heart a billion years still i’ll be singing how can i praise you enough you are the lord almighty out shining all the stars in glory your love is like the wildest ocean oh nothing else compares creation calls all to the saviour we are alive for your praise in earth and sky no one is higher our god of wonders you reign not to us but to your name we lift up all praise words and music by: joshua grimmett reuben morgan & jamie snell hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live)
- (232) Love You So Much, Hear These Praises (love you so much verse 1: hear these praises from a grateful heart each time i think of you the praises start i love you so much jesus i love you so much chorus: how my soul longs for you longs to worship you forever in your power and majesty i lift my hands lift my heart i lift my voice towards the heavens for you are my sun and shield verse 1 verse 2: lord i love you my soul sings in your presence carried on your wings i love you so much jesus i love you so much chorus verse 1 verse 2 jesus i love you i love you so much jesus i love you i love you so much album: all things are possible: live worship from hillsongs australia 1997 shout to the lord 2000 1999 )
- (233) Made Me Glad, You Are My Shield (made me glad i will bless the lord forever i will trust him at all times he has delivered me from all fear he has set my feet upon a rock i will not be moved and i'll say of the lord chorus: you are my shield my strength my portion deliverer my shelter strong tower my very present help in time of need whom have i in heaven but you there's none i desire besides you hillsong united album: blessed 2002 )
- (234) Made To Worship (made to worship before the day before the light before the world revolved around the sun god on high stepped down into time and wrote the story of his love for everyone he has filled our hearts with wonder so that we always remember chorus: you and i were made to worship you and i are called to love you and i are forgiven and free you and i embrace surrender you and i choose to believe you and i will see who we were meant to be all we are and all we have is all a gift from god that we receive brought to life we open up our eyes to see the majesty and glory of the king he has filled our hearts with wonder so that we always remember chorus… and even the rocks cry out and even the heavens shout at the sound of his holy name so let every voice sing out and let every knee bow down he is worthy of all our praise you and i were made to worship you and i are called to love you and i are forgiven and free yeah you and i embrace surrender you and i choose to believe you and i will see you and i will see you and i were made to worship you and i are called to love you and i are forgiven and free yeah you and i embrace surrender you and i choose to believe you and i will see who we were meant to be chris tomlin )
- (235) Majesty, Worship His Majesty (majesty majesty worship his majesty unto jesus be all glory honor and praise! majesty kingdom authority flow from his throne unto his own his anthem raise so exalt lift up on high the name of jesus magnify come glorify christ jesus the king! majesty worship his majesty jesus who died now glorified king of all kings! © 1987 jack hayford )
- (236) Mary Did You Know (mary did you know mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water? mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters? did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new? this child that you delivered will soon deliver you mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man? mary did you know that your baby boy will calm the storm with his hand? did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod? when you kiss your little baby you kissed the face of god? mary did you know ooo ooo ooo the blind will see the deaf will hear the dead will live again the lame will leap the dumb will speak the praises of the lamb mary did you know that your baby boy is lord of all creation? mary did you know that your baby boy would one day rule the nations? did you know that your baby boy is heaven's perfect lamb? the sleeping child you're holding is the great "i am" "mary did you know?" is a christmas song with lyrics written by mark lowry and music written by buddy greene it was originally recorded by christian recording artist michael english on his selftitled debut solo album in 1991 english and lowry were both members of the gaither vocal band at the time )
- (237) Mighty To Save (mighty to save everyone needs compassion love that's never failing let mercy fall on me everyone needs forgiveness the kindness of a savior the hope of nations chorus: savior he can move the mountains my god is mighty to save he is mighty to save forever author of salvation he rose and conquered the grave jesus conquered the grave so take me as you find me all my fears and failures and fill my life again i give my life to follow everything i believe in now i surrender chorus bridge: shine your light and let the whole world see we're singing for the glory of the risen king jesus chorus bridge by hillsong united album: hillsong live mighty to save © 2006 )
- (238) Miracles - Michael W. Smith (miracles michael w smith [verse 1] the one who made the blind to see is moving here in front of me moving here in front of me the one who made the deaf to hear is silencing my every fear silencing my every fear [chorus:] i believe in you i believe in you you're the god of miracles i believe in you i believe in you you're the god of miracles [verse 2] the one who does impossible is reaching out to make me whole reaching out to make me whole the one who put death in its place his life is flowing through my veins his life is flowing through my veins [chorus x 2] [interlude] [bridge] the god who was and is to come the power of the risen one the god who brings the dead to life you're the god of miracles! you're the god of miracles! the god who was and is to come the power of the risen one the god who brings the dead to life you're the god of miracles! you're the god of miracles! [chorus x 1] we believe in you we believe in you you're the god of miracles we believe in you we believe in you you're the god of miracles [interlude] [chorus last] we believe in you we believe in you you're the god of miracles we believe in you we believe in you you're the god of miracles! [outro] the god of miracles by michael w smith)
- (239) More Love, More Power (more love more power more love more power more of you in my life more love more power more of you in my life i will worship you with all of my heart and i will worship you with all of my mind and i will worship you with all of my strength for you are my lord you are my lord more faith more passion more of you in my life more faith more passion more of you in my life i will worship you with all of my heart and i will worship you with all of my mind and i will worship you with all of my strength for you are my lord you are my lord more love more power more of you in my life more love more power more of you in my life i will worship you with all of my heart and i will worship you with all of my mind and i will worship you with all of my strength for you are my lord you are my lord 2x and i will seek your face with all of my heart and i will seek your face with all of my mind and i will seek your face with all of my strength for you are my lord written by: jude del hierro © 1987 mercy vineyard )
- (240) My God Can Do Anything (my god can do anything my god can do anything anything yes anything my god can do anything he made this earth with all its fullness and all that time shall bring my god can do anything rev v b vep ellis | © 1957 1985 lillenas publishing company)
- (241) My Life Is In You, Lord (my life is in you lord my life is in you lord my strength is in you lord my hope is in you lord in you it's in you i will praise you with all of my life i will praise you with all of my strength with all of my life with all of my strength all of my hope is in you my life is in you lord my strength is in you lord my hope is in you lord in you it's in you i will praise you… my life is in you lord my strength is in you lord my hope is in you lord in you it's in you i will praise you… my life is in you lord my strength is in you lord my hope is in you lord in you it's in you my life is in you lord my strength is in you lord my hope is in you lord in you it's in you in you it's in you! in you it's in you! in you don moen 2001 god in us )
- (242) My Portion You Will Ever Be (my portion you will ever be as long as the sun blazes and burns your mercies will never fail as long as the seed time and harvest endure your mercies will never fail and when my soul is downcast within your compassions have no end though the arrows pierce me though the darkness rages fiercely you will be my strength though the earth gives way my portion you will ever be in fear or in faith i'll say to my soul your mercies will never fail a promise for ages an anchor that holds your mercies will never fail and when my soul is downcast within your compassions have no end though the arrows pierce me though the darkness rages fiercely you will be my strength though the earth gives way my portion you will ever be it's all because of the lord's great love all because of the lord's great love it's all because of the lord's great love we are not consumed it's all because of the lord's great love all because of the lord's great love it's all because of the lord's great love his mercies are ever new though the arrows pierce me though the darkness rages fiercely you will be my strength though the earth gives way my portion you will ever be though the arrows pierce me though the darkness rages fiercely you will be my strength though the earth gives way my portion you will ever be my portion you will ever be don moen 2011 uncharted territory )
- (243) My Redeemer Lives (my redeemer lives i know he rescued my soul his blood has covered my sin i believe i believe my shame he's taken away my pain is healed in his name i believe i believe i'll raise a banner 'cause my lord has conquered the grave my redeemer lives i know he's rescued my soul his blood has covered my sin i believe i believe my shame he's taken away my pain is healed in his name i believe i believe i'll raise a banner 'cause my lord has conquered the grave my redeemer lives you lift my burdens i'll rise with you i'm dancing on this mountain top to see your kingdom come my redeemer lives my redeemer lives by hillsong united album: by your side )
- (244) Nearer My God To Thee (nearer my god to thee nearer my god to thee nearer to thee! e'en though it be a cross that raiseth me; still all my song shall be nearer my god to thee chorus: nearer my god to thee nearer to thee! though like the wanderer the sun gone down darkness be over me my rest a stone; yet in my dreams i'd be nearer my god to thee chorus… there let the way appear steps unto heav'n; all that thou sendest me in mercy giv'n; angels to beckon me nearer my god to thee chorus… then with my waking thoughts bright with thy praise out of my stony griefs bethel i'll raise; so by my woes to be nearer my god to thee chorus… or if on joyful wing cleaving the sky sun moon and stars forgot upwards i fly still all my song shall be nearer my god to thee chorus… a sixth verse was later added to the hymn by edward henry bickersteth jr as follows: there in my father’s home safe and at rest there in my savior’s love perfectly blest; age after age to be nearer my god to thee chorus… the verse was written by the english poet and unitarian hymn writer sarah flower adams 1805–48 at her home in sunnybank loughton essex england in 1841 it was first set to music by adams's sister the composer eliza flower for william johnson fox's collection hymns and anthems )
- (245) No Fear, You Are My Strength (no fear you are my strength a thousand may fall even more at my side there are rumors of war on the earth the world may be shaking and flood waters rising but i'll be standing firm on your word when i am afraid i will put my hope in god when i am dismayed even then i won't give up you are my strength you are my portion when i go through the waters i will have no fear i will have no fear you are my shield you are my saving light when i go through the blazing fire i will have no fear in the midst of night when i can't see the light and the shadows of the valley surround i will walk on in faith holding onto your name and letting go of all of my doubt when i am afraid i will put my hope in god when i am dismayed even then i won't give up you are my strength you are my portion when i go through the waters i will have no fear i will have no fear you are my shield you are my saving light when i go through the blazing fire i will have no fear oh i am not afraid no oh what can they do to me oh i am not afraid no why should i be why should i be oh i am not afraid no oh what can they do to me oh i am not afraid no why should i be you are my strength you are my portion when i go through the waters i will have no fear i will have no fear you are my shield you are my saving light when i go through the blazing fire i will have no fear don moen 2011 uncharted territory )
- (246) No Never Alone (no never alone i’ve seen the lightning flashing and heard the thunder roll i’ve felt sin’s breakers dashing trying to conquer my soul; i’ve heard the voice of my savior telling me still to fight on he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone refrain: no never alone no never alone he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone the world’s fierce winds are blowing temptation’s sharp and keen i have a peace in knowing my savior stands between he stands to shield me from danger when earthly friends are gone he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone refrain… when in affliction’s valley i’m treading the road of care my savior helps me to carry my cross when heavy to bear though all around me is darkness earthly joys all flown; my savior whispers his promise “i never will leave thee alone” refrain… he died for me on the mountain for me they pierced his side for me he opened the fountain the crimson cleansing tide; for me he’s waiting in glory seated upon his throne he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone refrain… ludie d pickett 1897 )
- (247) No One Like Our God - Lincoln Brewster (no one like our god lincoln brewster [verse 1] what is this love that won't relent that's calling out with heaven's breath who is reaching wide to save our souls? only you what is this grace that makes no sense that we could never recompense who gives us all a second chance? only you only you only you [chorus:] there is no one like our god there is no one like our god there is no other god who can save there is no one like our god [verse 2] who hung the stars upon the night and showed the sun how bright to shine who shaped the world within his hands? only you who set the sky upon the hills and told the waters to be still who spoke to form the universe only you only you only you cr>[chorus x 2] [bridge] no height or depth can stand between us no power on earth or all creation no life or death can separate us from your love no height or depth can stand between us no power on earth or all creation no life or death can separate us from your love cr>[chorus x 2] by lincoln brewster )
- (248) No One Like Our God - Matt Redman (no one like our god matt redman verse 1 hallelujah chains are broken your death has spoken life to us and every accusation all our condemnation silenced at the cross verse 2 hallelujah free salvation the burden of a world so lost lifted from our shoulders carried by the saviour's passion at the cross chorus: there is no one like our god there is no one like our saviour how great is your blessing how great is your love there is no one like our god verse 2… chorus… bridge x 2 never has there been never will there be a god like you who came down in mercy never will there be a greater hope than this there is no one like our god chorus… there is no one like our god there is no one like our god by matt redman | from the album unbroken praise writers: jonas myrin matt redman ed cash )
- (249) No Other Fount - Travis Cottrell (no other fount travis cottrell [verse 1] nothing can for sin atone hope is found in you alone sin and death are overcome only by your precious blood [verse 2] nothing good that i have done no praise of mine could be enough all my striving ends in vain my righteousness found in your name [chorus 1:] only your blood has the power there is no other no other fount i know jesus your love made a way no other fount i know can save! [verse 3] for my pardon this i see the lamb of god my victory hell defeated by your love it is finished you have won! [chorus x 1] [bridge] oh precious is the flow oh it washes white as snow no other fount i know nothing but your blood nothing but your blood oh precious is the flow oh it washes white as snow no other fount i know nothing but your blood nothing but your blood! [chorus 2] only your blood has the power there is no other no other fount i know jesus your love made a way no other fount i know can save no other fount i know can save! no other fount i know can save! [verse 4] now by this i'll reach my home held secure before your throne this is all my hope and peace the son of god poured out for me by travis cottrell )
- (250) Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus (nothing but the blood of jesus what can wash away my sin? nothing but the blood of jesus; what can make me whole again? nothing but the blood of jesus refrain: oh! precious is the flow that makes me white as snow; no other fount i know nothing but the blood of jesus for my pardon this i see nothing but the blood of jesus; for my cleansing this my plea nothing but the blood of jesus nothing can for sin atone nothing but the blood of jesus; naught of good that i have done nothing but the blood of jesus this is all my hope and peace nothing but the blood of jesus; this is all my righteousness nothing but the blood of jesus now by this i’ll overcome nothing but the blood of jesus; now by this i’ll reach my home nothing but the blood of jesus glory! glory! this i sing nothing but the blood of jesus all my praise for this i bring nothing but the blood of jesus © robert lowry 1876 scripture: hebrews 9:22 key: f meter: 7878 r )
- (251) Now Thank We All Our God (now thank we all our god now thank we all our god with heart and hands and voices who wondrous things has done in whom this world rejoices; who from our mothers' arms has blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love and still is ours today o may this bounteous god through all our life be near us with ever joyful hearts and blessed peace to cheer us; and keep us still in grace and guide us when perplexed; and free us from all ills in this world and the next all praise and thanks to god the father now be given; the son and him who reigns with them in highest heaven; the one eternal god whom earth and heaven adore; for thus it was is now and shall be evermore 1636 martin rinkart; trans by catherine winkworth )
- (252) Now That You're Near (now that you're near hold me in your arms never let me go i wanna spend eternity with you i stand before you lord and give you all my praise your love is all i need jesus you're all i need my life belongs to you you gave your life for me your grace is all i need jesus you're all i need hold me in your arms chorus: and now that you're near everything is different everything's so different lord and i know i'm not the same my life you've changed and i wanna be with you i wanna be with you and i will sing for you always 'cause in your presence god is where i wanna stay © by hillsong united )
- (253) O Come All Ye Faithful (o come all ye faithful o come all ye faithful joyful and triumphant o come ye o come ye to bethlehem come and behold him born the king of angels; o come let us adore him o come let us adore him o come let us adore him christ the lord o sing choirs of angels sing in exultation sing all that hear in heaven god's holy word give to our father glory in the highest; o come let us adore him o come let us adore him o come let us adore him christ the lord all hail! lord we greet thee born this happy morning o jesus! for evermore be thy name adored word of the father now in flesh appearing; o come let us adore him o come let us adore him o come let us adore him christ the lord the text to the carol o come all ye faithful was originally written in latin adeste fideles and was intended to be a hymn it is attributed to john wade an englishman the music to o come all ye faithful was composed by fellow englishman john reading in the early 1700s the tune was first published in a collection known as "cantus diversi" in 1751 in 1841 rev frederick oakley is reputed to have worked on the familiar translation of o come all ye faithful which replaced the older latin lyrics "adeste fideles" )
- (254) O Come To The Altar - Elevation Worship (o come to the altar elevation worship [verse 1] are you hurting and broken within? overwhelmed by the weight of your sin? jesus is calling have you come to the end of yourself do you thirst for a drink from the well? jesus is calling [chorus:] o come to the altar the father's arms are open wide forgiveness was bought with the precious blood of jesus christ [verse 2] leave behind your regrets and mistakes come today there's no reason to wait jesus is calling bring your sorrows and trade them for joy from the ashes a new life is born jesus is calling [chorus x 2] [bridge] oh what a savior isn't he wonderful? sing hallelujah christ is risen bow down before him for he is lord of all sing hallelujah christ is risen oh what a savior isn't he wonderful? sing hallelujah christ is risen bow down before him for he is lord of all sing hallelujah christ is risen [chorus x 2] [outro] bear your cross as you wait for the crown tell the world of the treasure you found elevation worship produced by pastor steven furtick aaron robertson & mack brock )
- (255) O Have Ye Not Known, Good Christian Men Rejoice (o have ye not known good christian men rejoice [o have ye not known] o have ye not known o have ye not heard o has it not been told you that he was born this day! he came to save the whole world and free us all from sin hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah christ was born this day o have ye not known hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah christ was born hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah christ was born hallelujah christ was born hallelujah christ was born for us this day hallelujah christ was born [good christian men rejoice] good christian men rejoice with heart and soul and voice give ye heed to what we say jesus christ is born today ox and ass before him bow and he is in the manger now christ is born today christ is born today good christian men rejoice with heart and soul and voice now ye hear of endless bliss jesus christ was born for this he hath opened heaven’s door and man is blessed evermore christ was born for this christ was born for this good christian men rejoice with heart and soul and voice now ye need not fear the grave jesus christ was born to save calls you one and calls you all to gain his everlasting hall christ was born to save christ was born to save don moen 2012 christmas: a season of hope )
- (256) O Lord, We Welcome Thee (o lord we welcome thee o lord we welcome thee our hearts for joy are leaping thou jesus dearest child thy precious promise keeping art come from heaven to earth to be our brother dear; thou gracious son of god wilt banish all our fear the mighty son of god his majesty concealing dwells with our fallen race to give us balm and healing the everlasting god descends from realms above becomes a winsome child reveals his father's love ah sweet and gentle name! its echoes far are sounding it pierces hearts of stone and tells of love abounding o jesus dearest child on thee will we rely and calling on thy name we die not when we die to thee alone we cling for thee all else forsaking; on thee alone we build though heaven and earth be quaking to thee alone we live in thee alone we die; o jesus dearest lord with thee we reign on high author: caspar ziegler 1648 composer: johann crueger 1648)
- (257) O Perfect Love All Human Thought (o perfect love o perfect love all human thought transcending lowly we kneel in prayer before thy throne that theirs may be the love which knows no ending whom thou forevermore dost join in one o perfect life be thou their full assurance of tender charity and steadfast faith of patient hope and quiet brave endurance with childlike trust that fears nor pain nor death grant them the joy which brightens earthly sorrow; grant them the peace which calms all earthly strife and to life’s day the glorious unknown morrow that dawns upon eternal love and life hear us o father gracious and forgiving through jesus christ thy coeternal word who with the holy ghost by all things living now and to endless ages art adored words: dorothy f gurney 1883 )
- (258) O What A Savior, O Hallelujah (o what a savior o hallelujah interlude… o what a savior o hallelujah the great redeemer our lord is here sent down from heaven he came to save all mankind and this’s the season it’s christmas time hate is ceasing and fight is ceasing and time to sharing with everyone so love each other and give your heart to jesus merry christmas everyone god sent his son to give the hope to nation he is the king of kings lord of lords we will rejoice was born on christmas day this is christmas really christmas merry christmas everyone people laughing joyous falls from heaven merry christmas everyone merry christmas everyone merry christmas everyone… interlude… === merry christmas ===)
- (259) Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) (oceans where feet may fail you call me out upon the waters the great unknown where feet may fail and there i find you in the mystery in oceans deep my faith will stand and i will call upon your name and keep my eyes above the waves when oceans rise my soul will rest in your embrace for i am yours and you are mine your grace abounds in deepest waters your sovereign hand will be my guide where feet may fail and fear surrounds me you've never failed and you won't start now so i will call upon your name and keep my eyes above the waves when oceans rise my soul will rest in your embrace for i am yours and you are mine [6x] spirit lead me where my trust is without borders let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my savior oh jesus you're my god! i will call upon your name keep my eyes above the waves my soul will rest in your embrace i am yours and you are mine this song was made in reference to matthew 14:2223 where jesus calls peter to take a step of faith onto the water 2013 zion hillsong united singer taya smith writers matt crocker joel houston salomon ligthelm)
- (260) Oh, Holy Night (oh holy night oh holy night the stars are brightly shining; it is the night of the dear savior’s birth! long lay the world in sin and error pining till he appeared and the soul felt its worth a thrill of hope the weary soul rejoices for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn fall on your knees oh hear the angel voices! oh night divine oh night when christ was born! oh night divine oh night oh night divine! led by the light of faith serenely beaming with glowing hearts by his cradle we stand so led by light of a star sweetly gleaming here came the wise men from orient land the king of kings lay thus in lowly manger in all our trials born to be our friend! he knows our need—to our weakness is no stranger behold your king; before him lowly bend! behold your king; before him lowly bend! truly he taught us to love one another; his law is love and his gospel is peace chains shall he break for the slave is our brother and in his name all oppression shall cease sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we let all within us praise his holy name! christ is the lord! oh praise his name forever! his pow’r and glory evermore proclaim! his pow’r and glory evermore proclaim! placide cappeau 1847 tr by john s dwight )
- (261) Oh! Ever Loving Friend (oh! ever loving friend oh! ever loving friend he died for me on calvary oh! ever loving friend)
- (262) Oh Glory Be To God He Has Lifted Me Up (oh glory be to god he has lifted me up oh glory be to god he has lifted me up he has lifted me up i know he stretched out his hand and he lifted me up and that's why i love him so i love him more and more and when i stand upon the other show i'll praise him more and more hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah )
- (263) Oh God Of Abraham (oh god of abraham o god of abraham you are the great i am and you can do anything oh anything o god of sovereign words you spoke the universe and you can do anything you can do anything o god of israel you are emmanuel and you are in everything in everything o god of deity you reign in majesty and you can do anything you can do anything chorus: there is none like you there is none like you who was and is and is to come oh there's none like you o god of grace divine your love has made me thine and you are my everything my everything o god of ancient praise be glorified today as we give you everything we give your everything chorus x 2 o god of all my prayers i know you're always there and you can do anything you can do anything don moen 2008 i believe there is more )
- (264) Oh Happy Day, That Fixed My Choice (oh happy day that fixed my choice oh happy day that fixed my choice on thee my savior and my god! well may this glowing heart rejoice and tell its raptures all abroad refrain: happy day happy day when jesus washed my sins away! he taught me how to watch and pray and live rejoicing every day happy day happy day when jesus washed my sins away! oh happy bond that seals my vows to him who merits all my love! let cheerful anthems fill his house while to that sacred shrine i move refrain… ’tis done: the great transaction’s done! i am the lord’s and he is mine; he drew me and i followed on; charmed to confess the voice divine refrain… now rest my long divided heart fixed on this blissful center rest here have i found a nobler part; here heavenly pleasures fill my breast refrain… high heaven that heard the solemn vow that vow renewed shall daily hear till in life’s latest hour i bow and bless in death a bond so dear refrain… text: 1702 – 1751 philip doddridge; refrain from wesleyan sacred harp )
- (265) Oh Happy Day, When Jesus Washed (oh happy day when jesus washed oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day when jesus washed when jesus washed when he washed when jesus washed when he washed when jesus washed my sins away yeah oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day when jesus washed when jesus washed oh when he washed when jesus washed when jesus washed when jesus washed my sins away yeah oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day he taught me how how to watch how to fight and pray fight and pray and living rejoicing everyday oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day when my jesus washed when jesus washed oh when he washed when jesus washed when jesus washed when jesus washed my sins away yeah oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day he taught me how to watch fight and pray fight and pray and living rejoicing every everyday oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day when jesus washed when jesus washed when jesus washed oh happy day oh happy day oh happy day my happy day 1967 edwin hawkins)
- (266) Oh Lord You're Beautiful Your Face Is All I Seek (oh lord you're beautiful your face is all i seek oh lord you're beautiful your face is all i seek for when your eyes are on this child your grace abounds to me oh lord you're beautiful your face is all i seek for when your eyes are on this child your grace abounds to me i want to take your word and shine it all around but first help me just to live it lord and when i'm doing well help me to never seek a crown for my reward is giving glory to you oh lord please light the fire that once burned bright and clear replace the lamp of my first love that burns with holy fear i want to take your word and shine it all around but first help me just to live it lord and when i'm doing well help me to never seek a crown for my reward is giving glory to you oh lord you're beautiful your face is all i seek for when your eyes are on this child your grace abounds to me oh lord you're beautiful your face is all i seek for when your eyes are on this child your grace abounds to me 1980 written and sing by: keith gordon green http:enwikipediaorgwikikeith_green )
- (267) Oh To Be Youth How Wonderful (oh to be youth how wonderful oh to be youth how wonderful but to be saved how marvelous yet it is best to serve the lord oh to be youth how wonderful )
- (268) Oh What A Glorious God (oh what a glorious god o what a glorious god o what a powerful savior all creation cries out around you holy is the lord o what a glorious god o what a powerful savior mercy grace and goodness surround you ooh what a glorious god ooh what a glorious god you speak with a voice like a crashing cymbal ooh what a glorious god you stretch forth your hand and the whole world trembles ooh what a glorious god you rose from the dead to redeem your people ooh what a glorious god you give us your strength and we soar like eagles ooh what a glorious god the lord has made known his salvation his righteousness is shown to every nation ooh what a glorious god don moen 1995 rivers of joy )
- (269) Old Church Choir (old church choir there's revival and it's spreading like a wildfire in my heart a sunday morning hallelujah and it's lasting all week long can you hear it? can you feel it? it's the rhythm of a gospel song once you choose it you can't lose it there ain't nothing there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy i've got an old church choir singing in my soul i've got a sweet salvation and it's beautiful i've got a heart overflowing cause i've been restored no there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy no there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy when the valleys that i wander turn to mountains that i can't climb you are with me you never leave me there ain't nothing there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy i've got an old church choir singing in my soul i've got a sweet salvation and it's beautiful i've got a heart overflowing cause i've been restored no there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy no there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy clap your hands and stomp your feet till you find that gospel beat cause he's all you'll ever need he's all you'll ever need i've got an old church choir singing in my soul i've got a sweet salvation and it's beautiful i've got a heart overflowing cause i've been restored no there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy no there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy no there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy by zach williams )
- (270) Once In Royal Davids City 1 (once in royal davids city 1 once in royal david's city stood a lowly cattle shed where a mother laid her baby in a manger for his bed: mary was that mother mild jesus christ her little child he came down to earth from heaven who is god and lord of all and his shelter was a stable and his cradle was a stall; with the poor and mean and lowly lived on earth our savior holy and through all his wondrous childhood he would honor and obey love and watch the lowly maiden in whose gentle arms he lay: christian children all must be mild obedient good as he for he is our childhood's pattern; day by day like us he grew; he was little weak and helpless tears and smiles like us he knew; and he feeleth for our sadness and he shareth in our gladness and our eyes at last shall see him through his own redeeming love; for that child so dear and gentle is our lord in heaven above and he leads his children on to the place where he is gone not in that poor lowly stable with the oxen standing by we shall see him; but in heaven set at god's right hand on high; where like stars his children crowned all in white shall wait around words: cecil frances humphreys alexander hymns for little children 1848 music: "irby" henry john gauntlett 18051876 1849 )
- (271) Once In Royal Davids City 2 (once in royal davids city 2 once in royal david's city stood a lowly cattle shed where a mother laid her baby in a manger for his bed: mary was that mother mild jesus christ her little child he came down to earth from heaven who is god and lord of all and his shelter was a stable and his cradle was a stall; with the poor and mean and lowly lived on earth our savior holy for he is our childhood's pattern; day by day like us he grew; he was little weak and helpless tears and smiles like us he knew; and he cares when we are sad and he shares when we are glad and our eyes at last shall see him through his own redeeming love; for that child so dear and gentle is our lord in heaven above and he leads his children on to the place where he is gone words: cecil frances humphreys alexander hymns for little children 1848 music: "irby" henry john gauntlett 18051876 1849 )
- (272) One Thing, Cause All I Know Is (one thing cause all i know is i tasted the world seen more than enough it's promises fleeting of water and wine i emptied the cup and found myself wanting but there is a well that never runs dry the water of life the blood of the vine cause all i know is everything i have means nothing jesus if you're not my one thing everything i need right now all i need is you right now just one thing i ask and this i will seek if only to know you to be where you are and go where you lead my god i will follow the things of this world i've counted as loss i lay it all down to take up this cross cause all i know is everything i have means nothing jesus if you're not my one thing everything i need right now cause all i want is everything you are and nothing jesus if you're not my one thing everything to me right now and i'll sing whoa whoa i want nothing but to know you and to be with you my god and i'll sing whoa whoa and with everything within me i will worship you my god writers: joel houston aodhan king dylan thomas open heaven river wild 2015 hillsong scripture references: john 4:14; psalm 27:4)
- (273) Only Your Love (only your love verse 1 your love is strong and mighty its jealousy unyielding it burns for me like a fire untamed verse 2 your love is all consuming you never stop pursuing nothing i could face could take it away tag 1 oh oh oh your love oh oh oh chorus: your love is like no other nothing else satisfies it flows through the deepest waters it rests on the mountains high your love is overwhelming brought me to life again your love it will last forever in you there’ll be no end tag 2 only your love only your love only your love verse 3 nothing can separate us many trials cannot hide your love no sorrow could wash it away bridge how deep how wide how long writers: amy davis ben davis jason ingram kari jobe )
- (274) Open Hands (open hands the sweetest sound the highest praise is the letting go of this life you gave our greatest prayer an act of faith is an open hand; lord have your way take it all every hope every dream every plan take it all every weight all the shame and brokenness jesus i surrender all every victory and loss take it all take it all 'till all i have is open hands a clenching fist a life of fear a burden held has no place here cause you call me now to cast it all on the shoulders of the one who's strong take it all every hope every dream every plan take it all every weight all the shame and brokenness jesus i surrender all every victory and loss take it all take it all 'till all i have is open hands all i have is open hands i'm not afraid of what i lose; my greatest joy is finding you [x2] take it all take it all [x2] take it all every hope every dream every plan take it all every weight all the shame and brokenness jesus i surrender all every victory and loss take it all take it all 'till all i have is open hands all i have is open hands i surrender all i have is open hands by laura story mac powell )
- (275) Open The Eyes Of My Heart (open the eyes of my heart open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my heart i want to see you i want to see you to see you high and lifted up shining in the light of your glory pour out your power and love as we sing holy holy holy holy holy holy open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my heart i want to see you i want to see you to see you high and lifted up shining in the light of your glory pour out your power and love as we sing holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy i want to see you written by paul baloche ©1997 integrity’s hosanna! music ascap )
- (276) Our Father Hallowed Be Your Name (our father hallowed be your name verse 1 the words of christ passed down through generations the son of god teaching us to pray echoed words father have your will your way in me completely verse 2 we wholly trust you're faithful in provision amazing grace mercy for our sins may we forgive the way that you've forgiven us oh lord so we can sing chorus: our father hallowed be your name forever our god be exalted your kingdom come and in us let your will be done our father verse 3 lead us from the valley of temptation deliver us from the evil one lord you reign and here we stand victorious in your name together we pray bridge yours is the kingdom and power and glory god of authority ancient of days yours is the wisdom and honour forever and always and always yours is the kingdom and power and glory god of authority ancient of days yours is the wisdom and honour forever and always we pray words and music by: brooke ligertwood scott ligertwood & jonas myrin hillsong worship 2014 )
- (277) Our Father Who Art In Heaven (our father who art in heaven our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it's in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive our sins as we forgive each one of those who sins against us and lead us not to the time of trial but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom come and the power and the glory let all the people celebrate in every tongue and tribe let every heart's desire join to see the kingdom come let every hope and every dream be born in love again let all the world sing with one voice let the people say 'amen' amen our father give us amen amen )
- (278) Our Father Who Art In Heaven (Don Moen) (our father who art in heaven hear our prayer we are your children and we've gathered here today bless me we're gathered here to pray hear our cry lord we need your mercy and we need your grace today yes we do hear us as we pray chorus: our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name our father hear us from heaven forgive our sins we pray hear our song as it rises to heaven may your glory fill the earth as the waters cover the seas see our hearts and remove anything that is standing in the way of coming to you today our father… and though we are few we're surrounded by many who have crossed that river before and this is the song we'll be singing forever holy is the lord x 4 oh holy is the lord x 4 hear our prayer we are your children and we've gathered here today we're gathered here to pray hear our cry oh lord we need your mercy and we need your grace today yes we do hear us as we pray our father… our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name our father hear us from heaven forgive our sins we pray forgive our sins we pray forgive our sins we pray oh yeah don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (279) Our God, Our Help In Ages Past (our god our help in ages past our god our help in ages past our hope for years to come our shelter from the stormy blast and our eternal home under the shadow of thy throne thy saints have dwelt secure; sufficient is thine arm alone and our defense is sure before the hills in order stood or earth received her frame from everlasting thou art god to endless years the same thy word commands our flesh to dust "return ye sons of men:" all nations rose from earth at first and turn to earth again a thousand ages in thy sight are like an evening gone; short as the watch that ends the night before the rising sun the busy tribes of flesh and blood with all their lives and cares are carried downwards by the flood and lost in following years time like an ever rolling stream bears all its sons away; they fly forgotten as a dream dies at the opening day like flowery fields the nations stand pleased with the morning light; the flowers beneath the mower’s hand lie withering ere ‘tis night our god our help in ages past our hope for years to come be thou our guard while troubles last and our eternal home words: isaac watts the psalms of david 1719 this hymn was played in 1941 for american president franklin roosevelt at the request of british leader winston churchill when the two met on board the hms prince of wales to create the atlantic charter it was also sung at churchill’s 1965 funeral in st paul’s cathedral london)
- (280) Our God Is An Awesome God (awesome god when he rolls up his sleeves he ain't just puttin' on the ritz our god is an awesome god there is thunder in his footsteps and lightning in his fist our god is an awesome god well the lord wasn't joking when he kicked 'em out of eden it wasn't for no reason that he shed his blood his return is very close and so you better be believing that our god is an awesome god refrain x2: our god our god is an awesome god he reigns he reigns from heaven above with wisdom with wisdom power and love our god is an awesome god and when the sky was starless in the void of the night our god is an awesome god he spoke into the darkness and created the light our god is an awesome god judgment and wrath he poured out on sodom mercy and grace he gave us at the cross i hope that we have not too quickly forgotten that our god is an awesome god refrain x3 our god is an awesome god our god is an awesome god our god is an awesome god our god is an awesome god song written by rich mullins and first recorded on his 1988 album winds of heaven stuff of earth later sung by michael w smith genesis 1:15 genesis 19:24 deuteronomy 10:17 psalm 145 isaiah 52:10 habakkuk 3:119 romans 2:2326 second peter 1:59 revelation 22:7)
- (281) Our God Is An Awesome God (Refrain) (our god is an awesome god our god is an awesome god he reigns from heaven above with wisdom power and love our god is an awesome god by michael w smith )
- (282) Painter Of The Sky (painter of the sky there is no other name in heaven there is no other name on the earth by which we can be saved there is no other way so we worship you our king and give you everything chorus: there is none like you painter of the sky bright and morning star shine into our lives there is none like you beginning and the end allconsuming fire ignite our hearts again there is no other love like jesus there is no other friend so true no other hand of grace no other hiding place you're the lamb of sacrifice the glory of our lives chorus bridge: rock of refuge holy one your love has made us new through the ages kingdom come we will worship you we will worship you bridge chorus allconsuming fire ignite our hearts again don moen 2008 i believe there is more )
- (283) Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior (Savior, Savior) (pass me not o gentle savior savior savior pass me not o gentle savior hear my humble cry; while on others thou art calling do not pass me by refrain: savior savior hear my humble cry while on others thou are calling do not pass me by let me at a throne of mercy find a sweet relief; kneeling there in deep contrition help my unbelief trusting only in thy merit would i seek thy face; heal my wounded broken spirit save me by thy grace thou the spring of all my comfort more than life to me whom have i on earth beside thee whom in heav’n but thee frances j crosby 1868 scripture: genesis 18:3 )
- (284) Perfect Peace, Stay Close By My Side (perfect peace stay close by my side stay close by my side keep your eyes on me though this life is hard i will give you perfect peace in this time of trial pain that no one sees trust me when i say i will give you perfect peace and you'll never walk alone and you'll never be in need though i may not calm the storms around you you can hide in me burdens that you bear offer no relief let me bear your load 'cause i will give you perfect peace stay close by my side and you'll never walk alone keep your eyes on me and you'll never be in need though this life is hard know that i will always give you perfect peace i will give you perfect peace by laura story )
- (285) Power In The Name Of Jesus (Break Every Chain) (power in the name of jesus break every chain there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain 2x all sufficient sacrifice so freely given such a price bought our redemption heaven's gates swing wide there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain 2x there's an army rising up there's an army rising up there's an army rising up to break every chain break every chain break every chain there's an army rising up there's an army rising up there's an army rising up to break every chain break every chain break every chain 2x there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain 2x jesus culture break every chain lyrics | metrolyrics )
- (286) Power Of Your Love (Lord, I Come To You) (power of your love lord i come to you lord i come to you let my heart be changed renewed flowing from the grace that i found in you lord i've come to know the weaknesses i see in me will be stripped away by the power of your love chorus: hold me close let your love surround me bring me near draw me to your side and as i wait i'll rise up like the eagle and i will soar with you your spirit leads me on in the power of your love lord unveil my eyes let me see you face to face the knowledge of your love as you live in me lord renew my mind as your will unfolds in my life in living every day by the power of your love chorus… chorus… and i will soar with you your spirit leads me on in the power of your love and i will soar with you your spirit leads me on in the power of your love 1992 hillsong worship written and composed by geoff bullock )
- (287) Power To Redeem (power to redeem [verse 1] you take what is and you make it beautiful when love floods in we're restored forevermore [chorus 1]: with breath that brings the dead to life with words that pierce the dark with light only by the blood are we set free with mercy strong to carry shame and nail it to a tree oh you alone hold the power to redeem [verse 2] no guilt competes with innocence crucified no grave can hold what your grace has justified [chorus 1]… x 1 [bridge] rejoice oh child of god lift your eyes to see with every morning light again we are redeemed rejoice oh child of god lift your eyes to see with every morning light again we are redeemed [chorus 2] with breath that brings the dead to life with words that pierce the dark with light only by the blood are we set free and with mercy strong that carry shame and nail it to a tree oh you alone hold the power to redeem oh you alone hold the power to redeem oh you alone hold the power to redeem writers: paul mabury justin ebach lauren daigle power to redeem lyrics © warnerchappell music inc capitol christian music group)
- (288) Precious Lord, Take My Hand (precious lord take my hand chorus: precious lord take my hand lead me on let me stand i am tired i am weak i am worn through the storm through the night lead me on to the light take my hand precious lord lead me home when my way grows drear precious lord linger near when my light is almost gone hear my cry hear my call hold my hand lest i fall take my hand precious lord lead me home chorus… when the darkness appears and the night draws near and the day is past and gone at the river i stand guide my feet hold my hand take my hand precious lord lead me home chorus… words: thomas a dorsey 1932 18991993 melody "maitland" george n allen 1844 18121877)
- (289) Precious Memories (precious memories precious mem'ries unseen angels sent from somewhere to my soul how they linger ever near me as the sacred past unfold chorus: precious mem'ries how they linger how they ever flood my soul in the stillness of the midnight precious sacred scenes unfold as i travel on life's pathway i know not what the years may hold and as i ponder hope grows fonder precious mem'ries floods my soul chorus… x 2 j b f wright 1925 )
- (290) Prince Of Heaven - Hillsong (prince of heaven hillsong [verse 1] earth in shadow restlessly hold labours waiting in silent hope for the promise it longs to know what heaven holds [verse 2] then the angels in holy haste lift their anthem your saviour lays in a manger in humble form your king is born [chorus:] hail the prince of heaven comes angel choirs sound the call for this babe wrapped in a cloth is the incarnate word of god all the kingdom and its power resting now in this child prince of heaven jesus hope of the world [verse 3] this means mercy in fullest form loving kindness forevermore son of david and son of god he is christ the lord [bridge] king of glory we gladly greet born in wonder and majesty forever worthy the earth will sing oh prince of heaven we worship thee [verse 4] we can know him this prince of peace in light of mercy confess our sin lay our burdens at jesus’ feet and with gladness sing hillsong words and music by brooke ligertwood & scott ligertwood )
- (291) Redeemed, How I Love To Proclaim It (redeemed how i love to proclaim it redeemed how i love to proclaim it! redeemed by the blood of the lamb; redeemed through his infinite mercy his child and forever i am chorus: redeemed redeemed redeemed by the blood of the lamb; redeemed redeemed his child and forever i am redeemed and so happy in jesus no language my rapture can tell; i know that the light of his presence with me does continually dwell chorus… change pitch i think of my blessed redeemer i think of him all the day long: i sing for i cannot be silent; his love is the theme of my song chorus… i know i shall see in his beauty the king in whose law i delight; who lovingly guardeth my footsteps and giveth me songs in the night chorus… i know there’s a crown that is waiting in yonder bright mansion for me and soon with the spirits made perfect at home with the lord i shall be chorus… his child and forever i am words: fanny crosby in songs of redeeming love by john r sweney c c mccabe tullius o’kane and william kirkpatrick philadelphia pennsylvania: 1882 scripture: psalm 107:2; revelation 5:9 )
- (292) Refiner's Fire, Purify My Heart (refiner's fire purify my heart let me be as gold and precious silver purify my heart let me be as gold pure gold refiner's fire my heart's one desire is to be holy set apart for you lord i choose to be holy set apart for you my master ready to do your will purify my heart cleanse me from within and make me holy purify my heart cleanse me from my sin deep within words & music by brian doerksen © 1990 mercy music )
- (293) Rejoice In The Lord Always (rejoice in the lord rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice rejoice rejoice and again i say rejoice rejoice rejoice and again i say rejoice )
- (294) Rejoice The Lord Is In You (rejoice! the lord is in you rejoice rejoice christ is in you the hope of glory in our hearts he lives he lives his breath is in you arise a mighty army we arise arise a mighty army we arise arise a mighty army god is at work in us his purpose to perform building a kingdom of power not of words where things impossible by faith shall be made possible let's give the glory to him now rejoice rejoice christ is in you the hope of glory in our hearts he lives he lives his breath is in you arise a mighty army we arise arise a mighty army we arise arise a mighty army rejoice rejoice don moen 2001 god in us )
- (295) Rejoice The Lord Is In You, We Give You Glory, My Life Is In You (rejoice! the lord is in you full we give you glory we're here to bless your name we're gathered as your family to praise you and proclaim your faithfulness and mercy chorus 1: we give you glory we give you honor we give you everything we are lifting our hearts and hands before you we give you glory we give you honor we give you everything we are lifting our hearts and hands before you lord we're here to seek your face to gather in your presence to celebrate your grace to praise you for your blessings we give you glory… before you lord before you lord there is no other reason why we came than to glorify your name for you are worthy to be praised now we offer up our lives as a living sacrifice holy acceptable to you we give you glory… before you lord before you lord chorus 2: rejoice rejoice christ is in you the hope of glory in our hearts he lives he lives his breath is in you arise a mighty army we arise arise a mighty army we arise arise a mighty army god is at work in us his purpose to perform building a kingdom of power not of words where things impossible by faith shall be made possible let's give the glory to him now rejoice rejoice x 2… chorus 3: my life is in you lord my strength is in you lord my hope is in you lord in you it's in you my life is in you lord my strength is in you lord my hope is in you lord in you it's in you my life is in you lord… it's in you i will praise you with all of my life i will praise you with all of my strength with all of my life with all of my strength all of my hope is in you my life is in you lord… x 2 don moen 2001 god in us )
- (296) Rejoice With Exceeding Great Joy (rejoice with exceeding great joy over mountains and valleys it led than each night a star of most radiant light the wise men rejoiced as they journeyed afar to behold such a beautiful star chorus: when they saw the star they rejoiced with great joy when they saw the star they rejoiced when they saw the star they rejoiced with great joy they rejoiced with exceeding great joy chorus… other saw the star but they followed it not to them it would come and would pass the wise men kept trusting with all of their hearts that the star would find the baby at last chorus… x 3 great joy they rejoiced with exceeding great joy lanny wolfe arr: derric johnson © 1978 lanny wolf music gaither copyright management capitol cmg publishing )
- (297) Relentless (Your Love Is Relentless) (relentless your love is relentless salvation sounds a new beginning as distant hearts begin believing redemption's bid is unrelenting your love goes on your love goes on you carry us carry us when the world gives way you cover us cover us with your endless grace your love is relentless your love is relentless your love is relentless your love is relentless the time is up for chasing shadows you gave the world a light to follow a hope that shines beyond tomorrow your love goes on your love goes on you carry us carry us when the world gives way you cover us cover us with your endless grace your love is relentless your love is relentless your love is relentless your love is relentless tearing through the veil of darkness breaking every chain you set us free fighting for the furthest heart you gave your own life for all to see tearing through the veil of darkness breaking every chain you set us free fighting for the furthest heart you gave your life you carry us carry us you cover us cover us your love is relentless your love is relentless your love is relentless your love is relentless songwriters matt crocker joel houston zion 2013 hillsong)
- (298) Resurrection Power (resurrection power [verse 1] you called me from the grave by name you called me out of all my shame i see the old has passed away the new has come! [chorus 1] now i have resurrection power living on the inside jesus you have given us freedom no longer bound by sin and darkness living in the light of your goodness you have given us freedom [verse 2] that i'm dressed in your royalty your holy spirit lives in me and i see my past has been redeemed the new has come! chorus 1… [bridge] freedom you have given us freedom you have given us freedom my chains are gone! freedom you have given us freedom you have given us freedom hallelujah! freedom you have given us freedom you have given us freedom my chains are gone! freedom you have given us freedom you have given us freedom hallelujah! [chorus 2] now i have resurrection power living on the inside i'm no longer bound by sin and darkness living in the light of your goodness you have given us freedom! now i have resurrection power living on the inside jesus you have given us freedom now i'm no longer bound by sin and darkness living in the light of your goodness you have given us freedom! [outro] i have resurrection power living on the inside living on the inside! no longer bound by sin and darkness you have given us freedom you have given us freedom! chris tomlin | writers: ryan ellis ed cash tony brown)
- (299) Revelation Song, Worthy Is The (revelation song worthy is the lamb who was slain holy holy is he sing a new song to him who sits on heaven's mercy seat [2x] chorus: holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come with all creation i sing praise to the king of kings you are my everything and i will adore you clothed in rainbows of living color flashes of lightning rolls of thunder blessing and honor strength and glory and power be to you the only wise king holy holy holy… filled with wonder awestruck wonder at the mention of your name jesus your name is power breath and living water such a marvellous mystery yeah holy holy holy… x 3 "revelation song" is a song written by jennie lee riddle the song first gained exposure on us christian radio through a christ for the nations institute recording glorious and subsequently included on kari jobe's selftitled album it was later released by phillips craig and dean as the first single off fearless on may 5 2009 )
- (300) Rock Of Ages, Cleft For Me (rock of ages cleft for me rock of ages cleft for me let me hide myself in thee; let the water and the blood from thy riven side which flowed be of sin the double cure cleanse me from its guilt and power not the labour of my hands can fulfill thy law's demands; could my zeal no respite know could my tears forever flow all for sin could not atone; thou must save and thou alone nothing in my hand i bring simply to thy cross i cling; naked come to thee for dress; helpless look to thee for grace; foul i to the fountain fly; wash me saviour or i die! while i draw this fleeting breath when mine eyes shall close in death when i soar to worlds unknown see thee on thy judgement throne rock of ages cleft for me let me hide myself in thee text: augustus m toplady 17401778 | music: thomas hastings 17841872 'rock of ages' is a popular christian hymn by the reverend augustus montague toplady written in 1763 and first published in the gospel magazine in 1775 )
- (301) Saviour King, We Love You (saviour king we love you let now the weak say i have strength by the spirit of power that raised christ from the dead let now the poor stand and confess that my portion in him and i'm more then blessed let now our hearts burn with a flame a fire consuming all for your son's holy name and with the heavens we declare you are our king chorus: we love you lord we worship you you are our god you alone are good let now your church shine as your bride that you saw in your heart as you offered up your life let now the lost be welcome home by the saved and redeemed those adopted as your own let now our hearts burn with a flame a fire consuming all for your son's holy name and with the heavens we declare you are our king we love you… you asked your son to carry this the heavy cross our weight of sin i love you lord i wwrship you hope which was lost now stands renewed i give my life to honor this the love of christ the saviour king we love you… you asked your son to carry this the heavy cross our weight of sin i love you lord i worship you hope which was lost now stands renewed i give my life to honor this the love of christ the saviour king don moen 2008 i believe there is more )
- (302) See Him Lying On A Bed Of Straw (see him lying on a bed of straw see him lying on a bed of straw a draughty stable with an open door mary cradling the babe she bore the prince of glory is his name chorus: o now carry me to bethlehem to see the lord appear to men just as poor as was the stable then the prince of glory when he came star of silver sweep across the skies show where jesus in the manger lies shepherds swiftly from your stupor rise to see the saviour of the world angels sing again the song you sang bring god's glory to the heart of man sing that bethl'em's little baby can be salvation to the soul mine are riches from your poverty from your innocence eternity mine forgiveness by your death for me child of sorrow for my joy © 1965 michael perry jubilate hymns )
- (303) Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God (seek ye first seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you hallelu hallelujah! man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of god hallelu hallelujah! ask and it shall be given unto you seek and ye shall find knock and the door shall be opened unto you hallelu hallelujah! if the son shall set you free ye shall be free indeed ye shall know the truth and it shall set you free hallelu hallelujah! let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven hallelu hallelujah! trust in the lord with all thine heart he shall direct thy paths in all thy ways acknowledge him hallelu hallelujah! )
- (304) Send The Light, The Blessed Gospel Light (send the light the blessed gospel light there’s a call comes ringing over the restless wave 'send the light! send the light!' there are souls to rescue there are souls to save send the light! send the light! refrain: send the light the blessed gospel light; let it shine from shore to shore! send the light the blessed gospel light; let it shine forevermore! we have heard the macedonian call today 'send the light! send the light!' and a golden offering at the cross we lay send the light! send the light! refrain… let us pray that grace may everywhere abound 'send the light! send the light!' and a christlike spirit everywhere be found send the light! send the light! refrain… let us not grow weary in the work of love 'send the light! send the light!' let us gather jewels for a crown above send the light! send the light! refrain… charles h gabriel 1890 scripture: 1 john 1:5; matthew 5:16 )
- (305) Send Us The Rain Lord (send us the rain lord send us the rain lord send us the latter rain hallelujah we need the rain lord we need the latter rain )
- (306) Shadow Of Your Wings (shadow of your wings my spirit rests in you you’re all i know embrace and touch me like a child i’m safe in you you’re my shelter through it all you’re my refuge and my strength lord i hide in the shadow of your wings my lord you’re faithful you supply all good things you know completely all my thoughts my deepest needs hillsong united album: all things are possible 1997 )
- (307) Shine, Jesus, Shine (shine jesus shine lord the light of your love is shining in the midst of the darkness shining jesus light of the world shine upon us set us free by the truth you now bring us shine on me shine on me shine jesus shine fill this land with the father's glory blaze spirit blaze set our hearts on fire flow river flow flood the nations with grace and mercy send forth your word lord and let there be light lord i come to your awesome presence from the shadows into your radiance by the blood i may enter your brightness search me try me consume all my darkness shine on me shine on me shine jesus shine… as we gaze on your kingly brightness so our faces display your likeness ever changing from glory to glory mirrored here may our lives tell your story shine on me shine on me shine jesus shine… graham kendrick copyright © 1987 make way music )
- (308) Shout To The Lord (shout to the lord my jesus my savior lord there is none like you; all of my days i want to praise the wonders of your mighty love my comfort my shelter tower of refuge and strength; let ev'ry breath all that i am never cease to worship you chorus: shout to the lord all the earth let us sing power and majesty praise to the king; mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of your name i sing for joy at the work of your hands forever i'll love you forever i'll stand nothing compares to the promise i have in you repeat chorus… words and music by darlene zschech )
- (309) Silent Night, Holy Night (silent night silent night holy night all is calm all is bright round yon virgin mother and child holy infant so tender and mild sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace silent night holy night shepherds quake at the sight; glories stream from heaven afar heav’nly hosts sing alleluia! christ the savior is born christ the savior is born! silent night holy night son of god love’s pure light; radiant beams from thy holy face with the dawn of redeeming grace jesus lord at thy birth jesus lord at thy birth silent night holy night wondrous star lend thy light; with the angels let us sing alleluia to our king; christ the savior is born christ the savior is born! josef mohr c1817 v 13 tr by john f young 1863 v 24 tr by anonymousunknown )
- (310) Simply Trusting Every Day, Trusting Jesus (simply trusting every day trusting jesus simply trusting every day trusting through a stormy way; even when my faith is small trusting jesus that is all chorus: trusting as the moments fly trusting as the days go by; trusting him whate’er befall trusting jesus that is all brightly does his spirit shine into this poor heart of mine; while he leads i cannot fall; trusting jesus that is all chorus… singing if my way is clear praying if the path be drear; if in danger for him call; trusting jesus that is all chorus… trusting him while life shall last trusting him till earth be past; till within the jasper wall trusting jesus that is all chorus… words: edgar p stites 1876 music: ira david sankey 18401908)
- (311) Sing For Joy To God Our Strength (sing for joy to god our strength if we call to him he will answer us if we run to him he will run to us if we lift our hands he will lift us up come now praise his name all you saints of god oh sing for joy to god our strength oh sing for joy to god our strength our strength draw near to him he is here with us give him your love he's in love with us he will heal our hearts he will cleanse our hands if we rend our hearts he will heal our land oh sing for joy to god our strength oh sing for joy to god our strength our strength if we call to him draw near to him oh sing for joy don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (312) Sing Hallelujah To The Lord (sing hallelujah to the lord sing hallelujah to the lord hallelujah sing hallelujah to the lord jesus is risen from the dead hallelujah jesus is risen from the dead jesus is lord of heaven and earth hallelujah jesus is lord of heaven and earth jesus is living in his church hallelujah jesus is living in his church jesus is coming for his own hallelujah jesus is coming for his own linda stassen © 1974 new song creations )
- (313) Sing Of Your Great Love (sing of your great love all that is within me lord will bless your holy name i live my life to worship you alone you brought me out of darkness and into your glorious light forever i will sing of your great love forever i will sing of your great love i love to see you glorified to see you lifted high i yearn to see all nations bow their knee it's you alone lord jesus who can cause the coldest heart to find your love and everlasting peace to find your love and everlasting peace ho ly ho ly ho ly is the lord ho ly ho ly ho ly is the lord i love to see you glorified ho ly ho ly ho ly is the lord ho ly ho ly ho ly is the lord ho ly ho ly ho ly is the lord ho ly ho ly ho ly is the lord and your trumpet will sound and all of heaven will know that the time has finally come for the bride to take her place and we'll hear the angels sing ho ly ho ly ho ly is the lord ho ly ho ly ho ly is the lord © 1999 hillsong music australia words & music by darlene zschech )
- (314) So You Would Come, Come To The Father (so you would come before the world began you were on his mind and every tear you cry is precious in his eyes because of his great love he gave his only son everything was done so you would come nothing you can do could make him love you more and nothing that you've done could make him close the door because of his great love he gave his only son everything was done so you would come come to the father though your gift is small broken hearts broken lives he will take them all the power of the word the power of his blood everything was done so you would come nothing you come to the father hillsong united album: all things are possible 1997 )
- (315) Song Of Freedom Is On My Lips (song of freedom a song of freedom is on my lips today today yeah! i sing about the one i love today today yeah! all i can see is your mercy all i can feel is your grace your love is so wonderful let all the people sing that our god reigns above all a song of freedom is on my lips today today yeah! i sing about the one i love today today yeah! all i can see is your mercy all i can feel is your grace your love is so wonderful let all the people sing that our god reigns above all © by hillsong united )
- (316) Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus (stand up stand up for jesus stand up stand up for jesus ye soldiers of the cross; lift high his royal banner it must not suffer loss from victory unto victory his army shall he lead till every foe is vanquished and christ is lord indeed stand up stand up for jesus the solemn watchword hear; if while ye sleep he suffers away with shame and fear; where’er ye meet with evil within you or without charge for the god of battles and put the foe to rout stand up stand up for jesus the trumpet call obey; forth to the mighty conflict in this his glorious day ye that are brave now serve him against unnumbered foes; let courage rise with danger and strength to strength oppose stand up stand up for jesus stand in his strength alone; the arm of flesh will fail you ye dare not trust your own put on the gospel armor each piece put on with prayer; where duty calls or danger be never wanting there stand up stand up for jesus each soldier to his post close up the broken column and shout through all the host: make good the loss so heavy in those that still remain and prove to all around you that death itself is gain stand up stand up for jesus the strife will not be long; this day the noise of battle the next the victor’s song to him who overcometh a crown of life shall be; they with the king of glory shall reign eternally words: george duffield jr 1858 )
- (317) Standing On The Promises (standing on the promises standing on the promises of christ my king through eternal ages let his praises ring glory in the highest i will shout and sing standing on the promises of god chorus: standing standing standing on the promises of god my savior; standing standing i’m standing on the promises of god standing on the promises that cannot fail when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail by the living word of god i shall prevail standing on the promises of god standing on the promises i now can see perfect present cleansing in the blood for me; standing in the liberty where christ makes free standing on the promises of god standing on the promises of christ the lord bound to him eternally by love’s strong cord overcoming daily with the spirit’s sword standing on the promises of god standing on the promises i cannot fall list’ning every moment to the spirit’s call resting in my savior as my all in all standing on the promises of god russell k carter 1886 scripture: 2 peter 1:24; hebrews 10:23)
- (318) Stay And Wait (stay and wait who spoke the earth and sky to form who sets the sun and calls the dawn who breathed me out of dust to life with the will to trust or run and hide i will stay should the world by me fold lift up your name as the darkness falls i will wait and hold fast to your word heart on your heart and my eyes on yours who loved me through my rebel way who chose to carry all my shame who breaths in me with endless life the king of glory jesus christ i will stay should the world by me fold lift up your name as the darkness falls i will wait and hold fast to your word heart on your heart and my eyes on yours god of wonder and god of grace let my soul stand always to praise you fix my eyes on your perfect way and i'll never look back i will stay should the world by me fold lift up your name as the darkness falls i will wait and hold fast to your word heart on your heart and my eyes on yours who lifts the poor and heals the blind who trampled death for all mankind who stands for all with arms stretched wide my king forever jesus christ 2013 zion hillsong united singer writer joel houston)
- (319) Still - Be Still My Soul (still be still my soul hide me now under your wings cover me within your mighty hand when the oceans rise and thunders roar i will soar with you above the storm father you are king over the flood i will be still know you are god find rest my soul in christ alone know his power in quietness and trust when the oceans rise and thunders roar i will soar with you above the storm father you are king over the flood i will be still know you are god when the oceans rise and thunders roar i will soar with you above the storm father you are king over the flood i will be still know you are god find rest my soul in christ alone know his power in quietness and trust when the oceans rise and thunders roar i will soar with you above the storm father you are king over the flood i will be still know you are god when the oceans rise and thunders roar i will soar with you above the storm father you are king over the flood i will be still know you are god when the oceans rise and thunders roar i will soar with you above the storm father you are king over the flood i will be still know you are god don moen 2006 hiding place )
- (320) Strong Enough - Free Worship (strong enough free worship lord of heaven who came to save to you we sing this song of praise god our father we proclaim victory is in your name everything i am is yours all my crowns i lay before god our father we proclaim victory is in your name hallelu hallelujah hallelu you are strong enough hallelu hallelujah hallelu you are strong enough hallelu hallelujah hallelu you are strong enough hallelu hallelujah hallelu you are strong enough lord of heaven who came to save to you we sing this song of praise we proclaim god our father we proclaim victory is in your name everything i am is yours all my crowns i lay before god our father we proclaim victory is in your name we sing hallelu hallelujah hallelu you are strong enough hallelu hallelujah hallelu you are strong enough sing it out hallelu hallelujah hallelujah hallelu you are strong enough hallelu hallelujah hallelu you are strong enough your name is higher higher higher your power is stronger stronger stronger your plans are greater greater greater nobody compares to you your name is higher higher higher your power is stronger stronger stronger oh your plans are greater greater greater nobody compares to you your name higher higher higher your power is stronger stronger stronger oh your plans are greater greater greater nobody compares to you your name higher higher higher your power god stronger stronger stronger oh your plans are greater greater greater nobody compares to you nobody compares hallelujah! hallelu hallelujah god you are strong enough hallelu you are strong enough hallelu hallelujah hallelu you are strong enough hallelu hallelujah hallelujah hallelu you are strong enough that's who you are hallelu hallelujah hallelu you are strong enough you are strong oh! hallelu hallelujah hallelujah you are greater hallelu you are strong enough you're higher! hallelu you're mighty hallelujah you're stronger hallelu you are strong enough yes you are god hallelu you are strong enough hallelu you are strong enough from the album strong enough by free worship )
- (321) Sweep Over My Soul (sweep over my soul sweep over my soul sweet spirit sweep over my soul my rest is complete as i sit at his feet sweet spirit sweep over my soul )
- (322) Sweet Hour Of Prayer (sweet hour of prayer sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! that calls me from a world of care and bids me at my father’s throne make all my wants and wishes known in seasons of distress and grief my soul has often found relief and oft escaped the tempter’s snare by thy return sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! the joys i feel the bliss i share of those whose anxious spirits burn with strong desires for thy return! with such i hasten to the place where god my savior shows his face and gladly take my station there and wait for thee sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! thy wings shall my petition bear to him whose truth and faithfulness engage the waiting soul to bless and since he bids me seek his face believe his word and trust his grace i’ll cast on him my every care and wait for thee sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! may i thy consolation share till from mount pisgah’s lofty height i view my home and take my flight: this robe of flesh i’ll drop and rise to seize the everlasting prize; and shout while passing through the air "farewell farewell sweet hour of prayer!" words: william walford 1845 appeared in the new york observer september 13 1845 accompanied by the following written by thomas salmon: )
- (323) Thank God I'm Free (thank god i'm free i was walking down a deadend road carrying such a heavy load but you lifted me with a mighty hand and you taught feet just how to dance chorus: thank god i'm free hey i'm free to run again free to throw away these chains thank god i'm free i'm free to live again never holding back again thank god i'm free thank god i'm free thank god i'm free every sorrow you replace with joy i have every reason to rejoice you broke the walls that held me in now i can shout and i can sing chorus bridge: i just can't go back to where i've been living captive to the fear of men i will not give up i won't give in i'm holding nothing back i'm holding on to you thank god i'm free hey i'm free to run again free to throw away these chains thank god i'm free i'm free to live again never holding back again thank god i'm free i'm free to run again free to throw away these chains thank god i'm free hey i'm free to live again never holding back again thank god i'm free thank god i'm free thank god i'm free i'm free don moen 2008 i believe there is more )
- (324) Thank You Lord (thank you lord i come before you today and there's just one thing that i want to say thank you lord thank you lord for all you've given to me for all the blessings that i can not see thank you lord thank you lord with a grateful heart with a song of praise with an outstretched arm i will bless your name thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord thank you lord for all you've done in my life you took my darkness and gave me your light thank you lord thank you lord you took my sin and my shame you took my sickness and healed all my pain thank you lord thank you lord with a grateful heart with a song of praise with an outstretched arm i will bless your name thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord thank you lord oh thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord oh thank you lord i just want to thank you lord thank you lord oh we thank you oh we thank you lord lift your voice thank you lord all you've done in our live we just wanna say thank you lord oh thank you lord thank you lord yes we do oh we wanna say thank you lord yes thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord the grateful heart with a grateful heart with a song of praise with an outstretched arm i will bless your name oh thank you lord yes i just wanna thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord thank you lord yes we thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord yes we thank you oh we thank you by don moen songwriters: wilson bobby marcel kelley tim robinson bob)
- (325) The Battle Belongs To The Lord (the battle belongs to the lord in heavenly armor we'll enter the land the battle belongs to the lord no weapon that's fashioned against us will stand the battle belongs to the lord and we sing glory honor power and strength to the lord we sing glory honor power and strength to the lord when the power of darkness comes in like a flood the battle belongs to the lord he'll raise up a standard the power of his blood the battle belongs to the lord when your enemy presses in hard do not fear the battle belongs to the lord take courage my friend your redemption is near the battle belongs to the lord )
- (326) The Church's One Foundation (the church's one foundation the church’s one foundation is jesus christ her lord she is his new creation by water and the word from heaven he came and sought her to be his holy bride; with his own blood he bought her and for her life he died she is from every nation yet one o’er all the earth; her charter of salvation one lord one faith one birth; one holy name she blesses partakes one holy food and to one hope she presses with every grace endued the church shall never perish! her dear lord to defend to guide sustain and cherish is with her to the end: though there be those who hate her and false sons in her pale against or foe or traitor she ever shall prevail though with a scornful wonder men see her sore oppressed by schisms rent asunder by heresies distressed: yet saints their watch are keeping their cry goes up “how long?” and soon the night of weeping shall be the morn of song! ’mid toil and tribulation and tumult of her war she waits the consummation of peace forevermore; till with the vision glorious her longing eyes are blest and the great church victorious shall be the church at rest yet she on earth hath union with god the three in one and mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won with all her sons and daughters who by the master’s hand led through the deathly waters repose in eden land o happy ones and holy! lord give us grace that we like them the meek and lowly on high may dwell with thee: there past the border mountains where in sweet vales the bride with thee by living fountains forever shall abide! amen written in the 1860s by samuel john stone )
- (327) The First Noel The Angel Did Say (the first noel the first noel the angel did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; in fields where they lay tending their sheep on a cold winter’s night that was so deep refrain: noel noel noel noel born is the king of israel they looked up and saw a star shining in the east beyond them far; and to the earth it gave great light and so it continued both day and night and by the light of that same star three wise men came from country far; to seek for a king was their intent and to follow the star where’er it went this star drew nigh to the northwest over bethlehem it took its rest; and there it did both stop and stay right over the place where jesus lay then entered in those wise men three full reverently upon the knee and offered there in his presence their gold and myrrh and frankincense then let us all with one accord sing praises to our heav’nly lord that hath made heaven and earth of naught and with his blood mankind hath bought english melody 1833 )
- (328) The Greatest Day In History, Happy Day (the greatest day in history happy day the greatest day in history death is beaten you have rescued me sing it out jesus is alive the empty cross the empty grave life eternal you have won the day shout it out jesus is alive he's alive and oh happy day happy day you washed my sin away oh happy day happy day i'll never be the same forever i am changed when i stand in that place free at last meeting face to face i am yours jesus you are mine endless joy perfect peace earthly pain finally will cease celebrate jesus is alive he's alive and oh happy day happy day you washed my sin away oh happy day happy day i'll never be the same forever i am changed oh what a glorious day what a glorious way that you have saved me oh what a glorious day what a glorious name and oh happy day happy day you washed my sin away oh happy day happy day i'll never be the same forever i am changed what a glorious glorious day i'll never be the same tim hughes )
- (329) The Greatness Of You (the greatness of you i wanna sing of your love wanna sing of your mercy i wanna tell the whole world of the greatness of you so i'll sing of your love and i'll sing of your mercy and i'll tell the whole world of the greatness of you jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name i wanna sing of your love i wanna sing of your love i wanna sing of your mercy i wanna sing of your mercy i wanna tell the whole world i wanna tell the whole world of the greatness of you of the greatness of you so i'll sing of your love so i'll sing of your love and i'll sing of your mercy and i'll sing of your mercy and i'll tell the whole world and i'll tell the whole world of the greatness of you of the greatness of you jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name background: lord we lift you up lord we have come to lift you up give you praise and lift you up everything we lift you up your name is higher than the heavens greater than the nations jesus your name is higher than the heavens greater than the nations jesus your name is higher than the heavens greater than the nations jesus lift up your name jesus jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name jesus we lift up your name lift up your name jesus don moen 2008 i believe there is more )
- (330) The Heart Of Worship - Matt Redman (the heart of worship matt redman [verse 1] when the music fades all is stripped away and i simply come longing just to bring something that's of worth that will bless your heart [prechorus] i'll bring you more than a song for a song in itself is not what you have required you search much deeper within through the way things appear you're looking into my heart [chorus]: i'm coming back to the heart of worship and it's all about you it's all about you jesus i'm sorry lord for the thing i've made it when it's all about you it's all about you jesus [verse 2] king of endless worth no one could express how much you deserve though i'm weak and poor all i have is yours every single breath! [prechorus]… [chorus]… x 2 [outro] all about you i'll bring you more than a song i'll bring you more than a song more than a song i'll bring you more than a song i'll bring you more than a song you're looking into my heart looking into my heart you're looking into my heart into my heart i'll bring you more than a song i'll bring you more than a song yeeeah i'll bring you more than a song i'll bring you more than a song by matt redman )
- (331) The Hymn Of Ceylon (Rev W S Senior) (the hymn of ceylon jehovah thou hast promised the isles shall wait for thee the joyous isles of ocean the jewels of the sea lo! we this island’s watchmen would give and take no rest; for thus hast thou commanded till our dear land is blessed then bless her mighty father with blessings needed most in every verdant village by every palmy coast on every soaring mountain o’er every spreading plain may all her sons and daughters thy righteousness attain give peace within her borders twixt man and man goodwill the love all unsuspicious the love that works no ill in loyal lowly service let each from other learn the guardian and the guarded till christ himself return to him our land shall listen to him our peoples kneel; all rule be on his shoulder all wrong beneath his heel; o consummation glorious which now by faith we sing; come cast we up the highway that brings us back our king! reverend walter stanley senior w s senior 10 may 1876 – 23 february 1938 he was an english scholar poet and member of the church missionary society popularly known as the 'bard of lanka' his works are still widely read in the island nation he was also vice principal of trinity college kandy sri lanka rev senior married miss ethel may poole daughter of bishop poole – the first church of england bishop in japan – in 1907 he had two sons one of whom was a member of the african civil service and two daughters https:enwikipediaorgwikiw_s_senior some say tune and original misc was created by richard wagner of leipzig germany https:enwikipediaorgwikirichard_wagner [danno budunge] was written based on this tune )
- (332) The Lord Bless You And Keep You (the lord bless you and keep you the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace amen )
- (333) The Lord Reigns The Lord Reigns (the lord reigns the lord reigns the lord reigns the lord reigns let the earth rejoice let the earth rejoice let the earth rejoice let the people be glad that our god reigns a fire goes before him and burns up all his enemies the hills melt like wax at the presence of the lord at the presence of the lord the lord reigns the heavens declare his righteousness the people see his glory for you o lord are exalted over all the earth over all the earth the lord reigns our god reigns our god reigns our god reigns © 1980 bob fitts )
- (334) The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want (the lord's my shepherd i'll not want the lord's my shepherd i'll not want; he makes me lie in pastures green he leads me by the still still waters his goodness restores my soul chorus: and i will trust in you alone and i will trust in you alone for your endless mercy follows me your goodness will lead me home he guides my ways in righteousness and he anoints my head with oil and my cup it overflows with joy i feast on his pure delights and though i walk the darkest path i will not fear the evil one for you are with me and your rod and staff are the comfort i need to know psalm 23 stuart townend copyright © 1996 thankyou music )
- (335) The Nails In Your Hands (the nails in your hands the nails in your hands the nails in your feet they tell me how much you love me the thorns on your brow they tell me how you bore so much shame to love me and when the heavens pass away all your scars will still remain and forever they will say just how much you love me so i want to say forever my love forever my heart forever my life is yours forever my love forever my heart forever my life is yours it's yours words and music by richard cimino )
- (336) The Old Rugged Cross (the old rugged cross on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross the emblem of suff’ring and shame; and i love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain refrain: so i’ll cherish the old rugged cross till my trophies at last i lay down; i will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it some day for a crown oh that old rugged cross so despised by the world has a wondrous attraction for me; for the dear lamb of god left his glory above to bear it to dark calvary in that old rugged cross stained with blood so divine a wondrous beauty i see for ’twas on that old cross jesus suffered and died to pardon and sanctify me to the old rugged cross i will ever be true; its shame and reproach gladly bear; then he’ll call me some day to my home far away where his glory forever i’ll share written in 1912 by evangelist and song leader george bennard 18731958 )
- (337) The Potter's Hand (the potter's hand beautiful lord wonderful savior i know for sure all of my days are held in your hands crafted into your perfect plans you gently called me into your presence guiding me by your holy spirit teach me dear lord to live all of my life through your eyes i'm captured by your holy calling set me apart i know you're calling me to yourself teach me lord i pray take me mold me use me fill me i give my life to the potter's hand call me guide me lead me walk beside me i give my life to the potter's hand )
- (338) The Steadfast Love Of The Lord (the steadfast love of the lord the steadfast love of the lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning new every morning great is thy faithfulness o lord great is thy faithfulness the lord is my strength and my song and he has become my salvation the lord is my strength and my song and he has become my salvation © 19741975 celebration words and music by robert davidson)
- (339) The Virgin Mary Had A Baby Boy (the virgin mary had a baby boy the virgin mary had a baby boy the virgin mary had a baby boy the virgin mary had a baby boy and they say that his name was jesus he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom oh yes believer oh yes believer he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom the angels sang when the baby was born the angels sang when the baby was born the angels sang when the baby was born and they sang that his name was jesus he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom oh yes believer oh yes believer he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom the shepherds came where the baby was born the shepherds came where the baby was born the shepherds came where the baby was born and they say that his name was jesus he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom oh yes believer oh yes believer he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom the wise men saw when the baby born the wise men saw where the baby born the wise men went where the baby born and they said that his name was jesus he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom oh yes believer oh yes believer he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom they saw the star over bethlehem they saw the star over bethlehem the trailed that star over bethlehem to the crib of the child named jesus he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom oh yes believer oh yes believer he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom they found a manger in bethlehem they found a manger in bethlehem and in that manger in bethlehem they worshipped the child named jesus he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom oh yes believer oh yes believer he come from the glory he come from the glorious kingdom west indian carol; west indian traditional; taken down from the singing of the negro james bryce in 1942 when bryce was 92 years old cambridge hymnal 1967 )
- (340) The Voice That Breathed O Er Eden (the voice that breathed o'er eden the voice that breathed o'er eden that earliest wedding day the primal wedding blessing it hath not passed away still in the pure espousal of christian man and maid the triune god is with us the threefold grace is said for dower of blessed children for love and faith's sweet sake for high mysterious union which naught on earth may break be present loving father to give away this bride as thou gav'st eve to adam out of his own pierced side; be present son of mary to join their loving hands as thou didst bind two natures in thine eternal bands be present holiest spirit to bless them as they kneel as thou for christ the bridegroom the heavenly spouse dost seal oh spread thy pure wing o'er them let no ill power find place when onward to thine altar the hallowed path they trace to cast their crowns before thee in humble sacrifice till to the home of gladness with christ's own bride they rise words: john keble 1857 music: st alphege )
- (341) There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood (there is a fountain filled with blood there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from immanuel's veins; and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains: lose all their guilty stains lose all their guilty stains; and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains the dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day; and there may i though vile as he wash all my sins away: wash all my sins away wash all my sins away; and there may i though vile as he wash all my sins away dear dying lamb thy precious blood shall never lose its pow'r till all the ransomed church of god be saved to sin no more: be saved to sin no more be saved to sin no more; till all the ransomed church of god be saved to sin no more e'er since by faith i saw the stream thy flowing wounds supply redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till i die: and shall be till i die and shall be till i die; redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till i die when this poor lisping stamm'ring tongue lies silent in the grave then in a nobler sweeter song i'll sing thy pow'r to save: i'll sing thy pow'r to save i'll sing thy pow'r to save; then in a nobler sweeter song i'll sing thy pow'r to save text: william cowper 17311800 )
- (342) There Is A River, And It Flows (there is a river and it flows there is a river and it flows from deep within there is a fountain that frees the soul from sin come to this water; there is a vast supply there is a river that never shall run dry there was a thirsty woman she was drawing from a well you see her life was ruined and wasted and her soul was bound for hell oh but then she met the master and he told about her sin and he said 'if you drink this water you'll never thirst again' there is a river and it flows from deep within there is a fountain that frees the soul from sin come to this water; there is a vast supply there is a river that never shall run dry ~ variations ~ there is a river that flows from god above there is a fountain that's filled with his great love come to this water there is a vast supply there is a river that never shall run dry words and music by max and david sapp 1969 )
- (343) There Is None Like You (there is none like you there is none like you no one else can touch my heart like you do i could search for all eternity long and find there is none like you your mercy flows like a river wide and healing comes from your hand suffering children are safe in your arms there is none like you there is none like you no one else can touch my heart like you do i could search for all eternity long and find there is none like you i could search for all eternity long and find there is none like you written by lenny leblanc ©1991 integrity’s hosanna! music ascap )
- (344) There Is Power, Power (Blood Of The Lamb) (there is power power [chorus] x2chorus: there is power power a wonder working power in the blood of the lamb there is power power a wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamb would you be free from the burden of sin? there's power in the blood power in the blood; would you over evil a victory win? there's wonderful power in the blood chorus… would you be free from your passion and pride? there's power in the blood power in the blood; come for a cleansing to calvary's tide; there's wonderful power in the blood chorus… would you do service for jesus your king? there's power in the blood power in the blood; would you live daily his praises to sing? there's wonderful power in the blood lewis e jones 1899 )
- (345) There Is Power In The Blood (there is power in the blood would you be free from the burden of sin? there's power in the blood power in the blood; would you over evil a victory win? there's wonderful power in the blood chorus: there is power power wonder working power in the blood of the lamb; there is power power wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamb would you be free from your passion and pride? there's power in the blood power in the blood; come for a cleansing to calvary's tide; there's wonderful power in the blood would you be whiter much whiter than snow? there's power in the blood power in the blood; sin stains are lost in its life giving flow there's wonderful power in the blood would you do service for jesus your king? there's power in the blood power in the blood; would you live daily his praises to sing? there's wonderful power in the blood )
- (346) There Is Power In The Name Of Jesus (there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus we believe in his name we have called on the name of jesus; we are saved! we are saved! at his name the demons flee at his name captives are freed for there is no other name that is higher than jesus! there is power in the name of jesus like a sword in our hands we declare in the name of jesus we shall stand! we shall stand! at his name god's enemies shall be crushed beneath our feet for there is no other name that is higher than jesus! written by: noel richards copyright© 1989 thankyou music )
- (347) There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing (there shall be showers of blessing there shall be showers of blessing: this is the promise of love; there shall be seasons refreshing sent from the savior above refrain: showers of blessing showers of blessing we need: mercydrops round us are falling but for the showers we plead there shall be showers of blessing precious reviving again; over the hills and the valleys sound of abundance of rain refrain… there shall be showers of blessing; send them upon us o lord; grant to us now a refreshing come and now honor thy word refrain… there shall be showers of blessing: oh that today they might fall now as to god we’re confessing now as on jesus we call! refrain… there shall be showers of blessing if we but trust and obey; there shall be seasons refreshing if we let god have his way daniel w whittle 1883 scripture: ezekiel 34:26; psalm 115:12; genesis 32:26 )
- (348) There's A Place Where The Streets Shine (there's a place where the streets shine there's a place where the streets shine with the glory of the lamb there's a way we can go there we can live there be on time chorus: because of you because of you because of your love because of your blood no more pain no more sadness no more suffering no more tears no more sin no more sickness no injustice no more death because of you because of you because of your love because of your blood oh our sins are washed away and we can live forever now we have this hope because of you oh we'll see you face to face and we'll dance together in the city of our god because of you there'll be joy everlasting there'll be gladness there'll be peace there'll be wine ever flowing there's a wedding there's a feast because of you because of you because of your love because of your blood oh our sins are washed away and we can live forever now we have this hope because of you oh we'll see you face to face and we'll dance together in the city of our god because of you oh our sins are washed away and we can live forever now we have this hope because of you oh we'll see you face to face and we'll dance together in the city of our god because of you matt redman songwriters: paul derek oakley )
- (349) This Could Be The Day (this could be the day in these days so dark and faithless as the plan of god unfolds christian won't you help the helpless? won't you feed their hungry souls? brother sister time is short now serve in love live by faith for the things of earth are passing this could be the day this could be the day that the lord returns in glory this could be the day that he calls his children home so be faithful in service as you watch and pray for this oh this this could be the day in these days of aspiration when it's so hard to live right turn away from all temptation you might fight against the night brother sister time is short now serve in love live by faith for the things are passing this could be the day this could be the day that the lord returns in glory this could be the day that he calls his children home so be faithful in service as you watch and pray for this oh this this could be the day this could be the day we must give our lives for in the blink of an eye he will come he will come for his bride this could be the day that the lord returns in glory this could be the day that he calls his children home so be faithful in service as you watch and pray for this oh this this could be the day this could be the day kevin inafuku )
- (350) This Is How We Overcome (this is how we overcome your light broke through my night restored exceeding joy your grace fell like the rain and made this desert live chorus: you have turned my mourning into dancing you have turned my sorrow into joy your hand lifted me up i stand on higher ground your praise rose in my heart and made this valley sing chorus this is how we overcome this is how we overcome this is how we overcome this is how we overcome this is how we overcome this is how we overcome this is how we overcome this is how we overcome this is how we overcome this is how we overcome this is how we overcome this is how we overcome chorus by hillsong united album: by your side )
- (351) This Is My Desire To Honor You (this is my desire to honor you this is my desire to honor you lord with all my heart i worship you all i have within me i give you praise all that i adore is in you lord i give you my heart i give you my soul i live for you alone every breath that i take every moment i'm awake lord have your way in me originally by reuben morgan hillsong )
- (352) This Is The Day, We Will Rejoice (this is the day this is the day this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice we will rejoice and be glad in it and be glad in it this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it this is the day this is the day that the lord has made )
- (353) Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne (thou didst leave thy throne thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown when thou camest to earth for me; but in bethlehem’s home was there found no room for thy holy nativity chorus: o come to my heart lord jesus there is room in my heart for thee heaven’s arches rang when the angels sang proclaiming thy royal degree; but of lowly birth didst thou come to earth and in great humility chorus… the foxes found rest and the birds their nest in the shade of the forest tree; but thy couch was the sod o thou son of god in the deserts of galilee chorus… thou camest o lord with the living word that should set thy people free; but with mocking scorn and with crown of thorn they bore thee to calvary chorus… when the heavens shall ring and the angels sing at thy coming to victory let thy voice call me home saying "yet there is room there is room at my side for thee" my heart shall rejoice lord jesus when thou comest and callest for me words: emily e elliott 1864 this hymn was first used at st mark’s church brighton england where elliott’s father was rector in 1870 it was published in the church missionary juvenile instructor which elliott edited )
- (354) Thou Hast Turned My Mourning Into Dancing For Me (thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me thou hast put off my sack clothe thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me and guarded me with gladness to the end my glory may sing praise unto thee and not be silent oh lord my god i will give thanks unto thee forever )
- (355) Through All The Changing Scenes Of Life (through all the changing scenes of life through all the changing scenes of life in trouble and in joy the praises of my god shall still my heart and tongue employ of his deliverance i will boast till all that are distressed from my example courage take and soothe their griefs to rest o magnify the lord with me with me exalt his name; when in distress to him i called he to my rescue came their drooping hearts were soon refreshed who looked to him for aid; desired success in every face a cheerful air displayed "behold" they say "behold the man whom providence relieved; the man so dangerously beset so wondrously retrieved!" the hosts of god encamp around the dwellings of the just; deliverance he affords to all who on his succor trust o make but trial of his love; experience will decide how blest are they and only they who in his truth confide fear him ye saints and you will then have nothing else to fear; make you his service your delight; your wants shall be his care while hungry lions lack their prey the lord will food provide for such as put their trust in him and see their needs supplied words: a new version of the psalms of david by nahum tate & nicholas brady 1698 )
- (356) Through It All, You Are Forever (through it all you are forever in my life you see me through the seasons cover me with your hand and lead me in your righteousness and i look to you and i wait on you chorus: i'll sing to you lord a hymn of love for your faithfulness to me i'm carried in everlasting arms you'll never let me go through it all you are forever in my life you see me through the seasons cover me with your hand and lead me in your righteousness and i look to you and i wait on you i'll sing to you lord a hymn of love for your faithfulness to me hillsong united album: blessed 2002 )
- (357) Through It All I've Learned To Trust In Jesus (through it all i've learned to trust in jesus i've had many tears and sorrows i've had questions for tomorrow there've been times i didn't know right from wrong but in every situation god gave blessed consolation that my trials only come to make me strong i've been a lot of places and i've seen so many faces but there've been times i've felt so all alone but in that lonely hour in that precious lonely hour jesus let me know i was his own through it all through it all i've learned to trust in jesus i've learned to trust in god through it all through it all i've learned to depend upon his word so i thank god for the mountains and i thank him for the valleys i thank him for the storms he's brought me through cause if i never had a problem i wouldn't know that he could solve them i wouldn't know what faith in his word could do through it all through it all i've learned to trust in jesus i've learned to trust in god through it all through it all i've learned to depend upon his word yes i've learned to depend upon his word i've learned to depend upon his word selah "hiding place" 2004 )
- (358) Thy Loving Kindness Is Better Than Life (thy loving kindness is better than life thy loving kindness is better than life thy loving kindness is better than life my lips shall praise thee thus will i bless thee i will lift up my hands up unto thy name i lift my hands up unto thy name i lift my hands up unto thy name my lips shall praise thee thus will i bless thee i will lift up my hands unto thy name rememb'ring thee lord i'm satisfied rememb'ring thee lord i'm satisfied my lips shall praise thee thus will i bless thee i will lift up my hands unto thy name safe in thy shadow i will rejoice safe in thy shadow i will rejoice my lips shall praise thee thus will i bless thee i will lift up my hands unto thy name psalm 63:3 | praise! our songs and hymns hugh mitchell )
- (359) To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Hath Done (to god be the glory great things he hath done to god be the glory great things he hath done so loved he the world that he gave us his son who yielded his life an atonement for sin and opened the lifegate that all may go in chorus: praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear his voice; praise the lord praise the lord let the people rejoice; oh come to the father through jesus the son and give him the glory; great things he hath done oh perfect redemption the purchase of blood to every believer the promise of god; the vilest offender who truly believes that moment from jesus a pardon receives great things he hath taught us great things he hath done and great our rejoicing through jesus the son; but purer and higher and greater will be our wonder our transport when jesus we see lyrics: fanny jane crosby 18201915 music: william howard doane 18321915 )
- (360) To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Hath Done (Short) (to god be the glory great things he hath done to god be the glory great things he hath done so loved he the world that he gave us his son who yielded his life an atonement for sin and opened the lifegate that all may go in chorus: praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear his voice; praise the lord praise the lord let the people rejoice; oh come to the father through jesus the son and give him the glory; great things he hath done oh come to the father through jesus the son and give him the glory; great things he hath done lyrics: fanny jane crosby 18201915 music: william howard doane 18321915 )
- (361) To The Depths Of Me, Jesus (to the depths of me jesus verse 1 in your presence i quiet my soul and i hear your voice in my spirit i hear the sound of salvation's son chorus 1 jesus jesus verse 2 i will wait in your word oh lord there your spirit speaks bringing life to the weary soul to the depths of me chorus 2 jesus jesus jesus jesus bridge 1 i love you with all my heart i love you with all my soul lord i love you with all my strength with all that is within me bridge 2 i’ll sing ’cause you saved my soul gd i’ll sing of your love forever i’ll worship with all my heart with all that is within me words and music by brooke ligertwood & marty sampson 2014 hillsong music )
- (362) Two Hands, One Heart (two hands one heart what can i give what can i bring that would be pleasing to my king i'll give my heart not just a part i'm lifting up my everything well it's all i have to offer and it's all i have to give chorus: two hands one heart one life to offer you two hands one heart that's what i give to you use me today i know you can lord i surrender to you plan well you made this heart you made these hands take me and use me as i am well it's all i have to offer and it's all i have to give two hands one heart… little becomes a lot when it's in your hands take me and make me more like you well it may not seem like much but with the master's touch i know that i'll be more like you two hands one heart… x 2 that's what i give to you don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (363) Unbroken Praise - Matt Redman (unbroken praise matt redman [verse 1] praise unbroken praise unending be yours be yours forevermore praise untainted praise unfading be yours be yours forevermore be yours be yours forevermore [chorus 1] unbroken praise be yours god forever all my praise be yours god forever lord take this life let it become your throne unbroken praise be yours [verse 2] my surrender my devotion be yours be yours forevermore be yours be yours forevermore chorus… x 2 [bridge] so let my deeds outrun my words and let my life outweigh my songs let my deeds outrun my words and let my life outweigh my songs! [chorus 2] unbroken praise be yours god forever all my praise be yours god forever lord take this life let it become your throne unbroken praise be yours be yours unbroken praise be yours god forever all my praise be yours god forever lord take this life let it become your throne unbroken praise be yours unbroken praise be yours my unbroken praise be yours [outro] let my deeds outrun my words and let my life outweigh my songs unbroken praise be yours writers: jonas myrin matt redman )
- (364) Uncharted Territory (uncharted territory i find myself in uncharted territory never felt so lost never felt so lonely where are you lord i'm so afraid i can feel the fear inside me can't control the chaos all around me where are you lord how can i sing the lord's song in a foreign land? but how can i forget all you've done for me everything you've done lord just to set me free teach me how to pray teach me how to praise even in the darkness teach me how to sing your song how can i sing when my heart is broken when every prayer is just a token where are you lord sometimes our pain can tell a tragic story still i will praise you and give you glory where are you lord help me to sing the lord's song in this foreign land but how can i forget all you've done for me everything you've done lord just to set me free teach me how to pray teach me how to praise even in the darkness teach me how to sing your song your song gonna sing your song but how can i forget all you've done for me you have been so faithful meeting every need teach me how to pray teach me how to praise even in the darkness teach me how to sing your song your song gonna sing your song don moen 2011 uncharted territory )
- (365) Unfailing Love (unfailing love and everything you hold in your hand still you make time for me i can't understand praise you god of earth and sky how beautiful is your unfailing love unfailing love and you never change god you remain the holy one my unfailing love unfailing love you are my rock the one i hold on to you are my song and i sing for you and everything and you never change you are my rock i will praise you praise you god of earth and sky how beautiful is your unfailing love unfailing love and you never change god you remain the holy one my unfailing love unfailing love unfailing love unfailing love unfailing love unfailing love performed by chris tomlin )
- (366) Washed Away - Michael W. Smith (washed away michael w smith [verse 1] guilty i'm guilty it was all that i could say mercy your mercy crashed in like the waves [chorus:] and all my sin was washed away washed away you took them all there's not a trace i stand here free with every stain forever washed away [verse 2] spotless spotless whiter than the snow your blood your blood covers me i'm whole [chorus x 2] [bridge] oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow no other fount i know nothing but the blood of jesus oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow no other fount i know nothing but the blood of jesus oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow no other fount i know nothing but the blood of jesus [chorus x 2] [bridge] oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow no other fount i know nothing but the blood of jesus and oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow no other fount i know nothing but the blood of jesus [outro] nothing but the blood of jesus by michael w smith )
- (367) We Fall Down We Lay Our Crowns (we fall down we lay our crowns we fall down we lay our crowns at the feet of jesus the greatness of your mercy and love at the feet of jesus we cry holy holy holy we cry holy holy holy we cry holy holy holy is the lamb 2001 chris tomlin songwriters: kyle david matthews )
- (368) We Give You Glory We Give You Honor (we give you glory we give you honor we're here to bless your name gathered as your family to praise you and proclaim your faithfulness and mercy chorus: we give you glory we give you honor we give you everything we are lifting our hearts and hands before you we give you glory we give you honor we give you everything we are lifting our hearts and hands before you lord oh yes we do we're here to seek your face together in your presence to celebrate your grace to praise you for your mercies we give you glory… yes we do there is no other reason why we came than to glorify your name for you are worthy to be praise now we offer up our lives as a willing sacrifice holy acceptable to you we give you glory… don moen 1995 rivers of joy )
- (369) We Place You On The Highest Place (we place you on the highest place we place you on the highest place for you are the great high priest we place you high above all else all else and we come to you and worship at your feet and we come to you and worship at your feet 1983 words and music by ramon pink )
- (370) We Pray For Blessings (we pray for blessings we pray for blessings we pray for peace comfort for family protection while we sleep we pray for healing for prosperity we pray for your mighty hand to ease our suffering all the while you hear each spoken need yet love is way too much to give us lesser things 'cause what if your blessings come through raindrops what if your healing comes through tears what if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you're near what if trials of this life are your mercies in disguise we pray for wisdom your voice to hear we cry in anger when we cannot feel you near we doubt your goodness we doubt your love as if every promise from your word is not enough all the while you hear each desperate plea and long that we'd have faith to believe when friends betray us when darkness seems to win we know that pain reminds this heart that this is not our home what if my greatest disappointments or the aching of this life is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy what if trials of this life the rain the storms the hardest nights are your mercies in disguise by laura story )
- (371) We Three Kings Of Orient Are (we three kings of orient are we three kings of orient are bearing gifts we traverse afar field and fountain moor and mountain following yonder star o star of wonder star of night star with royal beauty bright westward leading still proceeding guide us to thy perfect light born a king on bethlehem's plain gold i bring to crown him again king forever ceasing never over us all to reign o star of wonder star of night star with royal beauty bright westward leading still proceeding guide us to thy perfect light frankincense to offer have i incense owns a deity nigh prayer and praising all men raising worship him god most high o star of wonder star of night star with royal beauty bright westward leading still proceeding guide us to thy perfect light myrrh is mine its bitter perfume breathes of life of gathering gloom sorrowing sighing bleeding dying sealed in the stonecold tomb o star of wonder star of night star with royal beauty bright westward leading still proceeding guide us to thy perfect light glorious now behold him arise king and god and sacrifice alleluia alleluia earth to heav'n replies o star of wonder star of night star with royal beauty bright westward leading still proceeding guide us to thy perfect light the famous american carol we three kings of orient are was written in 1857 by rev john henry hopkins the minister is reputed to have written the carol we three kings of orient are for the general theological seminary in new york city as part of their christmas pageant the lyrics of we three kings of orient are are extremely traditional which makes the latter day fashion of referring to the carol as we 3 kings of orient are quite bizarre! )
- (372) We Worship And Adore Thee (we worship and adore thee we worship and adore thee bowing down before thee songs of praises singing hallelujahs ringing hallelujah amen )
- (373) We Worship And Adore You (we worship and adore you we worship and adore you bowing down before you songs of praises singing hallelujahs ringing hallelujah amen )
- (374) Welcome Holy Spirit (welcome holy spirit verse 1: welcome holy spirit be here with your presence fill me with your power live inside of me repeat verse 1 x 2 verse 2: you're the living water never drying fountain comforter and counselor take complete control repeat verse 1 x 2 repeat verse2 verse 1 x 2 live inside of me x 3 mark condon )
- (375) What A Beautiful Name It Is (what a beautiful name it is you were the word at the beginning one with god the lord most high your hidden glory in creation now revealed in you our christ what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus you didn't want heaven without us so jesus you brought heaven down my sin was great your love was greater what could separate us now what a wonderful name it is what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a wonderful name it is nothing compares to this what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus death could not hold you the veil tore before you you silenced the boast of sin and grave the heavens are roaring the praise of your glory for you are raised to life again you have no rival you have no equal now and forever god you reign yours is the kingdom yours is the glory yours is the name above all names what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a powerful name it is nothing can stand against what a powerful name it is the name of jesus you have no rival you have no equal now and forever god you reign yours is the kingdom yours is the glory yours is the name above all names what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a powerful name it is nothing can stand against what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful name it is the name of jesus words and music by: ben fielding brooke ligertwood hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live scripture references: philippians 2:911 )
- (376) What A Friend We Have In Jesus (what a friend we have in jesus what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and griefs to bear! what a privilege to carry everything to god in prayer! o what peace we often forfeit o what needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything to god in prayer have we trials and temptations? is there trouble anywhere? we should never be discouraged; take it to the lord in prayer can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share? jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the lord in prayer are we weak and heavy laden cumbered with a load of care? precious savior still our refuge; take it to the lord in prayer do thy friends despise forsake thee? take it to the lord in prayer! in his arms he'll take and shield thee; thou will find a solace there blessed savior thou hast promised thou wilt all our burdens bear may we ever lord be bringing; all to thee in earnest prayer soon in glory bright unclouded there will be no need for prayer rapture praise and endless worship will be our sweet portion there text: joseph m scriven 18201886 music: charles c converse 18321918 tune: converse meter: 8787 d )
- (377) What Child Is This (what child is this what child is this who laid to rest on mary's lap is sleeping? whom angels greet with anthems sweet while shepherds watch are keeping? this this is christ the king whom shepherds guard and angels sing: haste haste to bring him laud the babe the son of mary why lies he in such mean estate where ox and ass are feeding? good christians fear for sinners here the silent word is pleading nails spears shall pierce him through the cross he bore for me for you hail hail the word made flesh the babe the son of mary so bring him incense gold and myrrh come peasant king to own him the king of kings salvation brings let loving hearts enthrone him raise raise a song on high the virgin sings her lullaby joy joy for christ is born the babe the son of mary this this is christ the king whom shepherds guard and angels sing: haste haste to bring him laud the babe the son of mary written by william chatterton dix in 1865 )
- (378) When I Look Into Your Holiness (when i look into your holiness when i look into your holiness when i gaze into your loveliness when all things that surround become shadows in the light of you in the light of you when i've found the joy of reaching your heart when my will becomes enthroned in your love when all things that surround become shadows in the light of you in the light of you i worship you oh lord i worship you oh lord the reason i live i live is to worship you i worship you oh lord i worship you oh lord the reason i live i live is to worship you © 1980 hosanna! music )
- (379) When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (when i survey the wondrous cross when i survey the wondrous cross on which the prince of glory died my richest gain i count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride forbid it lord that i should boast save in the death of christ my god! all the vain things that charm me most i sacrifice them to his blood see from his head his hands his feet sorrow and love flow mingled down! did e’er such love and sorrow meet or thorns compose so rich a crown? his dying crimson like a robe spreads o’er his body on the tree; then i am dead to all the globe and all the globe is dead to me were the whole realm of nature mine that were a present far too small; love so amazing so divine demands my soul my life my all to christ who won for sinners grace by bitter grief and anguish sore be praise from all the ransomed race forever and forevermore words: isaac watts hymns and spiritual songs 1707 charles wesley reportedly said he would give up all his other hymns to have written this one)
- (380) When I Think Of The Goodness Of Jesus (when i think of the goodness of jesus when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he has done for me my soul cries out hallelujah thank god for saving me in some versions the last verse is [praise god for saving me] )
- (381) When I Think Of The Goodness Of Jesus 2 (when i think of the goodness of jesus when i think of the goodness of jesus when i think what he has done for me my soul cries out hallelujah thank god for saving me in some versions the second verse is [and all he has done for me] in some versions the last verse is [praise god for saving me] )
- (382) Where Could I Go But To The Lord (where could i go but to the lord living below in this old sinful world hardly a comfort can afford striving alone to face temptations sore where could i go but to the lord? chorus: where could i go where could i go? seeking a refuge for my soul needing a friend to help me in the end where could i go but to the lord? neighbors are kind i love them everyone we get along in sweet accord but when my soul needs manna from above where could i go but to the lord? life here is grand with friends i love so dear comfort i get from god’s own word yet when i face the chilling hand of death where could i go but to the lord? songwriters: sherrill billysutton glenn )
- (383) While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (while shepherds watched their flocks while shepherds watched their flocks by night all seated on the ground the angel of the lord came down and glory shone around and glory shone around "fear not!" said he for mighty dread had seized their troubled mind “glad tidings of great joy i bring to you and all mankind to you and all mankind “to you in david’s town this day is born of david’s line a savior who is christ the lord and this shall be the sign and this shall be the sign "the heavenly babe you there shall find to human view displayed all meanly wrapped in swathing bands and in a manger laid and in a manger laid" thus spake the seraph and forthwith appeared a shining throng of angels praising god on high who thus addressed their song who thus addressed their song: "all glory be to god on high and to the earth be peace; good will henceforth from heav’n to men begin and never cease begin and never cease!" words: nahum tate 1700; first appeared in tate & brady’s psalter 1702)
- (384) Who You Say I Am (who you say i am [verse 1] who am i that the highest king would welcome me i was lost but he brought me in oh his love for me oh his love for me [chorus:] who the son sets free oh is free indeed i’m a child of god yes i am [verse 2] free at last he has ransomed me his grace runs deep while i was a slave to sin jesus died for me yes he died for me [chorus 2] who the son sets free oh is free indeed i’m a child of god yes i am in my father’s house there’s a place for me i’m a child of god yes i am [bridge] i am chosen not forsaken i am who you say i am you are for me not against me i am who you say i am hillsong words and music by ben fielding & reuben morgan )
- (385) Wind Is Blowing Again (wind is blowing again wind is blowing again just like the day of pentecost wind is blowing again fire is falling again holy fire is falling again just like the day of pentecost fire is falling again spirit is moving again holy spirit is moving again just like the day of pentecost spirit is moving again )
- (386) With A Thankful Heart (with a thankful heart with a thankful heart and a song of praise we've come to you gathered in this place for the things you've done and for who you are we worship you with a thankful heart chorus: so we lift up our praise and we lift up out sacrifice to you lord we offer our prayers and we offer our lives in gratitude for all you do we worship you with a thankful heart with a thankful heart we will give you praise you've been so good covered us with grace you have been our strength in a time so dark so we worship you with a thankful heart don moen 2006 hiding place )
- (387) With You, My Refuge, My Stronghold (with you i will sing about everything you are always i will tell the world everything you've done in me i stand on higher ground i was lost but now i'm here with you chorus: my refuge my stronghold always with you faithful one holding on i am always with you future of the world is within your hands of love love reaches me i am in awe of you i stand on higher ground i was lost but now i'm here with you always with you © by hillsong united )
- (388) Wonder - Hillsong (wonder hillsong [verse 1] have you ever seen the wonder in the glimmer of first sight as the eyes begin to open and the blindness meets the light if you have so say [chorus:] i see the world in light i see the world in wonder i see the world in life bursting in living colour i see the world your way and i’m walking in the light [verse 2] have you ever seen the wonder in the air of second life having come out of the waters with the old one left behind if you have so say [chorus x 1] [postchorus] i see the world in grace i see the world in gospel i see the world your way and i’m walking in the light i’m walking in the wonder you’re the wonder in the wild turning wilderness to wonder if you have so say i see the world in love i see the world in freedom i see the jesus way you’re the wonder in the wild [bridge] i see the world your way and i’m not afraid to follow i see the world your way and i’m not ashamed to say so i see the jesus way and i’m walking in the light hillsong words and music by joel houston & matt crocker )
- (389) Wonderful Wonderful Jesus Is To Me (wonderful wonderful jesus is to me wonderful jesus is to me counselor prince of peace mighty god is he saving me keeping me from all sin and shame wonderful is my redeemer praise his name )
- (390) Wonderful Words Of Life (wonderful words of life sing them over again to me wonderful words of life let me more of their beauty see wonderful words of life; words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty chorus: beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life christ the blessèd one gives to all wonderful words of life; sinner list to the loving call wonderful words of life; all so freely given wooing us to heaven chorus… sweetly echo the gospel call wonderful words of life; offer pardon and peace to all wonderful words of life; jesus only savior sanctify us forever chorus… words and music: philip p bliss 1874 )
- (391) Yesterday, Today, Forever, Jesus Is The Same (yesterday today forever jesus is the same oh how sweet the glorious message simple faith may claim: yesterday today forever jesus is the same; still he loves to save the sinful heal the sick and lame cheer the mourner still the tempest glory to his name! chorus: yesterday today forever jesus is the same all may change but jesus never glory to his name! glory to his name! glory to his name! all may change but jesus never glory to his name! he who was the friend of sinners seeks the lost one now: sinner come and at his footstool penitently bow; he who said “i’ll not condemn thee go and sin no more” speaks to thee that word of pardon as in days of yore oft on earth he healed the suff’rer by his mighty hand: still our sicknesses and sorrows go at his command; he who gave his healing virtue to a woman’s touch to the faith that claims his fullness still will give as much as he walked once to emmaus with them to abide so through all life’s way he walketh ever near our side; soon again we shall behold him hasten lord the day but ’twill still be this same jesus as he went away author: 1890 albert b simpson scripture: hebrews 13:8; matthew 28:20 )
- (392) You Are Alpha And Omega (you are alpha and omega you are alpha and omega we worship you our lord you are worthy to be praised we give you all the glory we worship you our lord you are worthy to be praised songwriters: erasmus mutanbira )
- (393) You Are Here, I Worship You, Way Maker (you are here i worship you way maker you are here moving in our midst i worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you i worship you you are here moving in our midst i worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you i worship you way maker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are way maker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are you are here touching every heart i worship you i worship you you are here healing every heart i worship you i worship you you are here turning lives around i worship you i worship you you are here mending every heart i worship you i worship you way maker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are way maker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are you wipe away all tears you mend the broken heart you’re the answer to it all jesus you wipe away all tears you mend the broken heart you’re the answer to it all to it all jesus way maker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are way maker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are you are here touching every life i worship you i worship you you are here meeting every need i worship you i worship you sinach way maker 2016 )
- (394) You Are Magnificent (you are magnificent who compares to you? who set the stars in their place? you who calmed the raging seas that came crashing over me who compares to you? you who bring the morning light the hope of all the earth is rest assured in your great love chorus: you are magnificent eternally wonderful glorious jesus no one ever will compare to you jesus where the evening fades you call forth songs of joy as the morning wakes we your children give you praise chorus… jesus no one ever will compare to you jesus no one ever will compare to you jesus hillsong united album: blessed 2002 )
- (395) You Are My All In All (You Are My Strength) (you are my all in all you are my strength you are my strength when i am weak you are the treasure that i seek you are my all in all seeking you as a precious jewel lord to give up i'd be a fool you are my all in all jesus lamb of god worthy is your name jesus lamb of god worthy is your name oh your name is worthy taking my sin my cross my shame rising again i bless your name i bless your name you are my all in all oh yes you are yes you are when i fall down you pick me up when i am dry you fill my cup you fill my cup you are my all in all my all lord hallelujah jesus lamb of god worthy is your name oh your name your precious name is worthy lord jesus lamb of god worthy is your name you're my everything the beginning and the end the first the last you are the great i am jesus lamb of god worthy is your name jesus lamb of god oh my jesus my precious jesus worthy is your name worthy is your name worthy is your name by dennis jernigan & natalie grant )
- (396) You Are My Hiding Place (hiding place you are my hiding place you always fill my heart with songs of deliverance whenever i am afraid i will trust in you i will trust in you let the weak say i am strong in the strength of the lord you are my hiding place you always fill my heart with songs of deliverance whenever i am afraid i will trust in you i will trust in you let the weak say i am strong in the strength of the lord you are my hiding place you always fill my heart with songs of deliverance whenever i am afraid i will trust in you i will trust in you let the weak say i am strong in the strength of the lord i will trust in you i will trust in you let the weak say i am strong in the strength of the lord words and music by michael ledner © 1981 cccm music administered by maranatha! music co: the copyright company nashville tn maranatha! music administered by the copyright company nashville tn all rights reserved used by permission international copyright secured )
- (397) You Are The King - All Come To Thee (you are the king all come to thee you are the king all come to thee worship oh! nations lift up thy name he is our lord almighty god worship oh! nations lift up thy name jesus we love you we glorify you we do proclaim you in sri lanka )
- (398) You Are The River (Flow, River, Flow) (you are the river flow river flow you are the river running thru my soul you are the river that makes this body whole you are the river my source and my supply you are the river that never will run dry chorus: flow river flow through me flow river flow to the sea flow river flow through me flow river flow to the sea you are the river from the mountain flows you are the river that to the ocean goes you are the river coming from god's throne you are the river that carries me back home lenny smith copyright 1998 new jerusalem music )
- (399) You Deserve The Glory (you deserve the glory you deserve the glory and the honor lord we lift our hands in worship as we lift your holy name for you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no one else like you hillsong united english terry macalmon © 1992 evalena hellmark )
- (400) You Have Won The Victor’s Crown (you have won the victor’s crown you have won the victor’s crown you have triumphed over sin and death your name is lifted high and reigns through all the earth every demon spirit of hell trembles when your mighty name is heard and we your church enforce your victory in the world oh the glory of your name the splendour of your name none can compare with the power of that name you are jesus you are lord you are god robert gay )
- (401) You Raise Me Up (you raise me up when i am down and oh my soul so weary; when troubles come and my heart burdened be; then i am still and wait here in the silence until you come and sit awhile with me chorus: you raise me up so i can stand on mountains; you raise me up to walk on stormy seas; i am strong when i am on your shoulders; you raise me up: to more than i can be you raise me up there is no life no life without its hunger; each restless heart beats so imperfectly; but when you come and i am filled with wonder sometimes i think i glimpse eternity you raise me up words and music by: brendon joseph graham rolf u loevland )
- (402) You Re The River Of Love (you're the river of love thirsty for more you more of your spirit and truth wash me from all my sin and fill me with your spirit again chorus: you're the river of love flowing with the grace and mercy flooding my soul filling my heart with peace o river of love like streams in the desert giver of life giving your life and love to set me free heal me and i'll be healed save me and i will be saved you've filled me with songs of praise forever i will sing of your grace you're the river of love… if anyone is thirsty let him come on in when you drink the living water you will never thirst again you're the river of love flowing with the grace and mercy flooding my soul filling my heart with peace o river of love like streams in the desert giver of life giving your life and love you're the river of love… giving your life and love to set me free giving your life and love to set me free don moen 2000 i will sing )
- (403) You Said Ask And You Will Receive (you said you said "ask and you will receive whatever you need" you said "pray and i'll hear from heaven and i'll heal your land" you said your glory will fill the earth like water the sea you said "lift up your eyes the harvest is here yes the kingdom is near" you said "ask and i'll give the nations to you" oh lord that's the cry of my heart distant shores and the islands will see your light as it rises on us you said your glory will fill the earth you said "ask and i'll give the nations to you" you said "ask and i'll give the nations to you" you said "ask and i'll give the nations to you" oh lord i ask for the nation oh lord i ask for the nation even though you were there lord oh lord i ask for the nation oh lord i ask for the nation songwriter: reuben morgan hillsong album: by your side 1999 )
- (404) You Shall Go Out With Joy (Trees Of The Fields) (you shall go out with joy trees of the fields you shall go out with joy and be let forth with peace and the mountains and the hills will break forth before you there'll be shouts of joy and all the trees of the fields will clap will clap their hands and all the trees of the fields will clap their hands the trees of the fields will clap their hands the trees of the fields will clap their hands while you go out with joy isaiah 55:12 1975 words and music by stuart dauermann & steffi geiser rubins )
- (405) You Will Be My Song (you will be my song you know my needs all that's unspoken you hold the pieces of all that's been broken even when a melody won't come even when my words are not enough you will be my song you will be my praise you will be my voice when i'm lost for words to say you will be my strength you will lift me up you will be my portion and my everlasting love you will be my song before i call i know you'll hear me when hope is gone still you are near me even when the answer is delayed even through the darkness i will say you will be my song you will be my praise you will be my voice when i'm lost for words to say you will be my strength you will lift me up you will be my portion and my everlasting love you will be my song oh oh oh oh even when i feel like i'm alone i know you'll never leave me on my own you will be my song you will be my praise you will be my voice when i'm lost for words to say you will be my strength you will lift me up you will be my portion and my everlasting love you will be my song you will be my praise you will be my voice when i'm lost for words to say you will be my strength you will lift me up you will be my portion and my everlasting love you will be my song don moen 2011 uncharted territory )
- (406) Your House - Michael W. Smith (your house michael w smith [instrumental] [verse 1] come out of the dark and in from the cold join the song of the earth born in the heavens see his glory like fire rising like smoke one voice calling out the king is among us [prechorus] he is good his love endures he is good and his love endures [chorus:] we come into your house we come into your house we come into your house with thanksgiving and praise we come into your house we come into your house we come into your house with thanksgiving and praise all for your name [verse 2] oh we have this hold firm and secure now we enter in alive in the promise [prechorus] he is good his love endures [chorus x 1] all for your name [bridge] for the lord he is good and his love endures forever for the lord he is good and his love endures forever for the lord he is good and his love endures forever for the lord he is good and his love endures forever [chorus x 1] [outro] all for your name it's all for your name by michael w smith)
- (407) Your Majesty, Your Grace Divine (your majesty your grace divine verse 1 great i am holy lord who angels bow to adore sovereign king hallowed trinity what is man to stand before? chorus: your majesty your grace divine the fullness my soul thirsts to find may all i am be lost in the depths of who you are that i may know life true o majesty verse 2 like moses still on that holy hill your radiance on his face o may i behold so rich a taste of your glory that awaits [chorus] your majesty your grace divine the fullness my soul thirsts to find may all i am be lost in the depths of who you are that i may know life true o majesty bridge so still my heart! still my heart fix my gaze! fix my gaze on your presence reigning in this place that all these lips could humbly dare to speak "there's more of you and less of me" outro majesty the fullness my soul thirsts to find may all i am be lost in the depths of who you are that i may know life true that i may know life true o majesty o majesty by laura story )
- (408) Your Presence Is Heaven To Me (your presence is heaven to me who is like you lord in all the earth? matchless love and beauty endless worth nothing in this world can satisfy 'cause jesus you're the cup that won't run dry your presence is heaven to me your presence is heaven to me treasure of my heart and of my soul in my weakness you are merciful redeemer of my past and present wrongs holder of my future days to come your presence is heaven to me your presence is heaven to me your presence is heaven to me your presence is heaven to me oh jesus oh jesus your presence is heaven to me oh jesus oh jesus your presence is heaven to me all my days on earth i will await the moment that i see you face to face 'cause nothing in this world can satisfy 'but jesus you're the cup that won't run dry nothing in this world can satisfy 'but jesus you're the cup that won't run dry jesus you're the cup that won't run dry your presence is heaven to me your presence is heaven to me your presence is heaven to me your presence is heaven to me oh jesus oh jesus your presence is heaven to me oh jesus oh jesus your presence is heaven to me written by: israel houghton; micah massey )
- (409) Your Steadfast Love, You Are My King (your steadfast love your steadfast love extends to the heavens your faithfulness reaches to the clouds your righteousness is like majestic mountains and your wisdom like the depths of the sea and you come to me filling my heat with your loving kindness i find my peace in the shadow of your wings i eat my fill from the abundance of your household and i drink from the streams of rejoicing you are my king you are my king you are my king you are my king don moen 1992 worship with don moen )
- (410) Your Unfailing Love (your unfailing love when the darkness fills my senses when my blindness keeps me from your touch jesus come when my burden keeps me doubting when my memories take the place of you jesus come and i'll follow you there to the place where we meet and i'll lay down my pride as you search me again your unfailing love your unfailing love your unfailing love over me again when the darkness fills my senses when my blindness keeps me from your touch jesus come when my burden keeps me doubting when my memories take the place of you jesus come and i'll follow you there to the place where we meet and i'll lay down my pride as you search me again your unfailing love your unfailing love your unfailing love over me again words & music by reuben morgan © 1998 reuben morganhillsong australia )
- (411) Your Word (your word before the earth knew its foundation you spoke the dust into creation until the end when all has withered then still your word will endure forever the lamp unto my feet the light unto my path your word will not be shaken your word will never fail me like a fire in my bones like a whisper to my soul your word is revelation deep calls to deep within your presence when i hear you speak my soul awakens your spirit leads my heart to worship as your word reveals the light of jesus words and music by: chris davenport hillsong worship 2016 album let there be light live )
Sinhala Hymn Lyrics